Obelisk Sergeant Report


Obelisk Sergeant Report

Looking at the team training he looked around and smirked yet again they were all making sure that they had the team pushing harder than he ever could. This was another day of hard training as he continued to work. It had been the seventh day that the team had been working hard and training to meet their full potential. As he walked around he knew that the problems would be massive if this team truly didn’t work the way they had been recently, watching them dancing around with their light sabers, he smirked they were building there focused and becoming stronger.

As the group continued to fight he forced them to move quickly and efficiently each mistake cost them in time training as well as making sure that it took them only one time to learn from their lessons. As he watched a smile crossed his lips knowing that he had done the right think he just admired his team working quickly and efficiently.

“Ok I think we can call it a day now, you have trained hard go and get some rest” he watched as they began to walk out of the room know that his team would be stronger than ever before.



Right, well there isn’t much for me really to say in the news, as you all know nothing is going on yet, but as I would like to remind all of you. Just keep an eye out on the news all the time on the main DB page, and of course keep looking at reports as they will inform you if anything really is going on. So just keep an eye on your email as well make sure that you are always looking around and seeing if anything pops up. Remember to try and do as much as you can and know what is going on at all times please guys.


Ok well once again, I haven’t got anything in the medal front, so I need you all to try harder, though I know that each competition does take time and I understand that. But please there are currently a lot of competitions out there and available, have a look around for some of them, I know most are ending now, so with this being said, I would like to see you all waiting to see the new competitions up and running in the future, keep checking your inbox for an update on this part.

Shadow Academy

Ok again I was disappointed not to see much coming from you this way. So please if you find the free time guys please continue to work hard and try and take and exam. So please guys try and take every single free moment and try and complete an exam. I know that they don’t take long believe me, and I will be looking to see how many of you have been able to complete an exam, remember that they do help all of you journeymen in the near future.

_ Antei Combat Centre _

I would like to say a massive thank you to everyone who has been trying to participate in the ACC, I know that Van is currently trying to qualify. So let’s give him a great good luck and the best on that, for the others of you who haven’t had the time please try and challenge me in the ACC when you can I am always free an available so keep that in mind and try and fight at least one battle in the near future, it is fun and challenging.

_ Promotions _

I would like to say that I know that promotions are harder for the older members to achieve, but it just takes time for you to get it. Working hard and you will achieve what you want to just keep that in mind in the future. As for you Journeymen, if you do need help with the lists you have seen please get to me and I will explain it to you , so keep that in mind and with hard work I should be looking forward to seeing you all moving forward soon just keep up the word.

_ Last Words _

Ok with that being said I would like to say a well done to everyone who has talked to me this week and started works for trials or just letting me know what is going on, I appreciate the heads up all the time, now with that being said this will close this week’s report off.

Thanks Guys

Cethgus Kuga

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