Dark Greetings,
Our second week has passed and we're still building up. The first promotion has been awarded to ACO Liram Winterhaart. Congratulations! Remember that your Quaestor is always happy to promote members, but he needs you to do the appropriate work to earn it. On another note, I've noticed some good email communication within Zurhidon, and new faces are becoming familiar on IRC. We might not always talk about serious matters, but all communication is a great way for members and summit to see who is around and what is going on. Finally, Raimi and I will imitate the Clan summit by alternating reports. Expect to hear from him next time, when he gets the honor of announcing the fictional background to be added to the House wiki.
House Competitions:
"Reinthaler's Base" -- We need a new fictional background concerning where the House is based. You have the opportunity to influence where we go and what we have at our disposal. However, you are limited to two planets: Yridia III or Yridia VI. Official competition URL: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competition.php?id=4891 -- Time is running out for this competition and I have not yet received a single entry. I'm hoping to see lots of last minute submissions, at the very least. BTLs... didn't you guys have some good ideas? I'm looking at you, Severon. This is a good opportunity for you and Black Phoenix, especially. However, Zurhidon can take some action and suggest their combat facilities and the like. The team facilities are also allowed to be discussed.
"House Trivia" -- There has been some discussion to attempt to have three trivia events per week (one for the Clan, one for each House). Trivia can be about any subject. If you have an idea, assemble roughly 20-25 questions based on a theme and let me know. Do not give me the questions, however, as I like to participate too! Trivia creation will be marked on the activity reports.
Have an idea for a quick, fun activity? Would you prefer something a little longer? All ideas are welcome -- just email the summit.
Battle Team Information:
There has been no change to the team rosters. All active members are expected to join a Battleteam, according to the clan summit. So far, the rosters are half-full. There are six open slots remaining for anyone wishing to join and show their activity levels. However, I must admit that all our active members seem accounted for at the moment.
Activity Tracking:
Liram Winterhaart -- Poetry submission, Clan competition: Legends of Kaerner and Reinthaler -- Prose submission, Clan competition: Tombs of Wisdom -- Promotion to ACO
Severon -- Working on old House wikis -- Poetry submission, Clan competition: Legends of Kaerner and Reinthaler -- ACC battle won (time-out, d'oh)
Syrna -- Wiki Basics passed
If you do not see your activity recorded, let me know ASAP. It is my duty to make sure you are rewarded for your efforts, but it is your duty to make sure your efforts are recognized. These weekly reports are a fail-safe for missed activity.
That's all for this week. Happy Easter!
-- KPN Saitou Tarentae (Krath)/QUA/House Reinthaler of Tarentum
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