Wow my whole report just got erased, Great way to start this 1.
Aed Report 5
*Lots of discussion on behind the scenes stuff has kept me busy much of the past few weeks in CNS. Fun stuff, but hopefully I can move past some off it onto some projects soon enough.
No seriously go do it. Nah but if you have been having trouble writing yourself in, I am about to submit a post that should b up by the time u guys read this in which will give a springboard into the run on with me. So if you havent gotten involved yet, now is a golden opportunity
*Devin Haruko promoted to ACO Congrats!!!
*Work has been slow on wikifying stuff as a lot of what I would be adding is up in the air, but I think I am going to switch focus on this topic in an effort to finally produce something meaningful and useful to the clan for all of my constant BS'ing, so look for that soon.
*My comp has gotten no subs =/ However not to fret, as theres a couple days left GO DO IT. Nah but even if we dont get the subs I will be launching a new comp by the weekend
*Lastly I wanna open a suggestion box officially. If you have any kind of input on how im doing, good or bad, id love to hear, i promise i wont hold it against you lol. If you have any ideas or anything that you think can help us or you enjoy your experience more here, please let me know.
Get more HLK'ers involved in the RO* Participate myself in the RO cuz its awesome* Do some wiki stuff on the backburner and show something for it* Launch a new comp by the weekend* Solicit some positive feedback from my members.* *** Get to the bottom of some of the discussions that have been ongoing****
HIT Me UP AND SAY Hello! Have a Good Week!!
Aed Raistlin Sadow HLK's Pimp
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