Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

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_...Restlessly looked the young Tetrarch up to the clock over the door that leads into the mess of the Battleteam. Only Krath Epis Bubbles Taldrya sat at his side. For the 4th time after his appointment as BTL Rian had asked the members to come back to Taruma from all parts of the Galaxy to be part of the official Battleteams meeting. But up till now nobody had joined except from them both. Due to important things that he had to handle by himself, Lokasena was excused. And also James Stargazer had recently left the Battleteam and the rest of the brotherhood for a timeout, but the rest of the Battleteam has simple said disappeared into nowhere. The Krath clearly recognized the despair that more and more dulled the mind of the Jedi Hunter. "These are hard times for us," nodding at Rian before she went over to the young Sith, "not only for the Battleteam or our house." Her reddish brown hair which she wore in a loos braid felt down over her shoulder as she bowed down to Rian. Her beguiling beauty and the smell of her perfume along with her encouraging words slightly lighted his morosely mood. "You're right these were hard times, but I won't give up to them." Focusing him Bubbles Taldrya could see a new fire in his eyes flaring up although his eyes had been replaced by Photoreceptors long time ago. _


Greetings Phoenix,

Welcome to my 4th Report. There is not much to say about the activity within the Battleteam for the last time. I still have only a few proofs of live. And nearly 2 weeks ago JH James Stargazer has left us and turned to the rogues due to real life issues. So it seems that there are only 3 left of us. Bubbles I am proud of your lonely activity, you probably are one of the person who knew best how much it can make a leader suffering about the non-activity of his/her unit. Lokasena is the other person excepting me who has shown a sign of still being with us but due to his great loss he is excused for as long as he wants. For all others I am very unhappy that you still haven't shot me a quick mail what's up with you :(. Well I can't force you (also this is something I did not want you to) to show activity, but what I can do is ask Sid or Anubis to remove you from the Battleteam, although I would hate to do so.

In my last Report I asked you to vote for a new logo for the Phoenix-Wiki-Site. With only one vote this is will be our new logo. This and some new goodies will be shown on the Site as soon as I finish them. So wait for my update.

Member Activity

Within the last 14 days there were no specific members who have shown much activity.

General News

Vorion has submitted a PCON Report last week, and probably you have yet read it but if not, here is the specific link: PCON-Report

There is also a Combat Master Report out in which Erinyes provides some interesting spoilers about upcoming things, so read it here.


This time I make it short there are currently only 2 Competitions out, but this Competitions can give you up to 2nd Level crescents. See it here.


Due to the fact that Real Life still caught me up very much, the best way to reach me is to shot me a direct e-mail or consult Sid with any problem you might have. Otherwise i will try to be online as much as possible

Until then

JH RianAslar (Sith)/TET/Ektrosis of Taldryan [ACC: CL:1]

Dossier: #10701

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