Dinaari Aedile Report Arkin Netall #1
Well everyone, I have to start out my first report with a bit of an apology. This report would have been out sooner but a storm hit my neck of the United States yesterday and I have only gotten power back a couple of hours ago. So onto other business,
As I mentioned in my brief intro letter, I am Arkin Netall and etc etc etc. If you feel the need to contact me with any questions or comments, my email is [Log in to view e-mail addresses]. With my blackberry I will usually get a comment out to you as soon as I receive it. If your email takes more than just a simple reply, I will respond within 12 hours, 24 at the latest. If you require a more immediate response you can locate me via AIM - Boomstick231985, yahoo - mysticwolf23, msn - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]. I am usually online on all three at the same time I am on mIRC which I am simply known as `Arkin.
I know this report isnât as neat as I would like it or you are used to but I promise the next one will be neater.
House News:
There are two competitions going that both end tomorrow night. The first is a fun word find
Competition details: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competition.php?id=4924
Puzzle: http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t303/AngryPenguin21/darklords2.jpg
The second is a Star Wars planet scramble. This one is a little tougher but all you have to do is unscramble the words and the figure out the bottom wordâ¦see fun stuff right there
Competition details: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competition.php?id=4925
Puzzle: http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t303/AngryPenguin21/locationscramble.jpg
4th level crescents for these competitions so 6 medals up for grabs here.
Seal of Loyalty: DJM Halcyon Taldrya. Awarded for outstanding loyalty and service to the Brotherhood during it's sixth year of Independence
Anteian Cross: Howlader. For a bunch of stuff he did over the years
Steel Cross: Shadow Taldrya. For his outstanding work in both the GJW and the RoS. Also for a bunch of stuff he did in the past too. I know I don't give these awards the true credit they were truly award for but I guess again it's because I am rushing this report. One thing I will say though is thank you. For all of your hard work, all of you that helped made Taldryan and Dinaari great.
DB Site: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/
Taldryan Website: http://www.taldryan.org/
Dinaari Roster: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/roll.php?id=25
Other thoughts:
Well that is all from my first report. I hope it was okay and all and you enjoyed it as much as I did. One thing I wanted to add is that I want to know what kind of competitions you would all like to see in the future? I would be more than happy to listen and take your suggestions so feel free to speak up and let me know. Well folks that is all for me this time. See you in two weeks for the next installment
Arkin AED at large
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