Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

_ISD Eye of the Abyss, 32 ABY

Ruluk was preparing for a simple yet enjoyable... game. It was time to let some of his leisure take him, as he had had some hard days since his establishment as battleteam leader. His first mission had already happened, and it was practically a failure up until the end, where some tactics gave the victory to Shadow Gate, and also gave them some more money. Yeah, in the end the trouble had its revenues, but being about to fail for the first time, when being a leader for the first time as well, is something that can't be taken lightly. Failure had not happened yet... but it would, sooner or later.

While letting his thoughts take him, time passed rather quickly, and he found himself having to go and work again, without any rest like he had planned.

"All Battleteam Leaders report to the briefing room. Now." It's great. Now not only he couldn't get some time for himself, but he had to show "Now" in the Briefing room. "Now" means something is wrong, it is obvious. After a sigh, Ruluk gathered some of his stuff, got on his boots, and exited his room._

Alright, welcome to my second report, for Shadow Gate. I must say that this week had no participation for Shadow Gate. However, for one side, no competitions have finished and graded, so I don't actually know if participation was really none.

Now, that doesn't disappoint me. That only makes me go and insist a little bit more on why you can return without losing your time. We can make your time here much more valuable than ever, but only you can make it start. Wanna enjoy this place? It's up to you.


Two great merit medals were awarded in commemoration of the anniversary of the Exodus Day, that day when the brotherhood became a separate organization, independent from the Emperor's Hammer, where we were born. The first great medal is the Silver Sash. It is given once every year or so, only to the most promising member of the whole year. It is the second hardest award to get, and this time it was awarded to Darth Sarin. Being a GM before, he returned to active duty (and active means ACTIVE) and became Deputy Grand Master. Such actions cannot be left aside. A reward was necessary.

The second great medal is something that is delivered every half a year or so, but to several members. It is given to those members who have shown exceptional activity in that half-year. Of our interest, we can find Celahir and Sang there, but I was impressed to see someone else there: our previous BTL, Driftan Housan. He has definitely done a lot in a very low time, and he deserves what he just received. Now, it's up to him to determine if he will keep going that way and become someone to be remembered, or eventually stop and be forgotten. Let's hope he stays with us, of course.

Want to get into law? The Justicar is taking RHoJ applications, so if you meet the requirements and want to try, go ahead!

The ACC Journeymen Ladder went to its 2nd round and the Equite Ladder already started too. If you didn't participate, at least try to check how the others from our clan are doing; give them all your support.


Dash is on temporary LoA, due to unexpected... issues. Let's hope that he gest well soon. I happen to be on a similar (yet much less painful) state right now.

Galeres is still running its War of Domination.

We have returned from the RoS, in defeat, but to cheer us up our Abyssal Tome has been stolen... More info in the Run-on!

My competition is running, for all HQD, but I want YOU to win. Can you be worthy? More info can be found here. Remember, you got until wednesday.

Of course, don't forget about the Run-on. It has started already, Wally already made his second post (Dash was gonna do it originally). While you prepare your post, you can start reading the introduction. It is a little long, but it's interesting and it gives you a clear context of what's going on. You must participate in this run-on! Gunna be sweet!

You may want to give Jeric a gift as well, because it's his birthday (Tomorrow). And, as he said, "Draw, Design, create, or take a picture of the present you would give to me for my birthday. Is it new armor? Maybe a sword? 20 beautiful Twi'leks? A bottle of Spice Corellian Rum? So what will it be?"

Nothing for now. But then, we should wait for some comps to finish first, eh? =P

Nothing for now.


Nothing for now.


None for now.

Don't stop activity. I think that, ironically, now that many members are absent, it's an incredibly good time to participate in competitions, as you will place in most of them, even with simple works (though not mediocre ones; we wouldn't count your participation that way). So... start participating in everything!

Ruluk Okoth (Sith)/Qel-Droma of Arcona The Proud Battleteam Leader of Shadow Gate ID 7606

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