Greetings Phoenix,
This report is pretty short but I hope I manage to cover everything.
The House base competition is over, please congratulate Sato on his first place finish and Liram for second place. They both worked very hard on their submissions and it is my hope that you all will see their hard work pay off really soon.
As of right now, we still don't have a base X( While it is my hope that this will be resolved soon, we shall have to make do for now and begin normal battleteam functions beginning with our first Battleteam competition!
The information is here, please participate:
There will be more to come but please participate in this one if you can.
Since my last report, we've had two new members join into BP. Please welcome:
Yurei Indoril "Knight" Do'Urdan
Welcome to Black Phoenix guys!
That's it for me. Please participate in that competition!
Servant in Darkness,
DJK Severon Vercingetorix Sith Commander of BT Black Phoenix Former Gladius Aedile and True Gladian Former Apprentice to Vai Azexel
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