<font size="4"> A icy chill kept over Kaira as she stood out side her Proconsul office. Viv had sent for her to meet with him, yet she had no idea what was going on. There was change in the wind that whipped past her down the long hallway. Part of her wondered where the wind came from, but right now was not the time to go looking for unseen things. Before she could even press her finger to the buzzer to enter the room she heard Vivs voice. “Come in Archpriest Rohana.â€
The formal tone to his voice made her shiver. What had she done for him to be come so formal with her? The door opened at once and Kaira walked though it with an air of confidence about her. She knew she had done nothing wrong there for this could not be a reprimand conference.
“You wished to see me Sir?†Her voice very much in control as she spoke.
“Yes, Alaris and I both feel it is time to give you more of a role around the clan. From now on you are Clan Rollmaster. Koga Kage has been promoted to Aedile of house Exar Kun. Congratulations on your new postion Rollmaster.â€
He enunciated with a sly smile. It was as if this was a plan that her leadership had been working on for some time. With this new appointment, it would mean more time with Koga that made her smile.
“Thank you sir I will not let my Clan down.†With those words, Kaira turned to leave knowing that there was nothing more for her to do – work would be gain right away.</font>
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<font color="#488AC7"><font size="4">Well that is right I am the new Clan Rollmaster. For those of you who are not familiar with me, my name is Kaira Rohana and I am here to serve all you new and up coming people with in the clan. So, if you are a Journymen and are in need of help go a head and fill my inbox with your questions.
First off, I would like to say to house Exar Kun that I might not know you all as well as I know the people in Satal Keto but I want to assure you we shall become acquainted over the next few weeks. Do not worry you all will get sick of me asking you what you have done soon enough.
So, we move on to other news and there is a lot of it. With the stepping down of Quejo as leader of HEK we needed a new Quaestor there. Well that job has done to Cassie who will do a great job. Also, we had some other changes with Octavia moving over to HSK to be Aedile under Kal and Koga has stepped up to be Aedial for HEK. Wow, that is a lot of changes.
There is also a new battle team leader in HEK Starrett. If you wish to be on a battle team in your house talk to Starrett for HEK and for HSK talk to Mograine. Being on a battle team can be hard work but also very rewarding for new members for it can help you level up faster.
I would like to remind people that your house has an IRC room for HSK it is #satalketo and for HEK it is #exar . Come and join us in talking with our houses. I am sure you all will enjoy the time you spend with each other in your houses.
If you are in HSK and are looking for a way to help the house see Kal for projects that are requiring assistance. Also, graphics people are needed. There are also Fiction projects that Kal would like help with.
If you have ideas for the clan feel free to email your leadership of your house or myself and we can work on the ideas getting to the right people. </font>
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DB Contests <font color="#FF0000"><font size="4">Praetor's Presents<font></font></font></font>
Clan Contests My gaming Contest info below but come on every one lets start gaming. <font color="#FF0000"><font size="4">Gaming Gaming and more Gaming<font></font></font></font>
<font color="#FF0000"><font size="4">Plagueis Poetry: Perspectives of Plagueis<font></font></font></font>
HSK House contests There are no contests at this time look for some to come soon.
Battle Team Keto's Vengeance has a run on starting up look to your leaders email for more info.
HEK House contests <font color="#FF0000"><font size="4">[HEK] One change for another<font></font></font></font>
Battle team Kun Academy <font color="#FF0000"><font size="4">Battle team Kun Academy Motto<font></font></font></font>
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<font color="#488AC7"><font size="4"> There is an ACC Journeymen Ladder and Equites Ladder contests going on right now. We have a few members of our clan in these contest so hurry over to read what our members are doing in there matches.
Good luck to all those how have entered into these ladder contests. Go Plaguies!</font>
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<font color="#2554C7"><font size="4">Necal: Quartz Star and 2 CoF</font> <font color="#800517"><font size="4">Vexer: Topaz Star</font> <font color="#2554C7"><font size="4">Du’moth: Emerald Star</font>
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<font color="#488AC7"><font size="4">There were no tests taken this week. So lets get busy and try to take some next week I know there are a lot of you that need to take some to get your next rank!</font>
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<font color="#488AC7"><font size="4">Promotions: Necal went from a Guardian to a Jedi Hunter. Congrats and keep up the hard work Necal. New members: We have no new members this last week. Leaving Members: We had no members leave us last week.</font>
<font color="#488AC7"><font size="4"> With the rule of two coming out soon there isn’t a long list below. I will up date this as soon as I can. Also if you are in Exar Kun and have or want a master please talk to me on irc or Email me.
Here is the list of Master Student pairings I have at this time: Kaira- Zeon Blacktooth (LoA) Kodais and Eridanis Kal and Necal Cassie and Evix
As always, I would like to hear from the masters and students. If you are doing well in your trials it would be nice to hear from you; equally, if you are struggling do not hesitate to send me an email, or catch me on IRC. Please keep me updated so we can get you promoted. If you find that your master and student pairing is not working out I would also like to be informed so that we might find you a new master or a new student. If you are wishing to be a master or need a master please email me so that I can help you. Would like to remind you all that if you are a master or a student to keep me informed of progress so I can help you level faster. </font>
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<font color="#488AC7"><font size="4"> I am sure you have seen my header by now. I have not changed it yet to say Clan Rollmaster. That is because I am wondering if I shouldn’t ask my fellow clan mates if they wouldn’t want to make me a new header for my reports? I could make a contest but I would rather leave it up to you. I still might make a contest but right now I have the gaming contest going on and I think that is enough to deal with.
Well with my first few days as Clan Rollmaster behind me I know there is still a lot of work to do. If you have ideas or questions as always drop me an email or grab me on IRC. My door so to speck is always open.
This past week has been tough one. As most of you know, I help a non-profit group by fostering dogs and cats until they can find a home. Well our first mommy cat with babies is getting better. They are not as sick any more and even the little runt who had to be taken out of my house to some one who could give him more care is fighting back from the edge of death. Little Irish is a black cat and is using up his 9 lives just to leave right now. If you could all keep that little kitten in your prayers or whatever you do that would be great.
Over the last few weeks My mother had to put her cat down. Two friends lost there dogs. Then the group we are with lost a dog and 3 kittens. It has not be a great time so this little kitten is bring is all a bit of hope that with a lot of TLC we might be able to keep him alive.
Remember to fight on and keep our clan moving up. Life is hard but with friends we can all get though it. </font>
<font color="#571B7e"><font size="4">#10057 KAP Kaira Rohana(Krath)/Satal Keto of Plagueis [ACC: CL:1] SB / GC-PoDP / SC / AC / DC-CP / SN-BL / Cr-1D-1R-9A-20S-29E-13T-9Q / PoB / CF-SF / SI-BL / SoL / LS / S:-21U
{SA: DMW - DMP - DMGH - DSWP} Prodigy of Plagueis Clan Rollmaster </font></font></font></p></font></font></p></font></p></font></font></font></p></font></p></p></font></p>
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