Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

_Ruluk's Chambers, ISD Eye of the Abyss, 33 ABY

Ruluk kept staring at his old datapad. It was probably the only thing that he carried with himself that could have parts of his past. Ruluk repeated a few words from it again and again, trying to have them printed into his own mind. Once he felt ready to move on, he turned the datapad off, but not before noticing one ToDo message that probably was left there for more than 8 years._

Who would have imagined? Thought the Sith Commander. I still have one unfinished business. Ruluk had believed that after he went away from the Brotherhood, for more than three years, to finish his pending bounties, he could completely retire from his past life and dedicate to the Dark Jedi Brotherhood completely. Now, for his surprise, he had something to do yet. Even worse, it was important. Even more interesting, it was in the planet that was his homeworld and where he was planning to go to find mercenaries. Time to face my past again...

_After looking for some information, he turned the datapad off and prepared for his upcoming showdown. It was time to meet at the hangar.

Let's see who's going with me._

Welcome to my new report for my beloved battleteam, Shadow Gate. I want to tell you today that I've been very busy, lots of projects are going on in my real life. Six, to be precise, and six HUGE projects, to be even more precise. I am still with you, regardless. IF I DO IT, YOU CAN DO IT. I don't spend 5 hours doing stuff for this place. I barely spend minutes. If some chatting shows up on mIRC, I speak to the people there a little bit. I prepare some stuff for any competition around. I do the work that every leader has to do, routines, you know. Even then, I'm not losing my ground in real life. I bet you can do much more than me. Show me that you are better than me, I dare you. Merit medals will surely come if you are active here, even if 15-30 minutes dedicated to some competition/chatter/etc., and without making real life a mess. I love it.

Another thing I want to insist on, very related to the paragraph above, is that you MUST post in the Run-on. It has become very exciting, and you are still good to post. Just check out my last post (I posted today) and if you want more information, check out some of the posts above, or ask me. I can tell you where to start, and you'll be good to go and show your skills.

  • DB News

  • Taldryan, Naga Sadow and Tarentum consuls released reports around the last two weeks.

  • The Voice was announced. Be sure to congratulate Halcyon Taldrya.

  • The new Right Hand of Justice was announced. Be sure to congratulate Angelo Dante.

  • The Fist still open for applications. Do you like Gaming? Why not apply?

  • Clan and house/BT news

  • The War of Domination is over. The overall winner was Inarya, followed by Zandro and JScumm in Second place and Lucy in third place.

  • Sang and Cethgus have swapped places, and now Ceth is the Quaestor and Sang is the Aedile of House Galeres.

  • Go and post in the Run-on! The plot is getting crazy. Remember that it will give you medals if you show your skills. Come on, give it a try, I know I have good writers in my battleteam. =) Want an example? Obelisk Templar Jaysun Adumarii already posted as well.

  • All other competitions are over. Now, it's time to wait for the results. Oh, and I hope that you got first place in all of them. winks

Let's wait for the competitions to be graded first, shall we?



None as far as I know.


Please welcome our newest member, APP Barrian, to our Battleteam! Dude, you arrived to the best Battleteam ever, and I'm not kidding!

You are more than capable of getting known in this Battleteam. There are a lot of opportunities here. If you don't like the competitions that are running from time to time, tell me. I am more than willing to listen and to make something to fix it. You can create you own competitions as well. Just tell me!

JH Ruluk Okoth (Sith)/Qel-Droma of Arcona The Proud Battleteam Leader of Shadow Gate ID 7606

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