Hello, Reckoners and friends! This is a special report!
We iz famous :D (go read the CON report!)
For those of you who haven't read Ronovi's latest CON report, go read it, 'cause the Reckoners are featured in the fiction in her report! The report is top on the DB news on the main site right now, or here's a direct link: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/post.php?id=5792
We live in a casino (info on our awesome headquarters)
Dralin and I have been working on getting information about Reckoner headquarters up on the DB wiki. Our headquarters is a hidden underground level of The Mirage, a casino and luxury hotel in Eden City. Information is up in the Headquarters section of the Reckoners wiki (click here or go to http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/wiki/index.php?title=Reckoners#Headquarters) and our headquarters also has its very own wiki page here (or go to http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/wiki/index.php?title=The_Mirage). More stuff will be up soon, including a rough floor plan of our headquarters. Go check it out!
Competitions (win shinys!)
There are now TWO really exciting Reckoner competitions up! Here's the low-down:
The Reckoners competition Eliminate the Target end date has been extended to May 6. Unfortunately the date on the actual competition page can't be edited, but know that it's been extended. Full competition info: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competition.php?id=4967
New competition!! [Reckoners] What's Your Specialty? - Running now until May 11 (next Tuesday) Full info: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competition.php?id=4977
Specifics: Reckoners are encouraged to specialize in a number of...skills useful to the team, to the House, and to Clan Tarentum.
Think about your character. What deviate art would s/he specialize in? Torture? Assassination? Counterintelligence? Something else?
In a word processor, write about which art your character specializes in. Why did you choose this specialty? When, where, and from whom are you getting training in it? How is your skill useful to the Reckoners, to House Kaerner, to Clan Tarentum?
Be realistic in your choice - no godmodding. And be creative - the more sinister your choice, the better. Use the DB wiki, Wookieepedia, and your own character history as a reference. Feel free to use this as an opportunity to enrich your own character's fiction/history.
Your completed entry will be at least half a page in any word processor. Email entries to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] with with the phrase "What's Your Specialty? competition" in the subject line.
Awards: 5th level crescents to the top three entries and possible inclusion in the Reckoners wiki page to exceptional entries.
It's an exciting time to be a Reckoner! Go take advantage of the awesome comps going on right now :D And if you're not a Reckoner, and you wanna be one ('cause why wouldn't you?) then just email me and I can get you the hookups ;) We've got two spaces open right now, so if you want to join then let me know asap!
My email box is always open, whether you want to talk about the team or just shoot the breeze. So hit me up! :D
End transmission!
In Darkness,
JH Teia Coran (Obelisk)/SGT/Kaerner of Tarentum AC / Cr-2S / S:-1B
Commander of the Reckoners "Nobody escapes their day of Reckoning."
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