Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

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** News **

*There is a new Quaestor report out that you should all go read if you have not already.

*I am still working on the plan to update the Night Hawks Wiki and reintroduce the fictional internal ranking/awards/possessions systems that is not too different from the Disciples of Ragnos system. Some of you have volunteered to help so look for an email from me hopefully today or tomorrow about more on this project.

*There is also an AWOL check for the battleteams. If you have not already responded to the mail, do so... or else! Lol :P

** Competitions **

Defying the Laws of Tetris <- Ends May 3rd <a href&#195;&#131;&#194;&#162;&#195;&#162;&#226;&#128;&#154;&#194;&#172;&#195;&#130;&#194;&#157;;&#131;&#194;&#162;&#195;&#162;&#226;&#128;&#154;&#194;&#172;&#195;&#130;&#194;&#157;>Kanos Weekly Flash Game 3 <- Ends May 5th - This completion has extended and opened up to the Night Hawks to participate in. The Bounty <-Ends May 8th A DB Mothers Day <- Begins May 9th - Ends May 23rd [Voice] Dark Jedi Swap <- Ends May 31st [Voice] RoS: The Aftermath <-Ends May 31st [Voice] The Journey <-Ends May 31st Operation: Doom Train <-Ends May 31st SAdow Training <-Ends on the last day of each month until June 30th

** Activity, Awards, and Promotions**

There was quite a bit more activity this week than last week. As always, it could be improved. There are several competitions out there for you to participate in as well as lots of other activities.

_Ylith Atema _ Received a Legion of the Scholar

_ Sarconn _ Received a Dark Cross

_ Kalei Basai _ *Received a Crescent with a Topaz Star x2 *Participated in an ACC Training Match with Manji and won - was a very interesting read as well.

_ Ekeia Iclo _ *Received a Crescent with an Emerald Star *Passed two SA quizzes: Writing Studies and Grammar Studies

** Real Lifes **

Nothing really too interesting. 26 days to graduation and I am excited about that... but that also means that the teachers are loading us with projects to finish up the year with... oh well... It is worth it.

** Conclusion ** -Comps, comps, and more comps! -More activity than last week! -Random factoid - NOMS are amazing!!!!

Until next, ~DJK Ekeia Iclo

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