Proconsul Report


Proconsul Report


An Ood-report

Saying that it has been awhile since my last report would be an understatement. Indeed, I have been quite busy with stuff and often did not have the time to write one of my reports, despite having promised myself (and you) a bi-weekly appearance of the mythical Ood-report.

Welcome to all members to join CSP since my last report (January 24th). Also a congratulations towards all promotees and folks who got shineys. A heartfelt good luck towards the summiteers who appeared in this time (Quaestors Dante & Exodius, Aediles Xen & Kael and Rollmaster (Rollmistress?) Robin Hawk). It seems that inbetween reports we had a full summit shift (aside from the everloyal and hardworking Draco (kudos to being the most senior house leader atm).

Also another congrats to Dante on becoming a Palpatine.

<big>--DB news and opportunities--</big>

Two new Dark Council positions were created to replace the Tribune system.

<small>Remember here that as the Tribunes duty was to replace the Order Leaders on a DB-wide scale, we could consider these new postings to be Tribune v.2.0. For those who were not here for that. The old Order leaders organised competitions based on their Orders affiliation at first but moved DB-wide in all but name later on (Krath High Priestess (KHP) held monthly writing comps, Obelisk High Commander (OHC) held Gaming events and Sith High Warrior (SHW) held those gaming events based on space combat. Originally the KHP held Krath-only comps and so on. As the Order-restrictions lessened and their tasks became more DB-wide then Order-wide, it was decided that change was needed and in the DB Project called Amalgamation they were fazed out and the Tribunes were introduced. Now, we have come to the end of the Tribune project as it was and the GM and DC have made a new system based on what was learned from respectively the Order Leader- and the Tribune-system respectively. But back to the point now:</small>

These posts are Voice of the Brotherhood and Fist of the Brotherhood (any clever jokes or puns are always welcome, I am reaching the end of my material to tease Halc). DJM Halcyon Taldrya is the VOICE and applications for FIST are still accepted I assume (DGM Sarin extended the application time until april 25th but since we have not heard anything since <= More information will follow by mailing list once I have got it).

Also, remember the Newest Addition to the Award-Family: The Cluster of Ice (to be awarded for ACC victories, participation in official Run-Ons and Officially sanctioned RPG-campaigns). Let uss go and earn us a few of these brand new, shining, (made from top quality, newly recycled Hutt-waste) Shineys! At this very moment, only 16 have ever been awarded (making it the current 4th most rare award (after Gold Saber, Silver Sash and Diamond Sword)).

Other job-opportunities: - Arcona is looking for a Proconsul: Applications to be sent to Dash (for those who do not know: that is the Arcona Consul). Details

  • Naga Sadow is also looking for a Proconsul: Applications DUE TOMORROW!! Applications to be sent to Manji (for those who do not know: that is the CNS Consul) Details

  • Other opportunities will be included in my next report or spread by Mailing list!

<big>--Clan News--</big>

Many competitions out! Go check up on the Competitions list located on the main DB site. It has a nifty tool for those logged in (Stuff that matters to me) which shows every competition you are eligible to partake in.

In other news, The CSP Spring Games have started! Go check out the mail from Dante about this very event. Those who did not get this mail, email me and I will forward it.

<big>--House News--</big>

Go read the QUA-reports for House news. HAD: Last report made (AED) HDS: Last report made (QUA) QUAs, if you have anything you feel should be mentioned here, let me know for the next report (hopefully out in 14 days).


  • Ood is officially an uncle (sis gave birth exactly one week ago).
  • Archangel and Rayne are the most frequent inhabitants of our clan channel
  • While Arconan Timeros may smell like cabbages, he is an upper tier equite so he can and will kick your arse if you insult the old fart.
  • Word of the week: Scapula
  • I wonder where that fish has gotten to!

In Darkness, Ood Bnar Scythe'rae

<small>KAP Ood Bnar Scythe'rae (Krath)/PCON-PROF/Clan Scholae Palatinae [ACC: TRT] </small> <small>SC-SoF / AC-RoF / DC-SiP / GN / BN-BL / Cr-2A-6S-4E-3T-3Q / CF / DSS-AuL / SoF-GL / LS-PL / SoL / S:-10D-1Dk-5P-4U-1B</small> <small> {SA: MVN - DML - DMP - DMGH - DMF - SVT - DSLC}</small>

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