Proconsul Report


Proconsul Report

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Clan Tarentum Proconsul Report 05. May, 2010

Howdy Kermits and... I don't have something good for Reinthaleriansers yet

So, unlike Ronovi's reports, I'm not going to have news and stuff. That would just take away from what she can fill her bi-weekly novels with ;).

So, without further ado here it is:

Report Divider

ACTIVITY LOG; 31. March, 2010- 12. May, 2010

Altheseus Levathan: Awarded Cluster of Fire x1 Awarded Crescent with Emerald Star

Apollo Awarded Crescent with Topaz Star Awarded Crescent with Quarts Star

Archean Awarded Crescent with Emerald Star Awarded Crescent with Topaz Star Awarded Crescent with Quarts Star

Carter Passed Training Saber Course Awarded Crescent with Topaz Star Awarded Crescent with Topaz Star

Coop Awarded Crescent with Topaz Star

Dantha nor Raith Awarded Crescent with Emerald Star Awarded Crescent with Topaz Star Awarded Crescent with Topaz Star

Doni`Tzu Awarded Legion of the Scholar

Donos Awarded Crescent with Sapphire Star Awarded Crescent with Quarts Star

Dralin Promoted to Krath Priest Awarded Dark Cross Awarded Legion of the Scholar Awarded Legion of the Scholar Awarded Crescent with Emerald Star Awarded Crescent with Emerald Star Awarded Crescent with Emerald Star Awarded Crescent with Emerald Star Awarded Crescent with Topaz Star Awarded Crescent with Topaz Star Awarded Crescent with Quartz Star

Eziek Arrived in House Kaerner Promoted to Novice Email Change to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Passed Dark Brotherhood Basics Passed Antei Combat Center Basics

Frosty Awarded Grand Cross of the Dark Side Awarded Cluster of Fire x1

Imil Awarded Dark Cross Awarded Crescent with Topaz Star

Jagen Promoted to Krath Priest Awarded Cluster of Fire x1

Ji Awarded Sapphire Blade Awarded Seal of Loyalty Awarded Legion of the Scholar Awarded Legion of the Scholar

Karel Earned Dark Maven of Service Degree

Kyle Criday Arrived in House Reinthaler

Liram Promoted to Protector Awarded Crescent with Sapphire Star Awarded Crescent with Emerald Star

Nami Awarded Crescent with Amethyst Star

Paul Bahr Arrived in House Kaerner

Raiju Promoted to Krath Archpriest Email Change to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Order Change to Sith Transfer to Some CSP Shithole Awarded Anteian Cross Awarded Legion of the Scholar

Raimi Promoted to Krath Priest Awarded Legion of the Scholar

Ric "Blade" Hunter Transfer to Kaerner from Rogues

Ronovi Awarded Dark Side Scroll Awarded Legion of the Scholar

Sato Awarded Crescent with Sapphire Star Awarded Crescent with Sapphire Star Awarded Legion of the Scholar

Saitou Awarded Seal of Loyalty

Scion Awarded Seal of Loyalty

Severon Promoted to Sith Warrior Awarded Seal of Loyalty Awarded Legion of the Scholar Awarded Crescent with Emerald Star Awarded Crescent with Topaz Star

Shardara Email Change to [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Solus Gar Transfer to Kaerner from CSP

Vai Azexel Name Change to Aegis Email Change to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Order Change to Sith Earned Dark Savant of Service Degree

Ve Thyma Arrived in House Kaerner

Xergo Mao Promoted to Protector Transfer to Rogue from Kaerner Transfer to Kaerner from Rogue Awarded Crescent with Topaz Star Passed Antei Combat Center Basics

Xylean Arrived in House Reinthaler

Yurei Arrived in House Reinthaler Promoted to Novice

Zero Raven Awarded Crescent with Emerald Star Awarded Crescent with Emerald Star

Report Divider


DB Wide:

A DB Idiot's (I mean Mother's) Day by Jeric Cyrin until 23. May As May is the month of mother's day it only seems right to have a competition relating to females. Who is your favorite SW/DB Female Character? For this competition you have two options: One redraw your favorite SW/DB Female Character or send in a picture and give me at least 2 paragraphs as to why they are your favorite. Shouldn’t be to hard I can already think of a few characters that are going to be picked :P

[Voice] Report Lyrics by Halcyon until 31. December At the end of every report I will post a line or two of lyrics from a song. You must guess the song and artists (can be any artist if a song has been covered). Post your answer on the Comments Page. First correct response wins

[Voice] Dark Jedi Swap by Halcyon until 31. May The Dark Council has decreed there to be an exchange of members across all Clans and Independent Houses within the Dark Brotherhood. You have been chosen as your Clan/Houses represantative to spend an entire month with one of the other Clans/Revan. Detail your life in what is effectively a foreign land. It can be in any format, whether fiction or a report back to your own Clan/House. This can be humourous or serious. The format is entirely up to the participant

Minimum 2 pages at 12-point font using any Word Processor

All submissions go to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Please remember to include your ID-line and pin number on both your e-mail and document"

[Voice] RoS The Aftermath by Halcyon until 31. May Months have past since your time on Salas V and the events surrounding the capture of the planet. You have had time to reflect on those events. What happened on the days following the taking of the planet? Has it affected your House or Clan? Are there still any lingering effects even after all this time? If you are new to your House or Clan, how was it to integrate into your new home after a major incident?

Minimum 2-pages in 12-point font on any Word Processor

All Submissions go to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Please remember to include your ID-line and Pin number on the story and e-mail."

[Voice] The Journey by Halcyon until 31. May "You have seen them from afar, their actions carrying you in their wake. You follow in their footsteps, watching as the events unfold before you. You aspire to reach this plateau, hoping to one day become their equal.

You are to write an ""Epic Poem"" (think the Illiad or Odyssey) based upon on figure in the DB that you respect the most. It can be done either In-Character or Out-of-character.

All submissions go to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Please include your ID-line and pin number in the submission and e-mail."

Clan Wide:

Tusken Raider Said What??? by Ji until 31. August Once a month an image from Star Wars IV, V, or VI will be released with a Proconsul report. Write a caption for that image and submit it to Ji K'awiil (you don't have to actually make blurbs, you can just submit the words if you would like, though blurbs do = brownie points!). The funniest caption wins the contest!

Battleteam Reckoners:

Initiation by Teia until 17. May (ENDING SOON) The Reckoners have a top-secret initiation ceremony for all new members. Being a new battleteam, that initiation ceremony hasn't been codified yet. This is your chance to write Reckoner history. What do you think the Reckoner initiation ceremony would be like? Your task is to write what you think Reckoner initiation should be like. You can do this in any way you find fit - as a script, as a story, or anything else that works. The only requirement is that the last words in the ceremony be "You are now one to be Reckoned with." Write this and email it to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] with Reckoners Initiation competition in the subject line. Use the Reckoners wiki page and The Mirage wiki page (our headquarters) as a reference.

What's your Specialty? by Teia until 17. May (ENDING SOON) Reckoners are encouraged to specialize in a number of...skills useful to the team, to the House, and to Clan Tarentum. Think about your character. What deviate art would s/he specialize in? Torture? Assassination? Counterintelligence? Something else? In a word processor, write about which art your character specializes in. Why did you choose this specialty? When, where, and from whom are you getting training in it? How is your skill useful to the Reckoners, to House Kaerner, to Clan Tarentum? Be realistic in your choice - no godmodding. And be creative - the more sinister your choice, the better. Use the DB wiki, Wookieepedia, and your own character history as a reference. Feel free to use this as an opportunity to enrich your own character's fiction/history. Your completed entry will be at least half a page in any word processor. Email entries to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] with with the phrase "What's Your Specialty? competition" in the subject line.

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TUSKEN RAIDER SAID WHAT???; 12. May, 2010 - Starting with something basic this time because I'm almost late for work.

Your competition entries are due 21. May at the latest. It's an easy, clan level shiny guys. Get those fuckers in!

Love you all (except Raimi), Ji

Report Ending

Kermits and Reindeer nothing good goes with Reinthaler

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