Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

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Sith Commander Report

  **Dark Jedi Knight Cado H&#226;&#128;&#153;darr**  

  **May 14, 2010**

                Cado sat at his desk staring into his data pad checking out the activity the Dark Jedi under him have been performing the past few months.  He sighs and is relieved to see that they have been active even when there have been some changes in the leadership.  The Sith Dark Jedi stood up and went to the window and looked down onto his men as they trained in the courtyard.  He went back to his desk and pressed the intercom to contact his assistant, “Call my men to the briefing room so we can have a quick meeting.”  His assistant replied, “Yes sir, right away sir!”

                He walked into the room and where the four other Dark Jedi sat and waited for him.  He walked in, looked at them all, and said, “Men many of you know who I am as your former Sith Flight Leader.  Battlelord StormRaven has stepped down and I am now the new Sith Commander.”  He continued, “As we get more members I will appoint one of you to become my Sith Flight Leader to give one of you some experience before you take over as the Sith Commander.  Now get to kicking ass in the Spring Games, dismissed!”


**                **Like I said in my fiction I am the new Sith Commander of the great Battleteam Blades of Chaos.  I have had so many plans and ideas for this Battleteam, and my goal is to make it the best Battleteam the Dark Jedi Brotherhood has ever had in its history.  I’d love for you guys to help me with that by being as active as you can, participate in every event you can and get as many awards/shinnies as you can!

                This report is going to be a little long because I’m going to add in monthly evaluations from January 2010 - April 2010.  Expect there to be a monthly evaluation at the end of every month; also expect to get an email within the next few days.



  -Jeric Cyrin steps down from Aedile  

  -Angelo Dante is appointed to Aedile  

  -Robin Hawk steps down from Quaestor  

  -Angelo Dante is appointed to Quaestor  

  -Kael Fayne is appointed to Aedile  

  -Rite of Supremacy ended and we got 6th


  -Spring games started!  

  -I became the new Sith Commander.  

  -Korras is working on getting his email to work so expect your shinnies  from the RoS to come in soon.


Cado H’darr

  -Crescent with Quartz Star  

  -Cluster of Fire x159  

  -Promotion to Dark Jedi Knight  

  -Legion of the Scholar x2  

  -Seal of Bone x3  

  -Anteian Cross  

  -Crescent with Ruby Star  

  -Test of Power  

  -Dark Brotherhood Basics  

  -Training Saber Basics


  -Dark Cross  

  -Seal of Bone  

  -Promotion to Jedi Hunter


  -Crescent with Topaz Star  

  -Crescent with Emerald Star x2  

  -Promotion to Jedi Hunter  

  -Seal of Bone  

  -Dark Cross  

  -Philosophy I: Views


  -Cluster of Fire x32  

  -Promotion to Guardian


  -Cluster of Fire x12  

  -Promotion to Acolyte  

  -Dark Cross  

  -Leave of Absence (He just graduated from BCT and is now in AIT)

Roster Changes

-Rasilvenaira StormRaven resigns from Sith Commander and moves to Rogues.

  -Kael Fayne leaves the Blades of Chaos and is appointed to Aedile of  House Dorimad Sol.

Hopefully we’ll get some more members within the coming month!


*Dark Jedi Swap - *

  **RoS: The Aftermath - **[](  

  **The Journey - **[](  

  **A DB Mother&#226;&#128;&#153;s Day - **[](

Spring Games: Belly Flop - ****

  **Spring Games: Family Crest - **[](****  

  **Spring Games: Insult to Injury -** [](****  

  **Spring Games: Master of the Sword - **[](****  

  **Spring Games: Potty Humor - **[](****  

  **Spring Games: Santa Toss - **[](****  

  **Spring Games: Study, Study, Study - **[](****  

  **Spring Games: Track Star - **[](****  

  **Spring Games: Day of Victory - **[](  

  **Spring Games: In the presence&#226;&#128;&#166; - **[](


**Website:  **I hope to have a website that everyone can look at to keep up to date with all of the news that you guys need to know and anything else that maybe interesting.  It will be up shortly so don’t worry.

**Revamp of the History:  **Some of the history needs to be revamped so I will be working on that to reword some of the old history and add some history that isn’t there.

**Revamp of the Possessions:  **I’d like to throw out some of the older possessions and add some new to show how we are the special operations Battleteam of Dorimad Sol.

**New Logo:  **I have been working on a new logo that shows more symbolism of our Battleteam and that should be done here very shortly.

Closing Thoughts

                Well the Spring Games ends on the 21st of May so get to it guys, and win some shinnies.  Also don’t forget to participate in the competitions the Voice has put at as well as the Praetor to the Herald has.  It’s a good chance for you all to get some high awards that aren’t offered that much.  Remember practice makes perfect so the more you do it the more of a chance you have to start winning a lot of the time.

                I must apologize I have been away for the past few days I turned 18 on the 9th so I’ve kind of been having a lot of fun.  I will be gone again the weekend after this one due to training for a job I just got, sexy lifeguard I know.  Hopefully after that weekend I will get emails about how my Dark Jedi got a bunch of shinnies from the Spring Games competition.  Anyway that’s all I can think of at the present time, so until next time have fun all.

In darkness,

DJK Cado H'darr (Sith)/CMDR/Dorimad Sol of Scholae Palatinae [ACC: TRT]

  **AC / DC-CP /  Cr-1R-1S-4E-1T-2Q / PoB-BL / CF-SF / SI / LS-AgL / S:-4U-3B**  


{SA: DMGH}**

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