Application for Praetor to the Consul
Hello, my name is Etah d'Tana and I am applying for the position of Proconsul of the Clan Arcona or what we reefer to organizationally as Praetor to the Consul (P:CON). I believe I have the experience, the attitude, and the passion to be successful in his position.
In the following application I will endeavor to spell out my qualifications, what I believe the position to entail and my plans for the position were I appointed. I have chosen this format (posted on a Roll-Master report) because should I be appointed Pro-Consul, I want the Clan to have access to my application for purposes of transparency and accountability. Should I not be chosen, I would like the new Proconsul to have access to my application to review my ideas.
Relevant Experience
Battle Team Leader, Qel-Droma Phyle - Still new to the Brotherhood I volunteered to become Battle Team Leader of the Qel-Droma phyle, a position I help for 8 months before becoming Aedile. In that time we had ups and downs and developed into a graphics powerhouse. I left this position to become Aedile of Galeres.
Aedile, House Galeres - Immediately following the Rite of Supremacy and just before the 8th Great Jedi War, I served as Aedile of Galeres, including several weeks without a Quaestor. I stepped down due to IRL military commitments and to ensure continuity of leadership during the 8th Great Jedi War.
Aedile, House Galeres - In the middle of the 9th Great Jedi War, Arcona's Pro-Consul and both House Quaestor's resigned. Sashar, the Consul and Timeros, my Shadesworn Mentor and the new Questor of Galeres, Timeros, asked me to return to my former position as Aedile. Arcona went on to achieve a Dark Horse Victory, which Galeres was a big part of and I was promoted for my efforts. I left this position to become Quaestor of Galeres.
Quaestor, House Galeres - After Timeros stepped down from Quaestor I was given the opportunity to take his place. Though my time as Quaestor was marked with periods of absence, first because of IRL military obligations and then due to computer malfunctions, I still managed to learn quite a bit. I oversaw the implementation of important aspects of Operation Reb00t and proved my ability to attack special projects like a rabid dog. I left this position to become Magistrate to the Consul.
Magistrate to the Consul/Roll-Master of Galeres - Finding my abilities lay best in support, I voluntarily stepped down from Questor, leaving the House in the capable hands of Zakath. I have since tackled the Wiki Project and began working on the Ground Forces reorganization.
Past Projects
Since Praetor to the Consul is a project driven position I am going to list some of the more important projects I have worked on in the past that have benefited the Clan Arcona.
Cabal Cronel - During my first stint as Aedile of Galeres I helped Rho and Orv design a new battle team to replace the Qel-Droma Phyle which I had recently commanded. I helped them pick a name, arrive at a concept and for a time the Cabal Cronel was highly active during a time of lethargy, benefiting Arcona greatly.
Fleet Reset - At the end of the 8th Great Jedi War we were allowed to scrap our existing Fleet and purchases more modern equipment. I was included in the group deciding the specific organization because of my IRL military experience. I jotted down my ideas and we went back and forth between about half dozen for us for several weeks. My exact plan wasn't adopted wholesale but we defeated a plan to invest in only Star Destroyers. My basic premise of a defense force and an expeditionary force was however adopted and still continues to be the basic structure of our Fleet.
Clan Prospectus - Shortly after the 9th Great Jedi War while serving as Aedile for the second time, I wrote much of the current Arcona Prospectus, replacing the largely nothing we had before. This project was 100% initiative with no mandate or request from the Clan Summit or anyone else in leadership.
Galeres History - As Aedile and then Quaestor of Galeres I spent endless hours researching the history of Galeres from Blaze all the way to Psyko, gaining valuable details about past Quaestor's and Aedile's. I never collated the data or wrote an article based on the information but I did pass the information on to the current Galeres summit.
Shadesworn Training Scheme - Becoming an advanced student of Timeros's just before the 9th Great Jedi War, I was apart of the first successful Shadesworn pairing. As Quaestor of Galeres I assisted Xuthen and Xathia in establishing the first rostered Shadesworn tandem.
**Operation Reb00t - **As Quaestor of Galeres I oversaw the implementation of Operation reb00t. That entailed the dissolution of the Dark Curse Shadesworn Pair I had helped created and the Blue Mist Squadron which replaced Cabal Cronel and the creation of the Black Hammer Brigade and Sukhur's Legion to replace them. The final task was distributing all members of the House between the three existent Battle Teams save for the Quaestor, the Aedile and the Roll-Master.
Wiki Team - I won't detail this section too closely as it is detailed elsewhere in the application. But this project shows my prowess in organization, further displays my initiative and will remain the focus of my career as Praetor to the Consul. In fact I believe the increased status of Praetor to the Consul will allow me to build a better Wiki Team.
_Separation of Responsibilities _
The Praetor to the Consul is not the Consul, nor is the Praetor to the Consul apart of the House Summit. That is an elementary but important distinction to make. For an organization to be effective there should be an overlap in responsibilities but not outright redundancies. In general I believe that the Clan Summit should function as commissioned officers and the House Summit should function as Non Commissioned Officers, that is to say Clan Summit is planning and House Summits are execution.
In the following section I will list what I believe to be appropriate separation of responsibilities.
Consul - The Consul is our clans voice on the Dark Council and is the big idea person that determines the direction of the Clan. Everything not included in my responsibilities and projects list (which is still to follow), such as leadership development, leadership review, Equite promotions, higher level awards etc. I would be more than happy to advise the Consul in these areas but I view that as advice and assistance rather than something contained within my job description.
Praetor to the Consul (P:CON) - The P:CON by contrast focuses on much of the day to day running of the Clan. They oversee specific responsibilities and projects that assist in the Clan's Operation.
Roll-Master - Under the current version of Operation Reb00t the two Roll-Master positions are the slots for both Magistrates, one who oversees special projects (a position currently occupied by me) and one who oversees journeymen development (a position currently occupied by Timeros). As part of Timeros's efforts at simplification I believe the Roll-Master position should be restored as a position with Envoy like responsibilities (i.e. journeymen development).
Magistrate to the Consul (M:CON) - I don't believe the Magistrate should be synonymous with Roll-Master. They should be people with specific skill sets chosen for Special Projects and should be currently serving Battle Team Leaders or possibly House Aedile's (positions that would give them access to Report posting). If chosen to become Praetor to the Consul I would appoint Luciferus "Scyrone" Leviathan (who is a currently serving Battle Team Leader) to my current position of Magistrate to the Consul and task him with the Wiki Team, in reward for his efforts on the Wiki Team and his expertise as a member of the Wiki Staff.
Plans for Positions
In the following section I will detail the ongoing responsibilities I expect as Praetor to the Consul and the Special Projects I am planning on tackling. It is important to note that this list is neither exhaustive nor all inclusive. This section simply includes those things I currently foresee.
**Ongoing Responsibility: **Fictional Development and Consistency
In order to ensure a rich fictional environment I plan to coordinate with leadership at all levels from the Consul to the Battle Team Leader. This responsibility will focus on consistency with Star Wars, Brotherhood and Arcona Canon.and quality. Additionally this responsibility includes working closely with the Voice. Not only to work with them on fictional consistency but also to act as an advocate for Arcona and the clan Summits intent with regard to Arcona's fictional direction on a Brotherhood level. My point of contact for this responsibility will be the Voice and the Consul.
** Ongoing Responsibility: **Oversight of Journeymen Development
New members are the lifeblood of any online organization, but without a solid process and an involved guide, most would be recruits fall through the cracks, depriving the Brotherhood of energy and ideas. For this reason as Praetor to the Consul, I will keep in close contact with the Roll-Master, their efforts and effectiveness, assisting them in any manner possible. My point of contact for this responsibility will be the Roll-Master.
Ongoing Responsibility: Oversight of Competitions
If active members are the lifeblood of a group than competitions are the organs that make the blood pump. Without consistent and engaging activities than Arcona will die or at the very least, fade quickly into irrelevance. For this reason I plan on keeping close contact with all levels of Clan leadership, staying up to date with their efforts and effectiveness. My points of contact for this responsibility will be the Questor's of House Galeres and House Qel-Droma.
Tertiary Project: Skill Training Competitions
While few clans can match Arcona in the Antei Combat Center or in gaming, but it became clear to me during this latest Rite of Supremacy that our collective skills in fiction, graphics and poetry and our coordination in run-ons is something we need to focus on, In the past we have tried a Subject Captain system but that was problematic and ineffective. Instead I have decided that the Summit should release competitions devised solely to get our skills up. My point of contact is the recently created Competitions Committee.
Ongoing Responsibility: DJBWiki Development and Consistency
I will work with the Magistrate to the Consul to update the Clan related wiki pages and create wiki pages in a timely manner, consistent with our naturally high standards of quality and factually
Primary Project: DJBWiki Team
In order to get members to invest in the fantasy experience were offering we must present a rich fictional tapestry. Our current Clan-related Wiki articles fail miserably at this vital task. Nearly all of our articles are woefully outdated and near as many simply don't meet basic quality standards. To complete this project I devised and published a team infrastructure, devised and published a list of articles that need to be updated, finished a full version of the Clan Prospectus which is in the process of final editing and and began raising a team,
Were I Praetor to the Consul and had appointed Luciferus Magistrate to the Consul, I would make Lucy Team Leader and would merge Team Coordinator (my current position within the wiki team) with Clan Summit approval, making the position Content Coordinator. That also reduces the seven step system to six and I think that will speed up the creation, editing and publishing process a whole lot. My point of contact for this project will be Magistrate to the Consul.
Secondary Project: Streamline Internal Documents
The last few years have been transformative for the Clan of Shadows. We have gone a long way to establishing a strong fictional identity, something that was greatly lacking when I first joined Arcona. We have also shaken up the fictional structure quite a bit, hypothesis and testing various leadership and management theories; much of which came from our former Praetor to the Consul; Braecen Kaeth.
The problem is now we have several documents addressing our structure and procedure, parts of which are out of date or were never fully implemented. These documents include Project Resurrection, Shadesworn Training Scheme, Operation Reb00t and the Champion Leadership model to name a few. I want to put those documents side by side, pick through the best parts and rearrange them in a new document, firmly rooted in the Shadesworn fictional background. This will also aid the Timeros's efforts at simplification. My point of contact for this project will be the Roll-Master and Driften who has put in a fair amount of work on a related project.
Tertiary Project: Clan Website
An organizations website should sell that organization. Our website tells the world that we are a dead organization, since we haven't bothered to update it in over a year. I want to look at the website, ensure it is functional and then look at altering some of the content (much of the information is out of date). If the website is not functional and or cannot be altered and Orv cannot be found to assist us, we'll start a conversation about building a new website, hosted elsewhere. The watchwords for this project are informative and relevant because that's what we need from a website. My points of contact for this project will be the Seneschal and Celahir Erinos (Celahir is the likely webmaster should we move the web page).
I hope that I was able to demonstrate my credentials for this position, my talent in this area and my vision for this clan. Having been something of a protege of Braecen Kaeth I feel I am uniquely suited to carry on his work. Whether I am chosen to become the next Praetor to the Consul, I am excited about the future of the Clan, I am excited about being part of it, and I look forward to watching our Clan realize its full potential.
-- ~ (#8075) OP Etah d'Tana (Obelisk)/M:CON/Galeres of Arcona
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