Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report


This will be the first week that i actually don't have a report for you. I bring an apology as well. This is the last week of school on my end and I've been busy with reports, projects, and finals that I've been hassled with. So, starting next Monday i will be back to normal operating capacity and ready to resume my regular details as BTL.

Update for you: I'm not sure if it's gotten out fully yet, but almost every DB server had been shut down for lack of interest in the gaming field. With Smoke as the new FIST of the Brotherhood, i'm hoping we can see a gaming revamp come along soon, but until then i've been given some pretty cool news: Ji has told me that, because of the servers being shut down, he's going to let us flow into the fiction BT relm as well as the gaming. So, I'll be tacking on a little more fiction to our agenda. I'll keep you posted on what happens. It shouldn't be too hard, Spectre is the best at everything we do, yeah?

That's all for today i'm afraid! I'll see you next week with better news.. Hopefully., ~Jagen

-- KP Jagen Phoenix (Krath)/TET/Kaerner of Tarentum [ACC: INI] DC-CP / Cr-2S-1E-2T / CF / S:-2U


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