Hey all, yes I am back. But I've been demoted to Aedile for the unforseeable future due to problems in RL, which I'm currently working on and solved some of.
So, here's my first report as Aedile of Galeres. Just to explain why I'm staying as Aedile for the moment, we had a summit meeting on Wednesday night, where it was decided in my absence to keep me on as Aedile because Cethgus was doing a much better job. You know, more active and more loved than Sang. (Which I think is utter bollocks....the loved part, not the active part. I even had Korras sangbanging the other day. :o)
Anyway, Ceth is the Quaestor for the time being, so congratulate him on usurping my position, and make sure you include stabbing him repeatedly in your greetings. So yeah, we have a new Proconsul as you all know. Celahir is a great dude who we all know, plus Jon had his work cut out picking a new PCON as he had to choose between an Erinos, a d'Tana and an Entar, and we all know how that worked out eh? wink wink (Just kidding Dash <3333)
So yeah, there are new reports out from Inarya and Lucy for their respective battleteams and we're organising a reform of the Project Reb00t, which means that if you're inactive, you're outta here.
Next up, Driftan is the new QUA of HQD. QUA, P:MAA and M:DGM.....Does he even have any spare time anymore? :P
Congratulate the bugger, 8 months in the DB and he's even better than me....I hate that git. :P (kidding)
We've got some competitions out, courtesy of Cethgus and Inarya.
No Arconans got into the top three of the Journeyman ladder, it's a shame, but we hope to deal with that in the Equite ladder where Dash and Tim will fight to see who'll win the final match, probably against Sai. That'll be a great match, I have to say.
There's been a couple of medals, some new additions to the House, in the form of Wuntila and Yarosh. Welcome to Galeres ladies, it'll be the best time you'l ever have. Especially when I see you in my office tonight. (Ewww, you old perverts. I only go for the Acolytes remember?)
We've got the Clan Feud coming up between Arcona and Plagueis, Alaris and Viv are working on the fiction to it now, while Irfan is now heading up the competitions and working with the Plagueian summit so I can compete in the Feud. Which is no skin off my back, he'll get all the kudos for it and I'll be left behind to drown in the mud....Dear God the mud.
Anyway, this is all in jest, I hold no bad feelings, I'm just relieved to be back and active. Afterall, what would Arcona be without "The Sang"? Probably a better place I guess....
Anyway, Timmeh sucks, Cethgus needs a good kicking and I need a beer. Catch you later ladies.
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Welcome Mr. Sang, it is good to see your face :) (or I guess your words)