Hello, and welcome to another Consul report. Let's begin, shall we?
Again, you'll notice that there is no chapter of "Theocracy of the Unwilling" in this report. This is because RM:F Dralin Fortea will be sending out reports with the chapters in parts from now on. Why are we doing this? One, it makes my reports shorter and more bearable to read. Two, it allows us a bit more time during the weekend to edit and polish up the fiction to make it the very best for you, the Tarenti. And three, because I like to keep people busy. Tee hee!
So don't worry, Chapter Four is on its way, and soon. You may like what we've decided to do in the clan's fiction. It's about time that Tarentum's dark roots were fully exposed. We are going for true iron fist sovereignty over the Yridia system. No more playing democracy. We are going to act like a truly powerful, brutal clan, with an intimidating King. We will be, in a word...badass.
As some of you may have noticed, we've reformatted the Clan Tarentum Military once again. Clan Tarentum I Corps is being replaced with the Yridian Surface Command, which was designed by Sato Tarentae. This was done after the review and placement of new ground forces during the DB-wide military reset, which was officially sent out a while back! Yay! The link to the Yridian Surface Command wiki page is below; we will be updating other military pages as more information is received and more modifications are finalized:
We are also in talks with Muz to modify our naval fleets, as we plan to exchange some of our ships for new vessels that we think would better suit Tarentum technically and fictionally. In the meantime, please congratulate Sato Tarentae and Doni Tzu Tarentae, as they are your new High General and Fleet Admiral respectively. Sato will be directing army efforts, and Doni Tzu will be directing naval efforts. Ji has been sending around OCS e-mails for anyone who is interested in a specific army or naval rank, so if you feel like you have yet to be added to that list, please contact Ji and me ASAP.
Work is being done to rejuvenate house progress. There has been a sort of fictional standstill within Kaerner and Reinthaler, and that's forgivable...kind of. Now we have to get back to work to finalize fiction and structure for the houses. The houses' histories must be fully established and the summits must begin work on their units' current lore and stories. I have opened up an e-mail discussion with leaders since this month was too hectic for a real-time meeting. But hey, we'll do better next time.
In the meantime, we need your help. We need you active, and we need you contributing. You are members of a clan that thrives on everyone's work, not just a few people's work. If you feel anxious about volunteering or giving suggestions, don't be; we love ideas. We want bundles of ideas! So let's see more of you involved in your BTs, houses, etc; we like us some activity!
The BTL of the Reckoners, Teia Coran, has decided to resign from her position due to real life priorities. She will be submitting an official report later tonight clarifying her decision as well as announcing her successor. We thank Teia for everything she has done to make a strong, fictionally intriguing battle team. You're awesome, Teia.
In other news, a week or so back we selected a new BTL of Black Phoenix, Sith Bloodfyre. Bloodfyre is a long-term member of Tarentum and we're happy to have him in leadership again. Members of Black Phoenix, be sure to let Bf know that you are active and ready to improve upon a potentially strong battle team and get it on its feet.
And now, it's time for Tidbits.
Aabsdu di Plagia Dupar has stepped down from the position of Headmaster and Taigikori Aybara Dupar has taken his place. Stay tuned for possible requests for applications for the Praetor to the Headmaster!
Members, check the "Stuff that Matters to Me" section of the Competitions page on the main DB website if you wish to see the competitions that your BTLs or house leaders are releasing. If you have any suggestions for competitions, e-mail them to me, your house summit, or your BTLs - depending on what level you'd like to see the comp run on.
And that concludes this report's edition of Tidbits.
Believe it or not, I have something fun for this edition of Biweekly Awesomeness. Fans of the classic Super Mario NES game? Well, a game designer known as ExplodingRabbit has created a game called "Super Mario Crossover." How does it work? Well, not only can you play the classic Super Mario platformer as Mario, but also as several characters from the Nintendo franchise. You know, like Link, Samus, and even Simon from Castlevania. And don't think it's just doing the same moves with different sprites. No, each character maintains his or her original moves as depicted in his or her own video game. The link for the game on Newgrounds is below:
I know, it's sort of silly to declare this as sheer awesomeness, but I've played this game several times and it is just addicting. It's a load of fun to use your favorite Nintendo characters to beat the crap out of Goombas and Koopas, and it provides a wonderful dose of nostalgia. This is a game to play while enjoying a bowl of chips and a can of beer, though for me it's chips and a glass of Amaretto. But that's beside the point.
And now for the long-awaited:
Until next Consul report, Tarenti, keep on rockin'.
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