Quaestor Report
Cethgus sat back in his chair and read over more and more datapads it seemed that every day something new would find its way onto the Exarchâs desk. He looked over the work that had been piling itself up and knew that he had a lot to get through and in little time. A small smirk came to his face as he looked around at the room, he enjoyed being alone sometimes, but at that current moment in time he wanted to see what the rest of his house were doing, and knowing them it wasnât much.
Standing up from the chair he walked out of the office and down the corridors to were the noise was being made from. As he walked he allowed his strides to carry him quickly to the mess hall, stepping inside he looked around and saw most of the Houseâs members were chowing down and eating. The Exarch started to move to the door when he heard the footsteps of two members approaching him and noticed that it was two of the newer members of the House. A small sigh escaped his lips but he turned around and greeted them as they began to talk with him.
Right well I guess the first main bit of news is that if you havenât noticed from Sangâs report, I would like to say a massive congratulations to two of Arconaâs leaders. The main one and the first one goes out to Celahir who got the position of Proconsul of Arcona. This is no small feat by any means and I know that he will do a great job in the position. If you get the chance please make sure that you say a massive congratulations to him, and of course well done on getting the spot.
The second leader is Driftan, who has proven himself time and time again and has moved up to the position of QUA of House Qel-Droma. I know that Driftan will do a great job in this position and again I canât wait to see what he will bring to the future of that house. So if you manage to catch him on IRC give him a massive well done and wish him the best.
Also I would recommend that you do read the news page, as a lot of things have come up on there recently, it is a good way to keep on top of what is going on in the overall scale of the Brotherhood, so just take some time to read up on that and make sure that you do check the main news page every so often people.
_ Medals_
Well these two weeks havenât seen that many medals compared to what I would have liked to see from this great house. With that being said I would like to say a massive well done to everyone who has managed to get a medal this week, and to keep up the good work that I know that you are capable of doing. Remember that there are competitions always being ran so please try your very best to participate in one of these competitions. As well as this another easy way of getting a medal would be to participate in gaming and earn Clusters of Fire. Now with this being said the following medal was achieve since my last report:
JScumm â Gold Nova
Shadow Academy
I have had one exam passed from the Shadow Academy, so I would like to take this time to remind you all that for the Journeymen of you, I would like you to take exams they are a good way of getting promoted and moving up on the brotherhood promotion ladder. As for the Dark Jedi Knight and above, they are still something you can do and I know that if you have the free time I would like to see you all take an exam once in a while so please keep trying to find the time to take an exam. With that being said the following exam was passed:
Wuntila â Antei Combat Center Exam
_ Antei Combat Center _
Right ill just let you all know about the changes that are being made in the ACC since the Voice has come in. First of all for Training matches and Qualification matches, you all have to go through the same venue, this gives you all the opportunity to fight anyone you like as long as they are qualified, the judges only have to judge the fight at the end, so keep that in mind. I would like to see you all try and get on to the ACC some point soon. It is a great way to develope your character in combat or just have some fun.
_ Transfers_
Right well this second doesnât come up often but I think that this time I will just keep you all informed as we have had some new members joining the Clan, and of course I wish them the best of luck and canât wait to see what they will be doing. With that said the following transfers have happened these two weeks:
Dark Jedi Knight Wuntila Transfered into House Galeres
Apprentice Eric Luke Transfered into House Galeres
Krath Priestess Xathia Transfered to Rouge
Ok now I know I donât speak about this subject very often, and I just want to give you all a reminder, that if you work hard enough you will be rewarded. I can assure you that if you put the work in for all of your Journeymen and do the promotion requirements you will be promoted, so please make sure that you know what you have to do to get to the next rank and work hard towards it and you will find that promotions do come your way, and for the Equites just work hard and do as much as you can, just letting you all know to work hard and promotions will eventually head your way.
_ Last Words_
I know that things seem to be going a bit slow after the RoS but just keep working hard and making sure that you all contuine to participate in competitions, and I know that eventually things will come your way, if you do need me for anything please feel free to catch me on IRC or via email, and have a good week and make sure you all participate and be active.
Cethgus Kuga Quaestor of House Galeres
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