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Trials and Triumphs. Kael Fayne rubbed his temples in an attempt to find relief, wishing at once that he had learned how to use the Force to flush poisons, toxins, and other unwanted chemicals from his system. Perhaps he could have avoided the hangover all together. The Spring Games now seemed like a blur of distant memory, so much so that he questioned the details of what happened as his head pulsed with greater frequency. He couldn't remember who it was...Dante, Brent, perhaps the Emperor himself, but he had obviously partaken in a grand drinking game in which no one was really the winner.
He did, however, remember that the House had performed well. The hope had been that the frustration of past conflicts would be forgotten amidst the jubilation and celebration, and the Games seemed a good start towards this end. The Aedile stumbled across his quarters on Caina, sipping on a caffeinated drink that wasn't doing its job before triggering his comm link.
"This is Fayne. Any word from on high?"
"No, sir. The finals results of the games are not in yet."
"Fine. I am off to bed. If you get anything from the Summit, and if you can, wake me up. Fanye out."
Greetings, troops. A lot has happened since the report from a month ago. Some good, some bad. Nothing we can't overcome, however. I've decided my reports are going to be monthly, because bi-weekly reports rarely contain much new info. BUT, seeing as how most comps conclude at the end of the month, I may shift to doing reports mid-month rather than at the end/beginning of the month. Anyways, let's get to this...
I am pleased with all of those who participated in the Spring Games. Many contributed to over 5 of the comps, and even some of the new people got in on the act. As of right now, we are still waiting on the final results from the Clan Summit, and I expect many shinies will be brought home to HDS. Great work, people.
However, considering the ease of many of the comps, the overall level of participation could easily have been higher. I'd like to assume this deficiency was due to folks being busy elsewhere (RL). If not, feel free to contact me personally and let me know if the comp was simply boring or whatever. We're trying our best to get everyone involved, and if folks don't speak out then we have to assume things are going okay.
Robin Hawk has decided to bail out on us, and thus we're currently taking applications for RM. The job essentially consists of welcoming and overseeing new recruits much like a Master with many Apprentices. We need someone who is passionate, reliable, and easy to get in contact with. If anyone believes they are up for the task, let Dante and myself know via email or IRC.
The Grand Master announced in March the creation of two new offices, that of the VOICE and the FIST of the Brotherhood. The former will be in charge of overseeing the Brotherhood's Fictional aspects, whereas the FIST will guide the gaming aspects. To that end, Halcyon Taldrya has been appointed the first VOICE, and Smoke20, or Ma`ar-Tyrius Ga-Tir, has been appointed FIST. Both have already hit the ground running with various competitions in their respective areas of influence. If you haven't already, feel free to view their first reports to get a handle on their visions for the Brotherhood:
First VOICE Report
First FIST Report
FIST Looking for Magistrates
Both HM Aabsdu and Combat Master Erinyes have stepped down from their respective positions. Aabsdu's former second in command, Taigikori, has taken up the role of HM, whereas the new VOICE, Halcyon, will be assuming the position of CM as it is slowly phased out over time.
Everyone should check out the latest GM Report and be on the lookout for future details regarding the next Vendetta. You can never be too ready for the next grand event:
GM Report
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All of the promotions from the past month have been rewarded to three newbies who are getting things done. Great job guys and keep it up!
The new FIST has finished up giving out some of the RoS gaming awards, and several members won DB-wide comps. Great job everyone!
Crescent with Ruby Star; First Place in "DB Mother's Day" Comp <li>Cado H'darr:</li>
Crescent with Ruby Star; First Place in "Praetor's Presents" Comp
Gold Nova; First place during the RoS Week 2 Gaming. Ownage! <li>Dante:</li>
Pendant of Blood; Weekly Gaming
Silver Nova; Second place during the RoS Week 1 Gaming
Silver Nova; Second place during the RoS Week 1 Gaming
Crescent with Emerald Star; Shared First Place in Ood's "Find the Image" Comp <li>Kael Fayne:</li>
(2) Pendant of Blood; Weekly Gaming
(5) Cluster of Ice; ACC Victories
Crescent with Ruby Star; First Place in ACC JM Ladder
Crescent with Emerald Star; Shared First Place in Ood's "Find the Image" Comp <li>Melfeckt:</li>
Pendant of Blood; Weekly Gaming
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With Aabsdu stepping down as the Headmaster of the Shadow Academy, many of the results from SA Courses failed to be emailed to Summit leaders across the DB. I personally have courses passed that were not email to me, as has Dante. I tried to sift through our roster to find any such unnotified courses, and I may have failed in some areas. If you submitted any tests during the HM vacancy, check your dossier to see if they have been passed unannounced and let your House Summit know about them.
Nevertheless, I am proud of all the work done by everyone, especially the new people. Keep it up.
Angelo Dante:
Hand-to-Hand Combat
HTML Basics <li>Kael Fayne:</li>
Philosophy III: Cults
Lightsaber Studies
HTML Basics <li>Jace Malterra:</li>
Dark Brotherhood Basics
IRC Basics
Brotherhood History I
HTML Basics
Training Saber Basics
Advancement Survey <li>Serynh:</li>
Dark Brotherhood Basics
IRC Basics
Chamber of Justice I
Training Saber Basics
Advancement Survey <li>Xantros:</li>
Dark Brotherhood Basics
IRC Basics
Krath Core
Training Saber Basics
Advancement Survey
The following two matches were the culmination of the ACC JM Ladder which I was fortunate enough to have won. If anyone is looking for a good ACC match, I'd highly recommend combatants listed below. Both are/were challenging and fun to write against.
Matches Judged:
DJK Kael Fayne [HDS] vs SW Severon Vercingetorix; Victor: Kael
DJK Kael Fayne [HDS] vs JH Tirna Q'jira; Victor: Kael
<li>Approved Character Sheets:</li>
- None
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We have had a huge influx of new people since the last report. Several have already begun well in becoming active, and hopefully we'll all get to know each other sooner to make our house all the more enjoyable :)
Robin Hawk<i></i> out of HDS.
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We're sort of in a post-Spring Games lull. Comps will be posted via the House Google Group when they happen.
(There are more competitions out there, such as the FIST's gaming comps. Most conclude either at the end of the month of the first day of June, thus I didn't feel the need to post them here. This is the main reason I may shift to doing mid-month reports rather than end of the month reports)
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Kael's ARMY OF CHAMPIONS is a short segment in which I highlight the awesomeness of one member in particular who has caught my attention and deserves to be titled Champion. While truly a great honor in itself, the title comes with no shiny object or monetary reward. It is, however, guaranteed to help you attract the opposite sex. Without further adieu...
It truly is amazing how many people join the Brotherhood and never make it past the rank of APP. Thus, it is all the more encouraging when a new person get his or her hands dirty and works as hard as the rest of us. With an abundance of SA courses passed and 3 other submissions to the Spring Games, Jace Malterra just barely edged out some of the other new folks and earned the right to be this month's CHAMPION. Congrats!
*_Membership in Kael Fayne's ARMY OF CHAMPIONS is a privilege, not a right. It may be revoked if one brings shame upon the title by loser-ish activity, or a general failure to provide an abundance of cookies.
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Things to do:
Over and Out. :)
DJK Kael Fayne (Obelisk)/AED/Dorimad Sol of Scholae Palatinae [ACC: CL:1]
AC-ToSH / GN-BL / Cr-1R-1A-1S-4E-4T / PoB-AgL / CF-RF / CI-PC / LS / S:-1B
{SA: DMP - DMGH} </td> </tr> </table> <html />
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