Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

Greetings and Salutations.

Black Phoenix Happenings

Cypha recently left both Black Phoenix, as well as Reinthaler, stating troubles in life and needing to focus on said life for a while. We wish Cypha well. The rest of Black Phoenix is also noticeably silent. Knight is still listed on the roster, but he requested to be removed from the team some time ago, after my initial assignment to BTL and my first report. So, for the moment, the roster should read myself as the only known active member, with Nichos Rhade, Liram Winterhaart, Achiryte and Yurei in the team in unknown activity status. Guys, the team is all of us collectively. I need responses, I need communication, or I need to remove you from the roster.

Tip of the Week

As begun in my last report, since there really isn't anything to the job without active team members to assist and direct, I've decided to try and offer insight and tips for the House as a whole when it comes to writing. Last report, I focused on utilizing the Force in writing, specifically in reference to the ACC. This week, I'd like to comment on dialogue in writing.

One of the hardest parts to write in any situation, be it an ACC battle, a Clan or House run-on, or even personal fiction, is dialogue. We all want to be strong, dominant characters. We all want to be the center of attention (most of the time). We all want to be the badass who stops everyone with a sentence. The problem is, how do we capture enough focus, power, and progress for the story not only in our words, but the words of those around us? How do we make sure to capture the essence of every character? How do we really get an understanding of everyone in the House and Clan so that the story benefits most of all?

First and foremost, we all need to be in tune with each other. We can idle on IRC all day, and we can banter back and forth with each other via email, but this doesn't really draw us any information in regards to each other fictionally. Who is Sith Bloodfyre? Who is the tenured jester that sits on IRC under the nick of Bloodfyre? Are they the same person? Do they speak the same? When does one speak, and the other sit back and watch? This is often the one thing that hinders us all. We see the two halves of the same being, and mix dialogue and action between the two as though they are interchangeable. However, most often, they are not. One of the best things we can do is offer each other assistance. We all have access to character sheets provided for use within the ACC. This is one resource we can make full use of to provide each other with ideas and insight into our characters. Another avenue of information is the Wiki. We all have access to create personal Wiki pages that are meant to be resources for both ourselves, and for each other. They are meant to provide insights into our characters and the lives they have led, and continue to lead to this day. Within these two resources, we need to make sure to put information on how we act, how we think, how we speak, and anything else that really provides those little quirks that we all have thatprovide the spark of life to any character.

Secondly, we need to pick up good writing habits. One of these good habits is asking for input and feedback, especially when it comes to writing another character. If I write as Oberst, I talk with Oberst. I present him the situation that his character will be in within my story, and offer ideas I've had. Oberst will then take those ideas for what I want his character to say, or have his character do, and he will help me to mold those words and actions so they fit him, but do not change what I want to have happen in the story too dramatically. Once Oberst and I have done this several times, I may not ask him as much, or as often, but I will still likely ask his input on how it looks, how it sounds, and so on. When you are writing someone for the first time, this is hugely important. Do not be afraid to ask for input! It makes us better writers, and better friends, because we interact and actually show respect and concern for each other.

Thirdly, another good writing habit is seeing the story as a perfect picture, and each character within it as imperfect, partial facets of the story. As a whole, we are a perfect group. As individuals, we are imperfect and draw on each others' strengths and weakness. We do this fictionally, but we also do this in real life. We often have failings and shortcomings that require other people to make us better. Are you a student? Your shortcoming is a lack of knowledge that is enhanced by being in school and receiving instruction from your teachers. Are you an employee? Your shortcoming is having nothing to do that is enhanced by an employer who puts tasks before you, and provides you with resources to accomplish them. Are you alone? Your shortcoming is being lonely, which is enhanced by going out and making friends, who share in your life and seek enjoyment and memories by being together with you and others. The same is true for our characters. Each of us seeks out something from Tarentum. Each of us gains something from Tarentum. Each of us gives something to Tarentum. What members of this Clan can accomplish what you cannot? Are you a master of the Force? If not, who teaches you things? Who comes to protect you when you get into situations that you cannot resolve on your own? Who seeks out your expertise and experience, and causes you to get into adventures (or misadventures) that you would otherwise not be motivated to partake in?

By considering these things and more, we begin to look to motivate dialogue, which itself motivates action. Every action is determined by a thought. Thoughts are most often expressed first in words. Figure out how we all blend together, and you will often have a motivated dialogue that writes itself, because you start to hear other characters talking, and taking on roles around you.

Dialogue will likely be a topic I spend some effort on. It's one area we can all improve upon.

Until next week!


-DJM Sith Bloodfyre-Tarentae (Sith)/CMDR/Reinthaler of Tarentum Grand Chamberlain of Tarentum Fleet Admiral of Tarentum The Ghost Dragon Bearer of the infinite kick assness Wielder of the holy keg of f**k you

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