Report #3 â June 5, 2010 <-
Yup, report time! In this report you will find information on the following: New Competitions! Winners of the previous competitions; Information on the new ACC Hall; Applications for Praetor to the Voice/CM as well as a M:VOICE job opening. Let's get right to it, shall we?
I'll begging this report with a call for more applications! I do believe that tomorrow was originally going to be the last day for Praetor applications, but I will be extending it for one more week (deadline being June 13th now). I want to ensure that I get the right person for that job, so the more choices I have, the better. That isn't to say that the current crop of applicants will be thrown out...far from it. A little more competition though won't hurt :)
To re-iterate what the position entails; Praetor to the Voice is also the Combat Master. When some of the coding issues are resolved, this person will hold both the titles of P:VOICE and CM. That means their primary focus is on the day-to-day operations of the ACC, but they will also be a sounding board for other projects that come out of my office. Applicants should meet the following criteria...
Strong understanding of the ACC and it's mechanics
Ability to work with members of the DB in a professional manner
Highly active and able to stay on top of the day-to-day running of the ACC (introductions, judging, site maintenance, etc...)
Clear and constructive ideas for the continued growth of the ACC
There are no real specific requirements I am looking for, but I want someone who is motivated and truly willing to see the ACC grow. Someone I can work with to ensure that happens. Please send all applications to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] by June 13th. If you truly want to help run the ACC, then apply. You can't get the job if you don't get your name to me.
I have a second job posting! This one is for a Magistrate job. I do know that a few people have shown some interest in helping me out, so now's your chance to formally apply for this position. The job itself has a specific role to play right now, but it could expand depending on the quality of work initially provided.
What is the job? I basically need someone to go through the DB wiki and reading up on the various wiki articles. Specifically, they will be looking for history that does not really "gel" with the rest of the DB. Things like character's heavily interacting with canon character (Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, etc...) are generally a no-no, so a more concentrated effort is needed to get those issues corrected. More specific will be given to whomever becomes my Magistrate. I am not going to put in any specific requirements. I just need to know why you are the "best" person to handle this job, and what skill-set do you bring that can help enhance the Voice's office. Please have all applications in by June 20th.
Competition Time! A new month means new competitions! There are two competitions from myself, with a bit of a "future" theme to them, with another competition designed by Severon of Tarentum.
All in Good Time... - For all of our differences, each of us have one thin in common: Ambition. Each day we strive for more, be it power, wealth, fame or all the above. We are never content with what we have. During your meditations a plan unfurls before you, the path to attain that goal crystal clear. What is that ultimate goal you see for yourself and where does it take you? How do you see yourself reaching what once was believed unattainable?
The End - Everything must end sometime...that time has finally arrived for the Dark Brotherhood. The future has opened up to you in strange and mysterious ways. Although much is still hidden from you, a clear vision of the Dark Brotherhood and it's final moments play out. How has this happened? What is the final nail in the coffin for this group of dark jedi, and what is your role in all of this?
Something is Coming... - Even on Coruscant, something goes bump in the night. Using your character and the Star Wars universe, re-create your favorite horror movie or book that has a ""monster"". What does this monster want and how do you manage to surviveâ¦if you survive!
Please click on the individual links for more details on the competitions, and where to send your submissions to. All 3 competitions will run this entire month, so plenty of time to get them in! I would also like to re-iterate that I do look at your character sheets and wiki pages when I grade your submissions. That means being able to role-play your own characters is very important, so remember that when writing your fiction's!
As for last month's winners...
The Journey
1st - Eiko
2nd - Ronovi Tavisaen Tarentae
Dark Jedi Swap
1st - Wuntila
Weekly Mission #2
1st - Ronovi Tavisaen Tarentae
2nd - Aesir
3rd - RianAslar
The biggest news in the ACC recently has been the opening of a new Hall, the Genesis Combine. It is an amalgamation of both the Proving Ground and Training Annex, while also being a bit more. This hall allows everyone to participate in the ACC, whether you have qualified or not. However, for those who do wish to qualify, you may now choose whether to use a completed battle as your qualifying battle. If you don't think a battle is good enough, try again. If you want to just train some more, you can do that too. All of the DB can now use the ACC, although you must still be qualified to fight in other halls, which earn you wins/losses; Cluster's of Ice and the ability to participate in ACC competitions. Below are some of the specific rule for the Genesis Combine (which can also be found within the hall itself).
No battles are formally judged. All completed battles are closed by the ACC Staff
Win/Loss counts are not tallied to member's CS's
INI's may submit a completed battle to the Combat Master and Deputy Combat Master for qualification judgement (INI must have posted up to the DP)
Must wait 1 month before being eligible to submit another battle for qualification, if previous attempt failed
All battles follow the regular "ACC Rules" for posting and time-limit, with each battle being 4+2 (4 regular posts followed by a death post from each combatant)
Before I stop babbling, I would just like to congratulate Scion on his Steel Cross for all of the work he's currently done for the ACC. I look forward to seeing what else he has in store for us! I would also like to welcome both Timeros and Tsainetomo back to the ACC in a more "active" role as Judges.
Report Lyrics:_ "Dr. Landy tell me you're not just a pedagogue"_
In Darkness,
Dark Jedi Master Halcyon Taldrya
Voice of the Brotherhood
Sith Lord
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Barenaked Ladies - Brian Wilson.
Really Halc, really? :P