Proconsul Report


Proconsul Report

PCON, Report the First

Greetings, all! This marks my 1st report as your PCON, and instead of rehashing everything that your capable leaders have already posted (I hope you read reports!), I'll have a slightly different format for this one, at least.

Firstly, I'd like to thank everyone for making me feel welcome in this new position. I hope I can live up to everyone's expectations!

Next, there are scads of competitions floating around out there; there's no reason for you guys to think that there's nothing to do! ;) These comps range from BT level to DB wide, and I suggest you guys take a crack at them. They're the best way to get noticed and to put notches on your 'saber belts towards those coveted promotions!

I'd like to thank your House leaders for the level of activity they've been putting forth; I've not worked with a more capable and competent group of people, and I'm excited to see what we all can accomplish together!

In Run-On news, I'd like to point out that the current arc (Deliverance) looks like it's about to wrap up; if you haven't made your presence known as yet, do so now! It's a great way to earn those Clusters of Ice. Alternatively, feel free to wait until the next arc begins...this runon will not 'end', per se, not if I have anything to say about it (and, I do!); make sure you reach out to some seasoned members to find out the best way you can begin helping to write the history of our illustrious Clan!

There are some listings for jobs as well, guys. Other than pwning every comp there is, this is another way to get involved and noticed. The three that jump out at me at the moment are CNS' current opening for Rollmaster, and the Voice is looking for a Praetor and a Magistrate. Take a look at the CON's most recent mailer to see when our deadline is, and at the main page at the Voice's Report to see his requirements.

In personal news, I'll be looking for a Black Guard pretty soon, and some report headers as well. If you want to forward me something now (hint, hint), you'd earn my undying appreciation. I'm undecided as to whether or not to offer a comp for this or not...we'll just have to see! ;)

In RL, my son started his first Summer Camp today. It's not the 'ship-you-off-to-some-bug-infested-marsh' kind, but the 'drop-off-and-pick-up' kind. He's really excited about it, which for a three-year-old, can be pretty damned excited! Subsequently, I'm excited for him. I think that things like this, the 'first day of school', and the like are harder on the parents than they are for the long as there's toys, other kids, toys, snacks, and toys, they really don't care about whether or not Mom and Dad are going ape-s#!t over whether or not their baby is in good hands. sigh

Summary: - Thanks for the support! - Lots o' Comps...go do 'em! - House Leadership RULZ - Run-On, still going strong! - Help Wanted, go stimulate the DB Economy and apply! - BG and Headers, please and thankee! - Summer Camp ROX!

Thanks for lis'nin'!

In service, ever for Sadow...

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