Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

_Antei, 33 ABY

The Fist of the Brotherhood, Sith battlelord, Ma'ar Tyrius Ga-tir, and his magistrate, Dark Jedi Knight, Ruluk Okoth, entered an old, rusty, but somehow stable structure. Inside it, as they were walking, the Fist spoke. "Fellow friend, as I did show to your partner, magistrate Fremoc Pepoi, you are now to see what we will be doing for our first tournament.

That word. Tournament. It evoced thousands of bloody and traitorous battles. Allies turned on each other. Savage destruction. A black, opaque, gloomy sand, which was supposed to be bright and colorful. The sky itself darkening by the explosion of vicious powers in just one single place. Both dark and majestic. That was a tournament.

"Okoth... Behold, the Arena!!"

The most outstanding structure of them all. Big enough to carry hundreds of combatants at the same time, all ready to kill each other in a free-for-all contest, which would brutally kill everyone but one. Creatures of the farthest and darkest places are also available to be used in battle, against the combatants. The door for which the Fist had entered seemed strong, thick and heavy enough to guarantee that this place of doom was also a space for the most mortal event ever. Only in very few places around the galaxy can you feel that pressure in the air, created by the thousands of dead beings, whose spirits are still moving around the place, the force not letting them join it._

Well, welcome to my newest report for Shadow Gate. First, I would like to tell you all to, simple, BE ACTIVE! You just don't imagine all the chances you have let pass because you just stay there, doing nothing. Competitions by now are many. The brotherhood is waking up and many changes are in progress. You are staying behind. The time is now, folks. Things are getting a new direction everywhere I see. Be prepared for some cool stuff to come.

But, until I hear from you (and I haven't heard from some of you at all), all I have to report is the news (several things have happened) and the rewards I have got.

The clan is going up. Nice.

  • Wuntila received a DC and became the Aedile of House Galeres, replacing Sang, who has RL issues. Congratulate this awesome arconan.

  • JScumm received a SC. Very well done, JS. Congratulate him as well, plz.

  • Zod was promoted to DJK. Finally. So, obviously, congratulations to him too. Oh, and he's not Zod anymore...

  • ...Welcome back, Talos? :P

  • Inarya got an AC. Another arconan to be proud of.

  • Ruluk got M:Fist. (Yeah, I'm very proud. :P)

Okay, competitions:

  • For writers: Voice's may competitions are over, giving space to the june competitions to start. All of them are future-themed. For the first one, you have to tell us the end of this brotherhood. It is over. The brotherhood has finally fallen, all of these dark jedi have reached their ultimate end. You? You are playing a role in all of this. Tell us about it!

  • Second voice competition: Lover of horror movies? Well, make it Star Wars themed. Can you survive your own horror movie?

  • Third voice competition: Your path to your ultimate goal in your life has finally been revealed. Tell us about it!

  • For alternative writers: Ceth is waiting for you to complete a simple yet difficult task: face your worst fear. You know that he likes comedy, so narrate your adventure to us.

  • For gamers: Last time, it was a tournament for Republic Commando. Now, it is for Battlefront II. Don't waste your time and join us!

  • For artists: You character in 10 years must have changed a lot. Show Jeric how much.

  • For EVERYONE: THE RUN-ON IS STILL GOING ON!!! POST IN IT AND GET THE NEW MEDALS!! (Cluster of Ice. It sounds so cool!)

  • Ruluk Okoth got an Emmerald Crescent for third place in RC tournament competition.

  • Ruluk Okoth got Ninety Seven (97) clusters of Fire due to double amount applied in the RC competition.

  • I am expecting to see YOU with me next time!

Nothing for my battleteam.





GET ACTIVE!!!!!! That simple. The rest is already said.

  DJK Ruluk Okoth (Sith)/Qel-Droma of Arcona The Proud Battleteam Leader of Shadow Gate ID 7606

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