Dark Jedi Brotherhood Fist Report
Since this is really my first official report it's going to be long winded. I will try to cover all that has been going on since I was named Fist. So lets jump in shall we.
Clan Email Groups
I would like the administrators to each of the Clans and IH to add my email so I can pass along any necessary information to your members and not trust mIRC to get the word across. Also since I understand that not everyone reads the news page. Please add ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) Thanks again.
Running Competitions
Battle Front 2 Bash Still going on until June 26, 2010 at 11:59:59pm. Details Here
Republic Commando Ladder Starts on June 21, 2010, however signups begin Monday June 14, 2010. Send your bid to enter to ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) Details Here
Banner Competition has ended, 1s.t place went to SBM Robin Hawk, 2n.d place went to GRD Eiko, and there was a tie for 3r.d place was KAP Kaira Rohana and SW Ligur Victae "Archangel" Congratulations goes out to all four of them. Medals have been awarded, and you should have gotten them today as well.
Upcoming Competitions
On July 3r.d to July 5t.h we will see another Console Event, this time it will be Halo 3. [Competition Details out by June 25t.h]
Halo Reach is coming out on September 14, 2010. So starting that day, for one week we will see an event planned for that time. [Details Out Later]
Call of Duty: Black Ops is coming out on November 9, 2010. So I will run a one week long event for that as well. [Details Out Later]
Other Competitions that we will be doing in the months of June, July, and August will be Single Player missions for Jedi Academy and Outcast, and X-Wing Alliance. These will be great ways to get Crescent's and Activity for your clans rewarding purposes.
Stuff in the Works
Cluster of Fire: My staff and I have revamped the amounts awarded. We thought that the awarding amounts for the Clusters have been overblown to a point that it was just for a medal. The main changes were done to Teams in FPS (JA/JO/RC/BF/XWA) on the end of uneven teams. Also I seriously picked on Empire at War for the simple point I do not think that a game that takes longer than any FPS we use. Personally those was the area that got really out of hand. Its been shoved off to the Grand Master, and now sits with the coding staff to update and fix the awarding issues.
Rights of Combat: An idea was presented to me the other night about some issues with the RoC, thus since things have too many grey areas. My staff will be looking at these, and we will be doing a serious update to the work in progress that has been done by the previous Tribunes. At the same token, I ask that all six clans and IH, get in touch with their members and find one to two people that want to represent your clans and houses. This will be discussed as a committee and we will look at all the concerns and factors so everyone can feel at ease. I do wish to add that negativity is not going to help anyone. If your clan chooses to not be a part of this that is fine, and we will move on. However I do hope all seven areas will be represented.
RC Server: I am still looking for someone with Unreal Engine Command Line experience. Basically I need someone to write the command line for getting maps to cycle better, including the custom maps. Please submit a piece of work and I will look into it. If your skills are there I will grant access to the server so you can begin to get working. Thus you will be awarded for your work that is done.
-> New in the Gaming world</center Rumors from E3: Here and Here Those two links show a rumor list of a few games that we really need in this club. Whether or not it's true is to be left for this month event. More will be released when I know more on the games themselves. What is on the list is Battle Front 3, The Force Unleashed 2, SWTOR, and something about a Jedi Knight 3.
Battle Front 3: There were a few servers on GameSpy for a while, not sure if it was a hoax or a master plan from Lucas Arts. Here is the link to a page with what seems a lot of information concerning it. Here
SWTOR: This has been discussed over and over on the page so I will just forward you to the Website and you can get all the juicy information about it. Here
Star Wars MMO Emu: Posted by my magistrate Fremoc, this is a way for people to play Star Wars Galaxies for free. See his post here Here
<center>Gaming Servers for DJB</center> Republic Commando: ten players max. There is six custom maps that were voted on, I decided that four was not going to cut it, so I went with the top 6. Here is the Map Pack. This is an auto-installer that places the maps in the game data file under maps. If your copy of republic commando is not on the C drive, you will need to move those files to the correct area manually. Just place the six files in this format: RC > Game Data > Maps. Here is the IP address for the server: You will only be able to direct connect to this server, as It's not showing in the Query of the game. This information should be on the Wiki at the time of this report coming out.
Jedi Academy: None yet
Jedi Outcast: None yet
<center>My Staff</center> Fremoc Pepoi and Ruluk Okoth. Hit them up and ask away if you cannot reach me. Congratulations on the positions guys. I've got some plans for them soon as you've noticed above. So if I happen not to answer a private message or I am not answering in the channel, try emailing me or ask my two guys. I will answer all emails and PM's when I get on-line. I also have an open door policy if you have a concern, complaint, or question ask me and I will answer it to the best of my abilities or I will forward you to the person that can answer it. I am just a pm or email away.
<center>Goofy Quote of the Report</center> I was asked to give someone their five seconds of fame, and I will do so in each report. Want to be featured for some goofy quote....just chat with me and we will see what is there to post. ZIIING 20:00] <blazermortis> i remember in computer class we had an assignment to make a brochure about something online we enjoyed. lol [20:00] <blazermortis> i ended up doing it on the DB lol [20:01] <smoke-fist> nice [20:01] <blazermortis> yea...the guy who sat next to me was like 'what?' lol. nerd...haha [20:01] <smoke-fist> lol [20:01] <blazermortis> yea dude its this awesome online fan club with dark jedi masters and councils its awesome [20:01] <blazermortis> lol [20:01] <smoke-fist> hahaha</smoke-fist></blazermortis></blazermortis></smoke-fist></blazermortis></smoke-fist></blazermortis></blazermortis> <-
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My banner will be added on the next report.....Didn't have the time to get the final details ironed out in time for this report.
Battle Front 3 has been in the making for some time. For a while there it was dropped when they lost the compony making it. Now it is back on the block to see if they can get it done once more. At least that is what I read last year I think ti was in a gameinformer mazigsen. I should find that issue and look it over again.
Battlefront III..... awesomeness, though I won't anticipate too much until it's official. There are some "leaked/trailer" videos out there that look pretty real, but who knows nowadays. Still.... I hope.
As for TOR, the new cinematic will be released at E3. It's set on Alderaan and will show how Darth Malgus got his face chopped in half. Can't wait!
"Darth Malgus got his face chopped"
You mean like Darth Malak?
No, I mean Malgus, the new Sith from the "Deceived" trailer. That necktie isn't for show
Sorry, I misunderstood you comment. Yeah, something like Malak I think. We'll have to wait for the cinematic to find out