Report #4 â June 25, 2010 <-
There's quite a bit of information to cover in this report (what else is new? :P). So what will you find in this report? New M:Voice; Wiki-stuff; Equite Ladder Results; Medal Info; ACC update, competition reminder and competition sign-ups! Let's get to it, shall we?
Since my last report I have two new staff members. I have already announced the first, with my Praetor/Combat Master being Vivackus. He's moved ahead quickly with his plans, and I very much look forward to seeing what he ultimately accomplishes with the job. The position of M:Voice at the beginning of the week, but was waiting for my report to actually "announce" it. So, please join me in congratulating Ji K'awiil des Oultrevent! He has already begun on the project I've set-out for him, which I will discuss on the next point.
I had mentioned this in my last report, but the first project that I would be assigning my newest Magistrate is what I would describe as a "Fictional Wiki Audit". What does that entail? Basically, he will be combing through all of the character pages of wiki articles and looking to see that the content contained within makes fictional sense. For example ...meeting Luke Skywalker in passing is ok; being a former apprentice of Luke Skywalker is not ok :P What we are trying to do is develop a basic framework for the DB to utilize when creating their own personal histories. We are not here to be overly strict on things and to nit-pick every choice, but articles should generally be "realistic" in terms of the DB as well as Star Wars as a whole. This is really a long-term project, and hopefully you will begin to see some comments creep up onto the wiki pages.
While Ji will be working on character pages, I will be looking at Clan pages and doing something similar. There is a ton of information out there, and not all of it really makes sense when compared to the "canon" portion of the DB, or even SW as a whole. When I finish a Clan I will be e-mailing the leadership with my thoughts and opinions on what I've found.
Time for some ACC news. First off, the Equite Ladder is now over. A big congratulations go out to Sashar Erinos Arconae for coming out on top. He had to go through many tough competitors with some very hard-fought matches. I would like to thank everyone who participated in this competition, and for giving me some great battles to judge. All medals have been handed out, so if you're missing anything let me know
While we're on the topic of medals, a lot of you should have received a few e-mails this week regarding medals. On top of Muz awarding all of the Seals, I managed to award all of the Cluster's of Ice for the last RoS. On top of that, all wins prior to the introduction of the CI were also awarded. Altogether there were 300+ medal recommendations done for the CI and all have been approved by the MAA staff. If you believe you're missing any, please e-mail me and I'll look into it. Just to note, I only awarded a CI for timeouts in the RoS if the "winner" had managed two posts. Otherwise no CI was given.
In other ACC news, Vivackus has put together a proposal for a new "rating" system in the ACC...basically, a better way to rank everyone in the ACC rather than just using your total wins. This should better reflect everyone's skill level. I don't want to give out any more information as of yet, until we have something to test out. There has also been discussions on a number of other areas of the ACC, but until we're able to release more concrete information, I don't want to get ahead of myself.
With both Ladders now complete, the next ACC competition will be a 2v2 Ladder. I will make a more formal announcement later, but start thinking of who your partner will be now. They can be from any Clan, but remember that both of you are needed to get through to the next rounds, so choose wisely!
Competition Time! Below are the current competitions running. There is still 4-5 days to get your submission in, so plenty of time! High-level crescents to be given out, so jump in while you can!
All in Good Time... - For all of our differences, each of us have one thin in common: Ambition. Each day we strive for more, be it power, wealth, fame or all the above. We are never content with what we have. During your meditations a plan unfurls before you, the path to attain that goal crystal clear. What is that ultimate goal you see for yourself and where does it take you? How do you see yourself reaching what once was believed unattainable?
The End - Everything must end sometime...that time has finally arrived for the Dark Brotherhood. The future has opened up to you in strange and mysterious ways. Although much is still hidden from you, a clear vision of the Dark Brotherhood and it's final moments play out. How has this happened? What is the final nail in the coffin for this group of dark jedi, and what is your role in all of this?
Something is Coming... - Even on Coruscant, something goes bump in the night. Using your character and the Star Wars universe, re-create your favorite horror movie or book that has a ""monster"". What does this monster want and how do you manage to surviveâ¦if you survive!
Please click on the individual links for more details on the competitions, and where to send your submissions to. All 3 competitions will run until June 30. I would also like to re-iterate that I do look at your character sheets and wiki pages when I grade your submissions. That means being able to role-play your own characters is very important, so remember that when writing your fiction's!
I am looking to have a DB-wide Run-On in mid-July (starting around the 15th). This Run-On will be very mission-oriented, and deal with specific objectives that must be completed. To ensure a more cohesive story, I am taking sign-ups for this Run-On. Anyone can sign-up. Just send me an e-mail that you are interested in participating. I would like all sign-ups in by July 10th. First-level crescents as well as Cluster's of Ice will be up for grabs! This is the perfect opportunity to flex your fictional muscles against other writers in the DB, and maybe earn a little fame and recognition for your character.
That should be everything for this report. Before I go, I would just like to remind all leaders in the DB that communication is one of the most important aspects of your job as leader. With the current AWOL check going on, it is even more important to effectively communicate with your Clan. If the leaders in the Clan cannot communicate, then those within your Clan will begin to drift away. It is a very simple, yet highly important function of leadership.
Report Lyrics:_ "Tonight I throw myself into and out of the red, out of her head she sang"_
In Darkness,
Dark Jedi Master Halcyon Taldrya
Voice of the Brotherhood
Sith Lord
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"Everlong" by the Foo Fighters - Love that song :)
z0mg haet teh Halc!!!1!!111