The wiki staff need your help to identify three things:
DJBWikipedians - Nominate here!
Featured Articles - Nominate here!
If you know of anyone (or anything) to nominate, feel free to do so via the links above. As always, if you need help ask a staffer.
Things on the Wiki are progressing nicely, look out for competitions in the next fortnight and keep up what ya'll are doing.
-> <-
Ronovi Tavisaen Tarentae received a DSS for writing this month's featured article.
Tiberius di cloud received a DSS for being selected as this month's DJBWikipedian of the Month.
No wiki awards were given out this week, see the article for information about earning a wiki award for yourself.
Articles: 2,399 (+58 on the last report)
Registered users: 424 (+21 on the last report)
Active users: 27 (-14 on the last report)
When uploading and image to the DJBWiki you will be presented with an Upload Summary edit box. It is in this box that you include copyright declaration and appropriate categories. For example, if you were to upload and image of Obi Wan and Yoda you would write this in the upload summary:
{ {Fairuse}}
[[Category:Images-Non Humans]]
Or, if Orv draws a picture of a lightsaber for you and has told you it can be uploaded with a Creative Commons licence you would write:
{ {Creative Commons|creator=Orv}}
A full list of categories can be found here, remember to use all that apply.
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