Consul Report


Consul Report

Greetings, Arconans, and DB’ers,

Today I’m honoured to officially be able to say I am now Consul of Clan Arcona.

For the ones who know me you can skip right down to the first divider where stuff you actually might want to read will be located. For those who don’t know me, here is a little more about both Celahir Erinos and the Person behind it:

My real name, and what I prefer to be called on IRC is Irfan, this because I feel IRC is a place where we can drop the IC stuff and be quite informal with each other. I’m one of those Dutchies from The Netherlands. There’s not a lot of interesting stuff about my real life, I study IT/Software Design and will be moving to England in an odd two years. Next to that I spend most of my free time with the lot of you on IRC and play the occasional game on my Xbox360. With that said, let’s get some stuff done.

First of all, I’ll be shining some light on projects I myself and the Clan Summit are working on:

Reb00t Reform

This is nearly done and should be completely released on the wiki within a matter of weeks.

I’ll shortly explain what this changes for our members:

•You’ll have to earn a spot in a battleteam instead of having to be in one.

•You will be presented the choice to join whichever battleteam you want, this includes those in the opposite house

(You won’t be able to choose one of our “elite” teams, at the moment this is only Soulfire Strike Team but in the near future Qel-Droma will be looking on getting an elite team themselves)

More details will be on the wiki soon.

Arcona Website

I would like to direct some attention to the Arcona Website. We’ve got a perfectly functioning website which to my sadness is barely used by our members, as of such I’ll give you all some reasons to start using it.

•Activity Tracker

The website has an activity tracker, what does this mean for you? Basically, you log in to the website with your DJB Credentials and you’re able to enter your activity into this activity tracker. This means we leaders have an easier and more precise way to track your activity; this enables us to see when to award and promote our members. Obviously this can and should fasten up when you get awarded and promoted, simply because your leaders have a quick and easy way to see when to do so.

All in all, the activity tracker exists…USE IT ATR Explanation

•Arcona QDB

The Arcona Quote Database is a nifty little thing I’ve been able to code with a lot of help from Orv, so most creds go to him for the guidance and his patience with me. Basically this is the place where we can save our most funny weird and special IRC quotes. I will be looking into coding some form of IRC script where we’ll be able to display them into our channel by using some form of command, for example: !Quote #1, would display quote number one from the database. Volunteers for help with coding this are more than welcome.

•What do you want to see?

Basically, I’m asking you, the members, what you would like to see on the Arcona Website, this can be anything really. We’re just trying to improve the website so that, you, the members, want to use it more than it’s been used before. Ideas go to [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Before knitting an end to my first Consul report, I would like with all of you to thank Dash for his time as Consul.

He’s been a great mentor, friend and help pretty with everything. He’s been an amazing Consul and has brought a lot to the Clan.

Jon, thanks for all you’ve done, you’re a person who deserves a lot of praise and respect. Vor’e for all you’ve done.


Jon resigned, thank him.

I’m new Consul, be afraid, be very afraid.

Reb00t Reform to be released soon.

We have a clan website, use it. <- Same for the activity tracker.

Quote Database, officially in use.

Arcona Website….What do YOU want to see? <- Ideas go to [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

That’s it for now—

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