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Forward. When it comes to time, there is ultimately only one direction. Kael adopted a hand-over-hand grip on the top of his saber's hilt, twisting his wrist back upward to deflect the nearest blast from one of the dozen training remotes floating around the wooden-floored training dojo. Despite the shroud draped over his head, the Arkanian could see not only the blast but the right boot swinging through the air into the small of his back.
Fayne faltered a couple of steps and then turned back to face his real foe, reaching out to grab and hurl one of the remotes at Angelo Dante before charging forward. The remote seemed to cave in on itself as it fell from the air as the two sabers came together once again with a fierce crackle. Being an old school stormtrooper, Dante could understand the difficulty a gunslinger could have in adjusting to saber combat. The two methods were indeed diametrically opposed to one another, and the many holes in Kael's clothing bore witness to his own difficulties. The Quaestor was, however, impressed by the younger Jedi's ability to endure. At times, Kael merely took the mild punishment from the remotes in order to focus on his manuevering against his live target. Combining this with his Aedile's newly acquired obsession with Dorimad Sol the man, Dante believed there was hope in making Kael a swordsman yet.
"Enough" Dante reached out with the Force and deactivated the remaining remotes as both sabers retreated to their hilts. Kael took off the blinding mask and looked himself over in disgust. He was running out of untattered clothes fast. "I believe we have a vistor."
"A vistor?"
The hinges of the large double-doors squeaked ever so slightly as an unknown figure stepped forward robes fitting for a Krath of notable rank. Kael once again looked himself over before looking over at his Quaestor.
"I look like a homeless person. You planned this didn't you?"
Angelo looked over at the seemingly embarrased youth, maintaining a stoic, serious appearance. "I do not know what you are talking about. Kael, let me introduce you to the man I've been telling you about. Kalak, it has been too long."
"Indeed, indeed!" Kalak Ragnose came closer before pulling back his hood and nodding at his fellow Summit members. "Kael. I have heard your name much and it is glad to finally meet you face to face. And, at last, I understand."
"Understand what?"
"Why Dante asked me to bring these." The new Rollmaster withdrew his hands from beneath his cloak, holding a simple pair of grey slacks and an untattered black shirt.
Greetings troops. Lots of good stuff to report this time around. Let's get to it...
Victory! Essentially all of the results are in and all of the Crescents have been rewarded. Great job to everyone who participated in the Spring Games and contributed to the ownage. Merit awards are still pending, so I ask your patience in that regard. However, you can believe me when I say we know you've earned them and thus will get them :)
First, I have to say I was actually surprised at the number of quality applications we received and conversations we had concerning the open Rollmaster position. I didn't expect to have to make any kind of hard decisions in regards to the position, but was pleasantly surprised. On behalf of Dante and myself, I would like to say that we appreciate each application and each applicants' willingness to serve. Good on all of you
That being said, we are pleased to announce that Kalak Ragnose has been chosen as Dorimad Sol's new Rollmaster! As was alluded to in the intro fiction, I had not met Kalak before the RM job was vacated, but since then I'm becoming more confirmed in our decision. He's got great ideas and has already hit the ground running. Plus, we three get along without trying. It is funny how good stuff comes out of bad, isn't it?
In one final act of whatever, Robin has fled CSP along with 3 of her apprentices. Fear not! Your Aedile will not become number 4. Breathe, just breathe. Recovered? Good. This brings us to a discussion of the Master-Student program in CSP. For those new to CSP or the DB in general, the Master-Student program is meant to help those PRT or above by attaching them to a Master who'll guide them specifically to Knighthood. This Master, however, should not be confused with the Rollmaster, who helps ALL Journeymen towards Knighthood. In general, it's been good practice for there only to be one Apprentice to one Master. In the past, however, this good practice has been exchanged for the innane practice of having a million Apprentices. As of right now, a Master in CSP is only to have 2 Apprentices MAX, and that on special occasions. If you have any more questions, let us know and we'll be happy to clarify things. Oh, and potential Apprentices...choose wisely :)
Very soon, the AWOL Check will be over and those who haven't responded will be removed from our rolls. This act is sort of a double edged sword. The bad news is that we're likely to lose a ton of folks, and our roster will look tiny in number. The good news is that the majority of those leaving were just taking up space and confusing new summit members when they looked at the rolls (Me). Inevitably, this will be a pretty big shakeup, but there's no need to look at it in strictly a negative light.
Once the AWOL Check wrecks its havoc, I'm looking forward to the future of Dorimad Sol. I am interested, and will be discussing with Dante and Kalak, the possiblities concerning a new chapter for our House in terms of our storyline. We have a lot of new people coming in, and many of them (myself included) are without context in terms of Dorimad Sol. It's time to integrate ourselves into the House's overall story. How that will take place is still in the conception phase. The ideas are out there, but they'll need to be sifted through. In fact, if anyone has ideas they'd like to contribute themselves, feel free to leave them with either myself (kaelfayne@gmail) or Dante/Kalak. Regardless, the next chapter will include cool comps and all that jazz. For now, ride out the AWOL check and stay active in DB-wide comps and local comps as they come along. Greatness is coming.
Due to the lateness of the hour, I am simply going to post all the reports released the past month. There's too much house content to waste on this :P
GM Report VOICE Report VOICE Report 2 Headmaster Report Seneschal Report FIST Report Wiki Tribune Report
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Several promotions this last month. I'm glad to see folks keep going, and new people just getting started.
A truly kickass list for this month. Basically, I got 49 emails from the MAA about approved shnies. Lots from the Spring Games as well as other competitions, and even some from the RoS!
Seal of Bone (4); Participation in RoS
Crescent with Emerald Star; 3rd place in FIST's Banner Competition
Crescent with Emerald Star; 3rd place in the CSP Spring Games: Day of Victory Fiction Event
Crescent with Emerald Star; 3rd place in the CSP Spring Games: Family Crest Graphic Event <li>Ariana:</li>
Cluster of Ice (37); Previous ACC Victories <li>Cado H'darr:</li>
Cluster of Fire (20); RoS Gaming, 4th week <li>Cello:</li>
Seal of Bone (2); RoS Activity <li>Dante:</li>
Cluster of Ice (4); One for a recent ACC victory, 3 for previous victories.
Scroll of Indoctrination; Recruiting Xantros
Cluster of Fire (21); Battlefront 2 Bash
Cluster of Fire (16); 4th week of RoS
Cluster of Fire (50); Republic Commando Tournament
Cluster of Fire (58); Republic Commando Tournament
Crescent with Sapphire Star; Shared 1st place in Spring Games: Santa Toss Game
Crescent with Sapphire Star; 2nd place in Spring Games: Track Star Game
Crescent with Sapphire Star; 2nd place in Singles matches during Republic Command Tournament
Pendant of Blood; Overall win record during Republic Commando Tournament <li>Desdemonea:</li>
Cluster of Ice (6); Previous ACC Victories <li>Kael Fayne:</li>
Seal of Bone (6); RoS Activity
Crescent with Amethyst Star; 1st Place in Spring Games: In the Presence... Fiction Event
Crescent with Emerald Star; 3rd Place in Spring Games: Potty Humor Poetry Event
Crescent with Amethyst Star; 1st Place in Spring Games: Family Crest Graphic Event
Crescent with Amethyst Star; 1st Place in Spring Games: Insult to Injury Graphic Event
Crescent with Sapphire Star; Shared 1st place in Spring Games: Santa Toss Game
Crescent with Emerald Star; 3rd Place in Spring Games: Track Star Game
Crescent with Amethyst Star; 1st Place in Spring Games: Belly Flop Game <li>Koskian 'Psyko' d'Tana:</li>
Cluster of Ice (11); Previous ACC Victories
Seal of Bone; RoS Activity <li>Krandon:</li>
Seal of Bone (2); RoS Activity <li>Jace Malterra:</li>
Crescent with Topaz Star; Shared 3rd Place in Spring Games: Study Study Study Event
Dark Cross; Merited for outstanding service
Crescent with Emerald Star; 2nd Place in Spring Games: Santa Toss Game
Crescent with Sapphire Star; 2nd Place in Spring Games: Belly Flop Game <li>Faukes:</li>
Seal of Bone (2); RoS Activity <li>Phantom:</li>
Cluster of Ice (2); Previous ACC Victories <li>Prajna Berkana:</li>
Cluster of Ice (4); Previous ACC Victories <li>Rayne:</li>
Seal of Bone (3); RoS Activity <li>Serynh:</li>
Crescent with Topaz Star; Shared 3rd place in Spring Games: Study Study Study Event
Crescent with Sapphire Star; Shared 1st place in Spring Games: Santa Toss Game <li>Xantros:</li>
Crescent with Topaz Star; Shared 3rd place in Spring Games: Study Study Study Event
Dark Cross; Merited by outstanding service
Crescent with Emerald Star; 3rd place in Spring Games: In the Presence...Fiction Event
Crescent with Sapphire Star; Shared 1st place in Spring Games: Santa Toss Game
Crescent with Amethyst Star; 1st place in the Spring Games: Track Star Game
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Lots of studying this month, thus the Aedile is well pleased. :)
Leadership Fundamentals <li>Kael Fayne:</li>
Astronomy Studies
Grammar Studies <li>Jace Malterra:</li>
Wiki Basics
ACC Basics <li>Von Rholar:</li>
IRC Operator Studies
Krath Core
Old Republic History
Pre-Republic History
ACC Basics
Brotherhood History I
IRC Basics
Dark Brotherhood Basics
Grammar Studies <li>Xantros:</li>
Philosophy I: Views
Brotherhood History I
Poetry Studies
Runon Studies
ACC Basics
Leadership Studies
Grammar Studies
Matches Judged:
_OT Fremoc Pepoi _ vs OE Angelo Palpatine Dante; Victor: Dante
<li>Approved Character Sheets:</li>
- DJK Kael Fayne
- PRT Von Rholar
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Not too many new folks, but Von is doing enough for several new people :P
Mostly fallout from Robin.
Jake Sully<i></i> from CPS/HDS to Exar Kun.
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Posting reports at the end of the month seems to kill this section. We did have 4 competitions in June, but all of them concluded at the end of the month. As stated in the news section, I am looking towards starting a more long-term storyline that'll include appropriate comps. Be on the lookout.
There have been a steady stream of DB Wide comps since the FIST and VOICE took office, and I'm glad to see a couple of our members showing up in them. :)
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Kael's ARMY OF CHAMPIONS is a short segment in which I highlight the awesomeness of one member in particular who has caught my attention and deserves to be titled Champion. While truly a great honor in itself, the title comes with no shiny object or monetary reward. It is, however, guaranteed to help you attract the opposite sex. Without further adieu...
The quickest way for a new member to stand out in the midst of any House is to prove themselves in times of trial or challenges. Not only has Xantros ascended to the rank of PRT in quick order, but he also earned 4 Crescents during the previous Spring games. He has studied relentlessly at the Shadow Academy, and successfully run a House Competition in the last month. Such a complete resume leaves no doubt in my mind that Xantros has earned this prestigous title. Congrats!
*_Membership in Kael Fayne's ARMY OF CHAMPIONS is a privilege, not a right. It may be revoked if one brings shame upon the title by loser-ish activity, or a general failure to provide an abundance of cookies.
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Things to do:
Over and Out. :)
DJK Kael Fayne (Obelisk)/AED/Dorimad Sol of Scholae Palatinae [ACC: CL:1] AC-ToSH / GN-BL / Cr-1R-1A-1S-4E-4T / PoB-AgL / CF-RF / CI-PC / LS / S:-1B
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