Motion. Eiko moved casually around the crowds, feeling the movement of the crowd and bringing himself to shift lightly, keeping to the balls of his feet. This was the last time he would see Ralltiir; with his self-imposed mission finished, he could breathe easily - he had proven something to himself. He had followed the circle of training that Tonor had taught him those years ago, followed it until Tonor was holding him back from growth. The circle was starting over again. He was free to learn again, to chase down every thought and bring it to heel.
The transport off the planet lay like a titanic husk on the landing flat, two klicks from end to end with a small army of workers shifting around, driving loads of cargo into the ship's expansive bays.
It would be worth every credit to have access to his own room aboard the ship - and taking over the well-maintained suite of a dignitary came with security. Eiko adjusted the dust-scarf around his neck and pulled it over his nose as he started out onto the landing flat.
"We are Revan," Eiko spoke comfortably, his legs folded underneath him. The dark brown fabric of a secondary robe covered his eyes as he rested naturally on the reed mats of the dignitary's practice room. "It's an honor."
Clan News: We recently recieved the numbers from Korras' AWOL Check. We currently have 34 members (42 in Huttese!). Thank you all for replying to that check and for your involvement in the House.
There are three new fiction competitions set up by Halcyon. Considering that Aabsdu claimed first place in an event as the only participant, I believe that someone can try to give him a little competition. If nothing else, there are open spots on the medal stand.
Many people have already signed up for the Run-On and the 2v2 ACC Tournament. If you haven't signed up yet, please talk to Halcyon - if you need a partner, please get in touch with some of your Housemates. These writing events have been our strong suit and a showcase for some of our collective talents.
Aabsdu walked away with two first place finishes in June's fictional competitions, "The End" and "All in Good Time..."
Jarith Krasa claimed first place in the "Something is Coming..." competition.
Yes, this means that our House brought back the top medals for all three of June's fictional competitions. Major congratulations to Aabsdu and Jarith. What a way to celebrate our first anniversary as a House!
Exams: Since the last report, only one person has passed an exam. Tratorus, one of my rl friends and school buddies, recently showed up just long enough to pass the Training Saber Course. I would razz him a little right now, but I won't. Congratulations, Tratorus!
Competitions: Signups for the Run-On and the 2v2 ACC Tournament close on the 15th. The three fictional competitions are open until the end of the month. There are no current competitions in our House, but that's liable to change without much notice. Keep checking the group for information about what's going on in the House.
Personal Notes: In a little less than a week, I will be in a semi-LoA. I will have access to the Internet, but I will also be on vacation - therefore, I might be slightly slower about responding to e-mails and other messages. I'm still working on my own progress, moving slowly towards my journey toward Knighthood.
If you have any questions, please contact me. I'm reasonably quick on responses to e-mail and I'd welcome the chance to get to know all of you better.
"From Sigma Horizon to Sigma Horizon, kama ari wanga. May the Force be your instrument." Eiko nodded and ended the transmission. The transport lurched slightly underneath him, rattling his pistol where it rested on the polished stone floor. He rose and walked over to the cabinets that lined the opposite wall, hanging against the expanse of mirrors. Drawing out a wooden sword, he started into his sequences, decorating them with a fusion of elements, muttering his shouten to himself - collapsing the theories of fighting into metered poems, drifting in and out of Huttese and Basic. He occupied himself removing excess movement, excess syllables from the techniques until his arms were nearly worn out.
"Banlath first," Callus spoke firmly. Eiko felt the memory in his muscles as he sucked in his breath one more time.
"Turning in my hands," Eiko muttered, striking at the air. He spun deftly, ten times the swordman he'd been back when Callus started teaching him the fundamentals. "Blade that is nothing but light." He was still a scant tenth of Callus's skill. "My sword, my defense."
"Again." Eiko struck out faster, trimming all that he could. Every excess must fall away. He carried a strike too far, letting it bleed into an upward cut that would have severed a wrist or knocked a blade away, driving his knee into the gap and cutting at the waist.
He exhaled. The word came floating through his mind. "Again."
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