For those who don't know me, I'm Dralin Fortea. I've been a member of the DB for over two years, serving as Rollmaster and Aedile of House Gladius. With the formation of our new Houses, I was a member of the Battle Team Reckoners of House Kaerner, and then made the Fiction Rollmaster.
One of my strong points, or so I'm told, is fiction. I like to develop fiction, and I like to develop it with many people. In short, that's what I'm looking at doing here. As of right now, Reinthaler has no real fictional base. The Pyramid, while cool, serves no real fictional purpose. Why Yridia III? Why a pyramid? Why are we here, and what are we doing? These are questions we need to answer, and I'm putting it to you, the members of Reinthaler.
We need your input on where we're going. What is our purpose, as a House? Kaener has pirates, what do we have? (Nobody say ninjas, or else.) I am coming to you, as your Quaestor, and asking what you would like to see out of your House. We're sputtering, spinning our wheels, and we need a track to them on.
In addition, we are changing our Battle Teams. The names don't have a sense of unity, and they have no history or fictional basis. We will work on this as well.
This House is getting a revamp, and we need your help. We need your thoughts, opinions, and motivation if we want to see this House take off like it should. We're one half of Tarentum, and it's time we started acting like it.
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...Reinthaler's spelled wrong in your header. <.<
OK so we have a planet with giant plants and a Pyramid for our home... i say archeology and "forbidden" darkside research. :)
i mean the pyramid was once a imperial research base, the Massassi Temples in on Yavin are pyramids... kinda fits.