House Satal Keto Quaestor's Report 07/13/2010
_"That's the lot, Quaestor Vorrac." Vexer's voice was crisp, clear, and concise. "Down to the last newcomer." The Arkanian's black eyes fit her stoic expression.
"Thank you, Taskmistress Thrace." Nodding to the woman with skin near as pale as his own, Kal walked before the grouping. His black robes, trimmed with blood red, set an imposing figure. Set in the style of Sith Lords long dead, the burnished chestplate completed the image as his bladed lightsaber hilt did. This man was, without a doubt, a Sith.
"Recent events have put those within our House to the test." Letting his boot heels ring off of the age-worn stone of the Ceremonial Hall, Vorrac glanced about the ancient room and silently thanked the Force he'd chosen warm garments. The place was freezing. "Many have fallen. Some of you are dead, others departed, having fled the wrath of the Dark Side." Stopping before them, he looked over the assembly. "The weak fall away; only the strong deserve to prosper."
His eyes took in the group before him, the huddled group of Journeymen flanked around the edges by the experienced Equites of House Satal Keto. They made a stark contrast, those ringing the back of the group giving off a clear impression of confidence and lethality while the less-experienced ones radiated stress. They were a tiny group, some with a cut or bruise still healing, others slouching in exhaustion or stinking to the Force of fear and deep anger. The members of the group came from all walks of life, from the simplest pacifist to the most-hardened criminals of the system, but all had two things in common. Each of them was a Force sensitive, and each of them thoroughly hated their Quaestor.
"Some of you lean toward weaponry and warfare, toward dominion of the art of combat. You will swell the ranks of the Obelisk in our Clan." Looking each in the eye, noting the way their muscles had increased in tone and their reflexes seemed sharper, he looked on toward those with thicker robes. "Others aspire to learn all that they can, to seek the arcane depths of the Dark Side of the Force. Your knowledge and mysticism will serve you well as Krath." Glancing finally to those who looked about with an air of suspicion, clearly checking for escape routes, he grinned. Kal had been much the same when he'd arrived. "And the last of you seek power, to dominate those below you and ascend to the heights. Some of you strive for the path of the Sith."
Turning and walking up the three stone steps to the height of the room's raised platform, Kal looked over his men, hands clasped behind his back. "This temple is a thing of old times, riddled with traps and dangers of the Sith of old. Now, we have begun to retake it. Like all things in the Jusadih System we live in, we will turn it to our use. Just like our ships, our cities, and even you, we will take what is against us and use it for strength! We will rise, we will adapt! We will overcome!"
His lightsaber flipped into his hand telekinetically, something he'd practiced as he caught it. He saw his fellow Equites do likewise, felt the growing adrenaline as he and a few other Sith spun false alliances and planted loyalty into the newcomers' heads. He lit the crimson blade, seeing weapons of every other hue light up around the room and lifting his high.
"We are House Satal Keto!" He roared, followed by a cheer so loud it seemed to come from a group three times this size. "We will not be defeated!"_
Dark Greetings to you all, Dark Jedi of House Satal Keto!
Some of you have just joined our Clan and our House, have just entered the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. Those will not know me, so I shall introduce myself. I am Sith Battlemaster Kal di Plagia Vorrac. This is my first report in quite some time, but like our Clan and Brotherhood both, the time has come to shed old ways and start anew. I have every faith in you all that you will rise to the occasion and take the ripe opportunities before you.
The AWOL check removed many of our House's members. I would feel sad, except that this confirms one thing. Those members were too inactive to check their emails, to respond to one address, and to take the barest effort to remain. In short, they no longer bog us down. Everyone here either just joined our club or confirmed that they'd stay, and I can't wait to see who really wants to be a part of our House's new days of glory.
As you've all seen, I set the introduction inside a Temple and addressed Vexer as a Taskmistress. This is because the new Master/Student Program, Rule of Two, is nearing completion and will be implemented in stages. We will have a new venue to train at, organized Masters to teach, Students that are active and ready, and a Taskmistress to whip the initial joiners right into shape. I'm excited to say that this will probably be the best thing to ever happen to Plagueis.
Our House's Aedile, or second-in-command, has just resigned from her position. Her real life has taken precedence, as it should, and I thank her for all of her service. Good luck, Octavia, I hope things balance out for you soon! I can't wait to see you in the regular ranks at the helm of a TIE Interceptor! Her departure means that the position of Aedile is open for applications until the end of the week. To confirm, that's Friday, July 15.
Requirements: -24 Hour Email turnover under optimal circumstances, 72 Hour Email turnover under constrained circumstances. -Active and steady presence within the Dark Brotherhood and on IRC. -Willingness to work with and learn from other Summit members. -Decisive and mature attitude.
**Application Content: -Past experience, if any, in Brotherhood Leadership. -Record of activity and achievements in the Dark Brotherhood so far. -What you hope to bring to the House as a whole.
All applications should go to your Quaestor, Proconsul, and Consul.**
Finally, for the more-experienced members of the House, our Run-On is now concluded. I wish to thank the participants and the winners, you will have your medals very soon! While I wish we'd seen more participation as a whole from the House on this one, it makes sense in the wake of the AWOL check. With those that replied, I'm sure we can get our members active and ready to go.
Rule of Two
I mentioned it above in the News Section, so I'll expand a bit on it here. Rule of Two is the new Master/Student Program to take place in Clan Plagueis, and the HSK Division will soon be up and running. I hope to get the full document up on the Message Forums( ASAP, but until then I'll give you the overall run-down. Rule of Two is a system managed mainly by the Clan or House Rollmaster(s) and above them, the House and Clan Summits. We monitor rosters and make rule changes, report the activity, and reward those that are active. By and large, those are our only duties. The Rollmaster takes the job of finding our Masters and Students and keeping everyone busy.
Next in line are the Masters. Anyone of the rank of Dark Jedi Knight and above can be a Master, though Knights need to fit some basic prerequisites first. A Master stays as such whether they are teaching a student or not, and is part of an organized group that regularly communicates with and reports to the Rollmaster on the progress of their Student(s). Mastery is voluntary, though the rewards for success can be quite stellar. Success is recognized in the form of Student promotions, Student skill growth, and overall worth to the Program. In short, if a Master wants to succeed and excel, they merely need to make sure their Students do the same. I'd like to point out that even those in Leadership and in the Clan Summit can double as Masters, and I can assure you that I'll be among the ranks. ;)
Students. Ah, those under our wings. Anyone from the rank of Protector to the rank of Jedi Hunter is eligible to be a Student, and must simply let the Rollmaster know and give us a short statement of their interests. Even just a few words will do in this department, and will help us to gauge what sort of Master you'd best be suited to. Of course, it's all voluntary and choice-based. The first round of Students will include everyone between PRT and JH, though any who want out can say so without consequence.
Next up is our Taskmaster, or as it stands, Taskmistress. Vexer Thrace has agreed to take on the duties of the one that first teaches our Apprentices, Novices, and Acolytes the ways of being a Dark Jedi. The Taskmaster's job is to get our newest Journeymen onto mIRC, to get them promoted to Protector, and to give them the basic skills of the Brotherhood. While they will be introducing, teaching, and helping each of our newest members to find themselves in the Brotherhood, they'll also be on the fictional front as the one sparring with them and helping them learn the tricks of the trade.
Finally, those that the Taskmaster teaches. If you are an Apprentice, Novice, or Acolyte in the House, you'll be a Prospect of the Rule of Two Program. Prospect membership is the only mandatory part of the program, but it's also the one you need. You will be introduced to the Clan, House, and Brotherhood, taught basic skills, shown mIRC, and encouraged to come chat with us all. Also, the Taskmaster will work one-on-one with prospects to help everyone find themselves as a character, a Dark Jedi, and a member of our fun and interactive community. If you enjoy it, embrace it. If not, all the more reason to advance with speed. ;)
Anyone who wishes to be a Master should get in touch with me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and I'll give them all the details.
Upcoming Events
With the upcoming Rule of Two Program and its many exciting developments, the opportunity arises for fun and exciting competitions! I hope to work with our gamers to get some electronic entertainment out, and we'll see fiction, graphics, and even Shadow Academy activity centering around the program. Also, Plagueis, the Ascendant Clan, is a Militant Clan. We focus on our Military aspects and our disciplined forces, augmenting and using them for victory. In that vein, expect some exhilarating new battles and happenings in your futures, as well as some stuff toward military training.
The Clan has a couple new things on the horizon, from whispers of an event with another Clan to our own event, introducing our new Clan Nemesis. These things should let us bolster our activity and make some really big bangs in the storyline frontier. Furthermore, it gives us all a chance to get to know our Brothers and Sisters abroad in other Clans. It'll also be a great way to get your names out and bag some exquisite rewards.
Our Clan's Military Merit System will soon undergo huge changes, reforms, and revamps. This is aimed at three goals. First, we seek to reorganize so as to get everything straightened out and well-composed. Second, we want to give you all a chance to aspire, grow, advance, and really benefit yourselves and the Clan as a whole. Last but definitely not least, we're a Militant Clan anyways, so we want everyone enjoying the hell out of every last shot they fire.
Finally, myself and the Clan Summit are looking for individuals with drive, determination, skill, and a vested interest or knowledge in the Military facets of Star Wars. If you enjoy the thought of yourself ordering troops about and seeing the AT-ATs rip apart the enemy base, if you want to be on the bridge when your Star Destroyer rips into the frigates of pirates and rebels, if you love the thought of slicing the enemy data and assassinating the guards to escape, and if you yearn to put your fighter into a twist as its proton torpedo blasts a hole in a wall of opposition and flaming debris... shoot us an email. We'll see whether we can find a use for you.
Food for Thought
Strength. It's a word we almost all misuse or understand, a word with many meanings and differences. For me, it's not about physical strength or stellar talent. It's not about rank or experience, about knowing the right people or being able to do any job better than the rest. Strength is to know your convictions, to live by your morals, to do your best at what you truly love, and to never compromise in being the best you can be. In a word, we can all be strong, and I'd love if we all were.
Rather than reiterate everything I said(Oh noes, Kal, don't make us actually read the report!!! :O), I'll give you the basic idea for the future(phew... thank the Force, you had us scared for a minute there). The AWOL check is a clean slate, a dust-off, and a new page in the book for HSK. Expect major changes and a big pick-up in activity. Before any of you worry of being overtaxed or burnt-out, this change will mark a new day in that if you strive for success, you will succeed. If you participate, you will have fun, and we Leaders will do the best we can to make it just so for you.
Rule of Two will mark huge new changes and the future will hold some fun events for you all. I can't wait to see who comes to the forefront of my attention as House Satal Keto surpasses former glory and you all have fun blasting your way into the history of this great organization. I want to see you all giving it your all and I want to be part of giving you all a club to be proud of, an experience to remember, and fun that remains unsurpassed!
May the Force Serve You Well!
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