Aedile Report


Aedile Report

Talos d’Tana was impressed as he saw his lord’s new bodyguards file into the Meeting Chamber, ten in front of Driftan and then ten behind him. Without being told to do so, the black-clad warriors immediately split off and, without exchanging a word, evenly spaced themselves around the circular room that the House Summit used for their private meetings.

Already seated around the synth-wood table was the Aedile, Sergeant Marick Del’Abbot, Commander Ruluk Okoth, Raaba, Durzo Merce, and Mahakala, the latter having been summoned to the chamber to meet the Quaestor after his arrival at the Temple. The House leader himself rounded the table and with a simple Force pull, sat down in the rich ebony chair at its head.

All was silent for a minute as the marred Sith Warrior quietly and carefully examined each of the Dark Jedi and not just the Qel-Droma’s rising stars but his loyal Summit as well. Finally, he broke the silence with his raspy voice.

“So these are the prodigies?” the question wasn’t really directed at any one in particular so the d’Tana answered for the group.

“Yes my lord. In your absence, these three have proven themselves to me as well as Commander Okoth and Sergeant Del’Abbot to be made of a higher caliber than what is normally expected”

“To my left is Raa-..” Talos started to continue but Driftan held up his hand.

“They are capable of introducing themselves, Aedile. Begin” he commanded, pointing at the Farghul.

“Pro—Protector Raaba, sir” stammered the Shadow Academy ace.

“Durzo Merce, lord Housan” the new Oblivion Brigadier said at Driftan’s gesture, his voice full of confidence and a trace of cockiness.

“And you?” the Sith Warrior inquired of the gaunt Krath at the end of the table. Mahakala turned his head with agonizing slowness before introducing himself as such, each word pronounced as if it pained the Novice to say them.

Leaning back in his chair, Driftan ran a chilling look (due to the Arodium faceplate as well as his darker Force signature) over all assembled before speaking to his Aedile.

“Summon the Rollmaster here at once, Aedile. Once he has arrived, I will tell you of my plans for the coming war…”

The d’Tana nodded but made no move to stand; instead, he just opened himself to the Force signatures that permeated the Qel-Droman Temple and navigated both the strong and weak power levels until he locked onto the vibrant form of Timeros Caesus Entar Arconae. He uttered a single sentence into the Pontifex’s mind, all he could manage at his current level of mindspeak mastery.

“Driftan needs you in the Meeting Chamber..but brace yourself, he’s changed.”


Welcome to the first report from me, Aedile, Talos d’Tana. I know it’s been about a month since I was selected to be put into this position but never fear, the lack of reportage until now is all part of… Master Plan Alpha-Romeo-Charlie-Oscar-November-Alpha-India-November-Victor-India-Charlie-Tango-Alpha! ~~ The Dealings of Droma ~~

So here we go. My first report. Bada-bing! We rock, Arcona’s t3h sex. The other Clans can’t compare. And that’s about it. See you in two weeks! ….Yeah, you’re not that lucky.


Ok, first up we have a nice friendly reminder about some competitions. Remember last Friday when Driftan said that he and I were going to be releasing some competitions for you all to do for the rest of the month? Well, the man’s not a liar and a few days ago, said competitions were opened to the public. The public as in you here ‘Dromans.

Crying Wolf - - What happened to Wolf Guard? Why were they replaced? What caused Driftan to get rid of them and bring in a new bodyguard?

The New Bodyguard - - Create a Wiki page for Driftan's new bodyguard. Background, character histories, weapons, armor, etc. Feel free to go as detailed as you wish. Entries should be sent in a Wiki format in a Word document; not create a new Wiki page. The winner's entry will be put on the Wiki by the House Summit.

Bodyguard Crest - - You should create a crest for Driftan's new bodyguard for them to wear on their uniforms.

As you can see, we have three different competitons and they each cater to a different interest within the Brotherhood (except for gaming, sorry. You might see some in August).

Now, the cool thing about these competitons other than the fact that you get to show Driftan and me your m4d sk1llz and win some nice Crescents is that the winning entries will be used in the reshaping of Qel-Droma’s history. Pretty much meaning that if you place, you go down in history. Literally.

The competitions run till the 31st of the month and please make sure that you send your entries to both Driftan and myself. E-mail addresses are at the bottom of the report.

::New Member Promotions::

We’ve been seeing a lot of activity in the House of late and that’s great! Some helpful tips for getting yourself promoted quickly are to check out:

1) The Shadow Academy, 2) Wiki, 3) Forums, and of course… 4) log onto mIRC and see what Arcona is really like when we’re not swinging lightsabers at each other and Force hurling non-Arconans off the top of our Citadel.  Message Boards/Forums  Wiki  Shadow Academy.

::A note about Promotion Guidelines for Protector to Guardian and Above::

When you hit the upper Journeyman ranks (Guardian, Hunter, and Dark Jedi Knight), you’ll find that one of the requirements you can fulfill is a two page fiction (the page length increases as you advance towards Knight) that is approved by your Summit/Master.

Since Arcona doesn’t have an official “Master/Student Program” (some senior members mentor newer members and form master/apprentice bonds for fictional development), you can’t go there for a fiction topic. So here’s a quick synopsis of what the Summit will look for when reviewing your fiction:

1)It has to have your character as the main character 2)It must be set in the Star Wars universe 3)Your character’s powers must on level with what is expected of your rank (so a Protector can’t throw Force Lighting) 4)It can be on any Star Wars related topic, but the story’s plot must be believable.

If one follows those pretty simple steps, you won’t have to worry about your fiction ever being denied.


With the closing of the Wolf Guard Battleteam (hence Driftan’s new bodyguards), Qel-Droma is down to two Battleteams and both are currently recruiting:

The first is Oblivion Brigade, our black operations team that work as “Internal/External Security”. If there’s a traitor to the Clan or someone threatening to expose the DB’s existence to the Galactic Alliance or selling secrets to another Clan, you can bet that when the perpetrator is taken down, the bullet was fired by an Oblivion Brigadier. Simply put, if you like to work in the shadows, wear light armor, and have pretty much your existence denied then the Brigade is for you. The current BTL is Marick Del’Abbot, commonly known as Wally out-of-character.

But if you want to feel the rush of battle, check out Shadow Gate. The Gate runs a fine line between being infantry and tomb-raiding. They’re responsible for the security of our artifacts and also gathering more from the various nooks of the galaxy. But equally important is the fact that when all out war rears its head, it’s Shadow Gate troopers who are out there with their guns blazing. Ruluk Okoth runs the Team right now.

If you want to join one of these Teams, the easiest way to do so is to either 1) e-mail Driftan or myself or 2) e-mail the BTL of the Team you want to join and they’ll request that you be moved into the unit.

::Disclaimer:: While Driftan and I will try to accommodate and place members into Teams according to what their character prefers to do, we reserve the right to place members into a different Team if they need to be balanced out.


Though this is horribly belated, our Quaestor, Driftan Housan, received a promotion to Sith Warrior a while back. This is a pretty big step both fictionally and non-fictionally as it means that you’re valuable to the Brotherhood and your Clan (non-fictionally) and that you’ve been accepted into your chosen Order (Sith, Obelisk, Krath) in-character.

In addition to Driftan getting promoted, we also have Raaba being elevated to Protector, Durzo Merce getting Acolyte, and Mahakala going up to Novice and nearly being ready for Acolyte. Way to go you guys!

Oh boy…how do I explain the awards situation? Put simply, the Lord Voice, Halcyon Taldrya, got done with the distributions of the Clusters of Ice for past ACC matches in the Rite of Supremacy and also various other events.

Simultaneously, Master-at-Arms Korras finished giving out the Seals of Bone from the last Rite and so many people got awards that it would be a fool’s hope to count them all. So here’s the part where I give into the Lazy Side of the Force and say…CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL WHO RECEIVED SEALS/CLUSTERS!

However, in a more “organized” fashion, let’s all congratulate Protector Raaba on his recently awarded Dark Cross!

::How You Can Get Involved::

As you’ve noticied (and as Driftan said last week) you’ll notice that three of the newer members of Qel-Droma have been appearing in our report fictions. This is because Raaba, Durzo, and Mahakala (Naz) have been the most active members in the downtime between our reports and therefore we’re giving them a “quasi-reward” but involving them directly with the House Story Arc.

All of you, both veteran and recruit, have a chance to get into the Story Arc of our House. Just be active, both in the House/Clan and Brotherhood as a whole and you’ll find yourselves making Qel-Droma History.

::Story Arc::

Speaking of said House Story Arc, the major plot is still under development between Driftan and I with some consultation from Wuntila of Galeres and Consul Celahir. However, our “report fiction/semi-arc” will be continuing in the same fashion as we have established. Driftan will post a segment with his report and then the next week, I’ll post a segment. He’ll do the next, I’ll get the one after that. Lather, Rinse, Repeat!

::The Website::

No, I’m not talking about the Brotherhood Web Site. I’m talking about the Clan website! It’s now fully operations, featuring an Activity Tracking Report device and Quote Database where you can feature and store those funny as hell quotes that you won’t remember when you get up from your computer.

Please use the ATR, the Summit will be talking about it more soon over the Clan Mailing List but, as a piece of friendly advice, I would take it for a spin and get used to it. In the very very near future, the ATR will be our way of seeing what you as Arconans do and making sure that you guys are all amply rewarded for your accomplishments.

But that’s a double-edged sword. If you 1) forget to use it or 2) just chose not to, we the Summit can’t see what you’ve done. And if we can’t see that, then you’ll be missed when it comes time for promotions and awards. And no one likes that; especially the Summit, we love to promote and award you guys.

The link to the website is below. In the upper left hand corner, you’ll see a login box asking for your PIN and password. These are the same as your Brotherhood administration log ins. Nifty, no?

::The Brotherhood Synopsis::

*DB-Wide RunOn “Operation Junkyard has begun. Multiple Arconans are rocking the show. *Darth Sarin is currently looking for additional Staff, namely one (1) Praetor and two (2) Magistrates. *Various Consul/Councillor Reports Out *Cooperative Wiki Competition released! *Arcona’s awesome.

::Closing Bits::

When it comes down to it, Arcona is definitely on the up-and-up. Not only are we seeing new members join and get active, we’re seeing current members get active and we’re even getting the old veterans to rejoin and be active. It’s a great time to be alive (isn’t it always?), a fantastic time to be a Dark Jedi, and the best time to be an Arconan.

If you need me, drop me an e-mail or get me on mIRC. You’ll find me as Talos or some close variation. Remember, competitions close the 31st! It’s a chance to make ‘Droman history! Till two Fridays from now!

Arcona Invicta!

Knight Talos d’Tana Aedile, House Qel-Droma

::Contact Information:: *Driftan Housan –[Log in to view e-mail addresses] *Talos d’Tana –[Log in to view e-mail addresses] *Marick Del’Abbot –[Log in to view e-mail addresses] *Ruluk Okoth –[Log in to view e-mail addresses]

::Important Links:: Clan Website

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