Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Greetings, Tarentum. As you can see, this is a very informal report, but a very important one. There is an obvious reason as to why I am reporting a day earlier, so please read this, as it pertains to the current state of Tarentum and the future of our unit.

Muz has officially decreed that every clan be downsized into an independent house. This decision was a long time coming, and it is a response to a lack of member retention, decrease in activity, scarcity of strong leadership, and severe cut in membership. Therefore, Clan Tarentum has now become Independent House Tarentum. I am your Quaestor and Ji is your Aedile, and Kaerner and Reinthaler are now out of the picture.

Now, one thing I really want to be sure that all of you DO NOT PANIC. Yes, this is a big change, and a sudden one. However, simply follow the list below to see many of your likely questions being answered:

  1. Tarentum will maintain its dominion, titles, and powers. We will keep the Yridia system and our ability to create Rakghouls and Smoke Demons. The only difference is that we are being called a house.

  2. We will have four battle teams in our house. Right now, some of you are in battle teams and others of you are not. That's fine - if you do or do not wish to be in a BT, we will adjust your position accordingly. At the moment, Korras is still working on removing Kaerner and Reinthaler, as they've been temporarily changed to BTs to accommodate the downsizing.

  3. Leaders may change. Yes, this may happen - leadership may be modified. We just lost two great Quaestors and two great Aediles, and we would like to see them still work as at least advisors. As at least two of our BTs may be undergoing various fictional changes, there may be a chance for those who have lost their positions to have new ones. Also, the Rollmaster position will be opened - again, it will be dealt with accordingly.

  4. Kaerner and Reinthaler will be a part of Tarentum history. They will not be forgotten. And in fact, if we possibly prove ourselves to the DC in a year or so that we can be a clan again, Kaerner and Reinthaler may be brought back into the picture.

  5. The current run-on will end with us being downsized to a house by order of the Dark Council. This is an opportunity to wreak total havoc in our storyline. We've set up an excuse for us to go into all-out battle - now we have an excuse for massive destruction and war in our system. What I want now is to see the story end with the clan having a real fictional reason for being downsized - in this case, it is ravaged by a coup, it has lost several members to battle, and it is in terrible shape.

Keep that in mind when you post in the RO - and please post! The tinyurl link for it is here: http://tiny.cc/hvz8y

With the changes to Tarentum comes a need for a massive DJBwiki editing spree. Not only will house and clan history pages have to be added to and edited, but any and all pages containing the words "Clan Tarentum" in Category:Tarentum will have to be altered. Kaerner and Reinthaler need to have well written demises and be moved to Category:Tarentum Historic Articles. The battle team pages will need to be updated to show them as independent units on different planets. Every page needs to be ironed out so that the word clan is only used historically, relating to the past, so that all of our information is up to date.

Therefore, I am giving each and every one of you an opportunity to work on the wiki for a just reward. Those who edit five wiki pages or below will receive a Dark Cross; those who edit five wiki pages or above will receive an Anteian Cross. E-mail me at my regular address if you are interested, so that I can link you to Category:Tarentum and direct you on how to edit the pages I assign you. I prefer those with mechanically sound writing technique to volunteer, but anyone is welcome.

I apologize for the report looking so shabby - I will e-mail updates as they come. Obviously, by the time everything is reformatted, polished up, and finalized, I can return to my official report format (and I'll need a new top header, who wants to volunteer?). In the meantime, read up on all reports on the main DB website, including Muz's report, and take a close look at your ID line. If something is wrong with it, or you want to be moved to a specific BT, please e-mail me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Keep on rocking, Tarentum, whether a house or a clan.

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