The Fist of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood Report
The Fist to the Dark Jedi Brotherhood
As this is the Third month that I have been lucky enough to be in the position, I must take the time to thank each person that was responsible for me being in this position, and those that have cared enough in this club to make our gaming a very exciting place to be. From all the trash talking, to the friendly banter I thank all of you for this opportunity and for the memorable moments so far!!!
Competitions Past, Present, and Future
Past Competitions
-> RC Bash 1st place: Locke 2nd place: Dante 3rd place: Robin
JO Bash 1st place: Furios 2nd place: Imichua 3rd place: Archangel
Howie Special 1st place(tie): Howlander 1st place(tie): Kael 2nd place: No Submissions 3rd place: No Submissions _ See this would have been a really good chance for someone to get a Crescent, Myself and Locke both tried but were unable to get this working._ <-
-> Mando Pride aka Triple CF day No one played for the single day event <-
Present Running Competitions
Bash the Gaming Staff
Bash The Gaming Staff Details Here
Battle Front 2
Aliens vs Predator Console and PC
Smack those silly aliens around
1st place with get their choice of the sabers, and will receive the armor 2nd place with get their choice of the three items 3rd place will get the choice of what 2.nd place didn't want
Modern Warfare 2 and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
Remaining Competitions for August
Jedi Outcast Triple CF day
Empire at War Double CF day
Jedi Academy Bash
Gaming Trivia
Running on September at 7pm CST, you must have played 1 game to be eligible for this trivia
For those that are unaware, later this month I will be bringing back and older game that is also free from Microsoft. Actually a really good flight simulator.
Details on the competition here.
I will suggest that people go grab this game, and get use to the controls, and get it all installed prior to the competition.
Future September Competitions
These following Competitions have not been submitted for Approval yet
As you can see below, there will not be any double, or triple gaming days in September, this will be reserved for November when the Vendetta is over. Also the new rule of 6 people is now in effect for the Crescents to be awarded. 1.Jedi Academy Sabers live event So what is a live event? This will be an event that is run for a few days, where those that have JA in there name, will be randomly paired with someone for three games, you play them and submit, no other JA games will be accepted at this time. The event will go on from 8am to 11pm each day. Your partner will be posted in the channel. Please put a tag in your name when your able to play each day. This will be in its trial stage, if this goes off without a hitch, I will be using it for other platforms in the future. Thanks goes out to Ruluk for the Idea!!!!
2.Jedi Outcast Gun Bowl Pretty simple to understand, Guns only! No other Jedi Outcast game will be allowed at this time. Also for a additional incentive, anyone that has the best win-loss record against The Fist in Jedi Outcast guns, will receive double CF's and a Pendant of Blood for the entire event. Also if more than 10 people play I will upgrade the Crescent to 2.nd level
3.Battle Front 2 All format of this platform will be accepted; Team, or singles
4.Republic Commando 2v2 Team event This competition will be for sign-up only, and you will be paired with someone. I will chose the pairings based on your skill level. In your email you need to supply what time frame you can be around to better pair you with someone that can also be around at the same time. If I have more than 5 teams that play I will upgrade the crescents to the next level. Also no other team RC will be allowed at this time.
5.Jedi Outcast All format of this platform will be accepted; Team, or singles
6.Empire at War All format of this platform will be accepted; Team, or singles
7.Halo Reach Console event In celebration of the release of the final Halo game. There could also be some special goodies on the line for this one.
8.Alien Swarm Co-op event Free from steam that I have talked about in the last month, there will be some special rules involved with this one as well. Either on a public server, or hosted from one person computer. G4 Tv did a spot on Alien Swarm
9.Jedi Academy All format of this platform will be accepted; Team, or singles
10.Republic Commando All format of this platform will be accepted; Team, or singles
11.Open Platform Point Gambling event A idea that was brought to my attention, and will have some special rules. In a nutshell you receive 25 points for the period of 5 days, but be aware if you drop down to 0 you will be out of the competition at this time. All supported DB games will be allowed during this event. More details will be released when its finalized. Thanks goes out to Robin for the Idea!!!!
12.Gaming Trivia 2 Legions of Scholar will be on the line for the top 2 people. Held September at 7pm CST. Only those that have played during September will be allowed to take part.
** Unreal Tournament 2003 for the PC **
Details on the Game here More details here, plus patches This will no doubt be used in September, so If you have this older Multiplayer game, be ready!!!
Statistics for Gaming: August 1st to 14th
(Amount of Games, is the total of each person added together) Amount of Players: 30 people so far in the first two weeks (Awesome Job) Total Amount of Games: 712 matches
Comparison from 2009 August 1st to 14th Amount of Players: 8 Total Amount of Games: 66 matches
Jedi Academy: Amount of Players: 20 Amount of Games: 274
Jedi Outcast: Amount of Players: 16 Amount of Games: 193
Republic Commando: Amount of Players: 12 Amount of Games: 221
Battle Front 2: Amount of Players: 2 Amount of Games: 12
X-Wing Alliance: Amount of Players: 2 Amount of Games: 2
Empire at War: Amount of Players: 0 Amount of Games: 0
House Statistics:
Arcona: 4 people, 31 games Taldryan: 2 people, 3 games Tarentum: 4 people, 104 games Naga Sadow: 4 people, 133 games Plagueis: 8 people, 98 games Scholae Palpatine: 5 people, 202 games Revan: 0 people, 0 games Dark Council: 3 people, 141 games
Props to the following that have made this month so far EPIC!!
Taig, Archangel, Ruluk, Kyra, Dante, Robin, Kaira, Howie, Locke, Fremoc, Unus, Araxis, Kael, Eetherbiail, Furios, Serynh, Phaeton, Arian, Halc, Wolvie, Jscumm, Imichua, Giovanni, Alexander, Jendan, Kano, Melfeckt, Azazel, and Schmidt. Major thanks goes out to each of you on the awesome performance in gaming, your houses should be very thankful as well!!!
Modded Star Wars Gaming, and Non-Star Wars Gaming Policy
Rule of thumb here is simple: Start with Star Wars games, if that fails we go to Modded games with a Star Wars Theme, if that fails, then we look at Sci-Fi games only. This rule is simple enough that if you want something else, you can pm me, and I will look at it and see if it has a use. Complain to me, and you get ignored. I do the off shot gaming like Halo or something else when its for something a bit special, all you need to do is just ask in a nice way and give me a solid reason to why we need it and when it should be used.
Lookup Feature in DBGaming
While in DBGaming, try these codes and you get a lot of useful information. !lookup RC server !lookup JO server !lookup JA server !lookup Gaming Competitions !lookup Patches !lookup JA mod !lookup Rules !lookup Most Active Gamer Award !lookup RC maps !lookup CF stats !lookup PoB stats Now on a more mellow, fun note these two are in joking around and having fun. !lookup Quote 1 to 10 (done separately) !lookup Fist Rule 1 to 5 (done separately)
Teaser for Grand Masters Royal Guard
After a long and lengthy begging session, I have talked the Grand Master into allowing me to hand out a small, zoomed out teaser to the special robes and armor you get for being a part of the Royal Guard. Anything further would mean death of the Fist, so you get teased and I get to stay alive just a bit longer.
Q: Should I take screenshots with every win? A: Usually no, since most gaming is done on a approved servers there is no need for a screenshot, now if the game took place on console, I would prefer that a screenshot is submitted by email. This can be done from a digital camera, or cell phone if the resolution is high enough, and I will need to just see the final scores. However we are trusting the members at this point, and for one person to ruin that would be the end of all console gaming, and a quick trip to Kir and banning from all gaming from me. So please consider the punishment when even factoring in cheating
Q: Do 1/3 CFs received from losses build up over time or are they simply lost after the competition? A: Since I award Clusters of Fire on a weekly basis, for both the competitions and gaming nights, they do not accumulate from week to week, what I do normally go with is if you hit the 2/3 mark I will round up each time, and if you only play 2 games, even if its both losses, I feel you deserve something for playing. Since I try to make sure each person has something to show for their invested interest's in this matter, sooner or later you make up for that 1/3. If people want me to go back to awarding Monthly for everyone, I can do that but then you would have to wait it out and then at months end Korras has a really huge inbox and is pissed at me for flooding it. So if the majority wants to go back to late awarding like we have seen in the past, or a weekly awarding for members, just shot me a pm and or email
Q: Sidarace asked, Smoke can I will all the time? _A: Oh boy, If I had a nickle for every time someone asked me this one. My answer is very simple Sid, DENIED EPICALLY!!!!
Q: Hey Fist, I am new to the DB. Is it my responsibility to discover there are Rules are to gaming or should my leaders inform me the first time I arrive and discover I am a gamer <i>A: Well yes and no. Yes its also my job, and also your house leadership responsibly to make sure you understand the rules. So where do you go? Here you go you may also while on mIRC stop into DBGaming and do !lookup Rules and you will get the same link.</i>
Q: Archangel asked, Smoke how do I be awesome like you and win saber locks in JO and JA? I never win! <i>A: Young one, you must be the master of button mashing, if you can click as fast as me with the left click shall be victorious!</i>
Q: Will there ever be a MP 'academy', like the writing course run by Oberst? <i>A: That would be up to the Headmaster, and myself...while exams are not fun to write, or code for that matter, I would expect that the Headmaster in all of his awesomeness might think up something possibly</i>
Finally a few interesting Images for you
-> <-
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K... few things. First, Howie pwns. Second, those Robes look so sexy, it's not even right. Thirdly, I <3 my question. First time I've ever been featured with a question in a report, and I think I win. 4thly, I wish the PS3 was more popular, because then I could play MW2 with people. =/
I wish the same of the old PS2, but specifically DDR. I would love to challenge any one of you to a comp that helps any one of us out physically. :P
I wish the same of the old PS2, but specifically DDR. I would love to challenge any one of you to a comp that helps any one of us out physically. :P
Awesome report Fist, looks like September is shaping up to be a great month too.
Just wait for Kinect, Robin :P
Love the stripper pic lol!;)