Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report


<div align="left"> Hey all, welcome to my first Report as Leader of the new Battleteam Phoenix. First off, I'd like to thank you for joining. But now let's get to business.

General News

<div align="left"> So just to make sure you take a look at the DB-mainpage and check for the cool Reports from the House Leaders and the DC I have linked it for you: News


<div align="left"> There are several competitions out, allowing you to participate in, gaming... fiction... no matter what you prefer there are competitions for you, so hop onto them, but before you do so I want to turn your view at the following 2 competitions called "YOINK!" and "Oh noes! What Happened?!", these are a house wide running competitions hosted by SW Zaren Morgoth one of our members. For more Details on them follow their links or view them along with all other comps related to you: Competitions

<div align="left"> Well starting with the next month I will set up 2 competitions per month, one fiction and one flash-gaming etc. I will also add a fiction to my reports from time to time along with a trivia related to it.

Member Activity

<div align="left"> Currently there is not so much to say about the activity in the Battleteam because we are still recruiting new members to Phoenix. But like I said above Anubis aka Zaren has run two house-wide competitions, and I highly recommend that all of you participate. Noobis and I were also currently fighting each other in the ACC.


<div align="left"> Finally I would like to remind you to log into the House (#Taldryan) channel on mIRC, this is always the best and fastest way to get in contact with other members as well as the summit (if you got any problems). Ok I think that's all for now. As always feel free to contact me if you have any problems. Have fun and until next time.

<div align="left"><dl> <dt>DJK RianAslar </dt> <dt>Tetrach of Phoenix of House Taldryan</dt> <dt>Dossier #10701</dt> </dl>


Looks great Rian! Love your opening header.

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