Misahide Castle Honba System Kyataru
For nearly a month, the usual activity that took place behind the walls of Misahide Castle had died drastically. In its place was a mausoleum that paid homage to a warlord who ascended and vanished without a trace. Numerous times have his brothers-in-arms tried to contact him, along with his own blood. However, there was no trace of the Herald, Shikyo Keibatsu Sadow. Even his second-in-command, Katsuhide, was beginning to believe that the youngest of the bloodline had met the fate reserved for all Keibatsu. As he sat in the courtyard cleaning his blaster rifle again, the sound of hard soled boots slamming onto the mosaic pathway heightened his senses. Turning his weapon on the younger Nihilgenia, Katsuhide slowly brought his weapon down.
"Corporal, what's the issue?"
"Sir, I have an incoming transmission from the Masarao."
The Nihilgenia commander wasted no time in making haste towards the hangar reserved for the ship. For a moment, Katsuhide felt something that seemed like a foreign emotion for those of the Never Born...
Iron Throne Dark Hall Antei
Lord Ashen sat upon the throne deep into meditation as so many others had done before him. His brother had returned safely but the Herald had been absent for far too long with no consideration to his duties as a Councilor. As the numerous possibilities rushed through the psyche of the Sith Lord, the doors to the chamber opened slowly and a Krath Elder wearing an unconventional outfit entered.
Long leather coat with a cape just barely past the shoulders, two blaster pistols holstered and placed on his upper thighs, two lightsabers clipped firmly on a sash of crimson cloth and black leather. Adorned with the boots of Kyataran royalty and a wide-brimmed hat from some unknown region, Shikyo Sasuke Keibatsu bowed before his brother, removing the hat in the Sith Lord's presence.
"Forgive my absence, brother-"
"Herald, do you forget your place as a member of this Council? I did not realize I had relieved you of your duties."
Words formed on the tip of the Krath's tongue yet simmered slowly as the ebony eyes of Muz Ashen peered into those of the Wolf of Kyataru. There was drastic change in his youngest brother. Where there had once a solid set of gray eyes staring at him, now streams of deep crimson swirled in front of the gray like the sandstorms of Tatooine. Shikyo had tapped into the Force and found something lethal in it, something tarnished. Whatever it was had left its mark on the Adept and it as not simply physical. Something twisted had taken hold of his brother.
Shikyo lowered his head deeper and quickly shot his glance towards the stone floor of the chambers.
"I was informed of a threat to the Brotherhood. As much as I could withstand the enemy, I believe that they will find us. As Councilor and as your brother, I refused to let the heretics to take my life before I could warn you. I have with me a record of my mission, detailed information on the threat, and the results of my actions. I sincerely apologize, My Lord, but I have one desire at this time."
The Lion of Tarthos stared intently at his brother, keeping as calm and as cold a demeanor as inhumanly possible.
"That being?"
"I am ready to get back to work, My Lord."
Let me start this off with a massive apology to the Brotherhood as a whole. While getting my computer was the easy part, setting up internet seems to be the biggest issue here. Apparently, we only get one service provider on base, which provides crap ass service, and expects you to pay tons of money for it. I've tried researching better alternatives but it seems there's no other choice than to bite the bullet and go with crap ass internet. For my absence, I can only apologize for not being as visible as I want.
On a much lighter note, class here has started, the routine has been discovered, and I feel like kicking ass and taking names, (Wait, the DB didn't get politically correct while I was gone did it? :P). What does that mean? I got an anniversary coming up and I got a holiday season on the horizon. Lately, I've been seeing some nifty visual sexiness from LucasArts and even have some nerdy types here who are creative as hell. What does this mean? Massive inspiration. My goal is to improve my quality of work, on top of mass producing the sexiness. This is what I aim to do and what I'm certain my Staff is on board for. Expect great things to come from this Office.
Finally, I left the Office in the hands of my Staff while I prepared to join the Navy. While the bastards didn't bother to clean up after their mass keg parties, (and I don't want to know who let the gizka out...), they made certain that things ran as smooth and as efficiently as I could hope for. I would like to give a massive shout out to the entire Staff for their hard work, their tireless efforts, and for their continuous support. I couldn't ask for a better team. With that said, look for the next report to be filled with so much awesomeness, you may end up having to buy a new pair of pants.
May the Force serve you well...
-DA Shikyo Keibatsu Sadow Herald of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood Samurai of the Keibatsu Bloodline
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/me claps
Welcome back....
..again :P
I see fiction. Where are gfx? Show boobs! I mean gfx!
I think what Ji is trying to say is 'Pics or gtfo'. :p
Glad you're back, dude.