<font size="4"> Kaira sat alone at her desk in her office in the dark tower. It had been hard the last few weeks being gone from work. Kal understood, but now that she was back and in full swing she and Koga would be alright with their child. Yes, Kaira had become a mother not that many had known she was pregent. She had tried very hard to keep that from most of those around her.
Though she knew that a lot had guessed, that was beside the point now. With the changes to the house she had her work cut out for her. A number of the journeyman had found their way to gain though her time off. She would need to call them in one at a time and ask what they had learned. Of course she knew the answers to a lot of this already but she wanted to hear it from each of them. It was to make them think.
The next few hours would be dull, but part of her job. She sent out messages to each journeyman to come to her office. Then she sat back to wait for there arrivel. </font>
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<font color="#488AC7"><font size="4">Hello house, It has been a few weeks since I got a report out and for that I am sorry. Lots going on in the world around us outside this club. But you dont need to hear about that you want to hear about what? Brotherhood news.
As always gaming is in full swing this month with the Fist. I will tel you about all those contests in a few but for now remember there are a lot of them.
There are a number of new reports out form house leaders with in the brotherhood go check out the front page to read up on the other houses and what they are doing.
As many of you know the Grand Masters Royal Guard is Back. Many of you have already taken the quiz. I am proud of those that have. I will get more into who has and hasn't later on. How ever good luck to you all. If you are in the guard now and need games played look to your friends in the house. If they have time they will game.
Kal did a report not to long ago. I hope for all your sakes you read it and took something away from it. </font>
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<font color="#800517">Gaming Contests</font>
<font color="#FF0000"><font size="4">BattleFront 2 Beatdown</font></font>
<font color="#FF0000"><font size="4">[Console Gaming] Halo: Reach Goodness</font></font>
<font color="#FF0000"><font size="4">[Gaming] Jedi Attack II [JO]</font></font>
<font color="#FF0000"><font size="4">2v2 Knockdown RC event [RC]</font></font>
<font color="#FF0000"><font size="4">Swarm those pesky aliens [Alien Swarm-Coop]</font></font>
<font color="#FF0000"><font size="4">Jedi Academy "Live" event [JA]</font></font>
<font color="#488AC7"><font size="4">DJB Wide Contests</font> <font color="#FF0000"><font size="4">[[DJBWiki]] But wait, there's more!</font></font> <font color="#FF0000"><font size="4">[Voice] Create an Order</font></font> <font color="#FF0000"><font size="4">[Voice] Defining an Order</font></font> <font color="#FF0000"><font size="4">[Voice] Load the Can(n)ons #2</font></font>
<font color="#488AC7"><font size="4">House Contests</font> <font color="#FF0000"><font size="4">Delve into the Jungles (Army)</font></font>
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<font color="#488AC7"><font size="4">Not much going on in the world of the ACC with in our house. If you have questions related to the ACC please feel free to ask any one in the house. </font>
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<font color="#488AC7"><font size="4">Sarak- Dark Cross Imichua- 25 CoF, 1 Amethyst Star, Sapphire star Jendan- 1 Scroll of Foundation Maol- 1 Amethyst Star Kaira- 1 CoF Navrez- 35 CoF Unus- Emerald Star, 5 CoF Koga- Emerald Star, 19 CoF Furios- 3 CoF Zuser- 4 CoF</font>
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<font color="#488AC7"><font size="4">SA news... The SA has some staff openings. Look to the Front page of the DB to find out all the requirements. Tiberius- Flight Maven Navrez- Combat Tactics Koga- Leadership Maven Those who have passed the Grand Masters Royal Guard Exam; Unus Navrez Koga Furios Kaira Imichua Congrats to all those that have passed the GMRG exam and are now in the Guard!</font>
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<font color="#488AC7"><font size="4">Promotions: Narvez went from ACO to PRT. Great work Narvez keep it up.
New members:We have had a trasfer in. Narvez has joined our ranks. Welcome him into our house with open arms...... We have a new member to our house Aras Loken. Welcome to the house!
Leaving Members: we have not had a member leave right now. Name Change: Zachias Matrix has changed his name to Sabre' Shakee'll</font>
<font color="#488AC7"><font size="4">Here is the list of Master Student pairings that I have at this time. If you are of the rank of PRT to JH and want a master to get to the rank of DJK please let me know and I will find you a master. Viv-Furios Kaira-Imichua Kal-Unus Cassie-Tiberius Ralph-Navrez</font> ãâ¬â¬
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<font color="#488AC7"><font size="4">Well Summer is over and school is back in full swing. Fall... whom here loves Fall??? Meeeee. Alright so I love all seasons but Fall is special for a number of reasons. ONE... Apples. Two Fall colors on Trees. Three PUMPINKS!!!!! OH yes I said it pumpkins. I do love to carve them for Halloween.
So for the next few weeks if you all have an idea for a Carving for a pumpkin let me hear them. I have in the past carved many things one of my favorite was my Yoda pumpkin. There is a web site that I get a number of patters from and I think that I am going to have to have a contest again this year for Star Wars Pumpkins. Look for that next month.
Any way one of my foster dogs that I feel in love with finely got adopted yesterday. I will miss her but she has a good new home. Weekends have been busy times for me so if you want to get a hold of your rollmaster do it one a Monday trust me. I will be here.
Well I think that is enough for now. Remember Fall has great things to look forward to even if it is the start of School. Try something new! </font>
<font color="#571B7e"><font size="4">KAP Kaira Rohana (Krath)/RM/Plagueis [GMRG: I] [ACC: CL:1] SB / GC-PoDP / SC-SoA / AC / DC-CP / SN-BL / BN / Cr-1D-2R-12A-24S-35E-14T-10Q / PoB-BL / CF-PlF / CI / SI-BL / LS / SoL / S:-21U-12B
{SA: DMGH - DMW - DMP - DSWP} Prodigy of Plagueisââ¬Â House Rollmaster </font></font></font></p></font></font></p></font></p></font></p></font></p></font></font></p></font></p>
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