<font size="4">No Role play this week guys sorry!!!</font>
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<font color="#488AC7"><font size="4">We have a vendetta starting up soon. We all should be getting ready and excited for that. Lets help our house to be on top. Do what you can and be there for each other. That is how we will get though this.
In other news we have a new Aedile Sarak. He has already been hard at work. He has some contests up we should all take a look and enter if you have time.
Please remember there is a contest to Kill Kal our Quaestor. I have my entry in and I hope you all have taken the time to do so as well. Contests like this are right up the ally of a dark Jedi so do Kal proud and kill him.
There is always more news on the front page of the brotherhood website so take your time and read up on whats going on. </font>
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<font color="#800517">Gaming Contests</font> <font color="#FF0000"><font size="4">[Console Gaming] Halo: Reach Goodness</font></font>
<font color="#FF0000"><font size="4">2v2 Knockdown RC event [RC]</font></font>
<font color="#FF0000"><font size="4">Swarm those pesky aliens [Alien Swarm-Coop]</font></font>
<font color="#FF0000"><font size="4">Jedi Academy "Live" event [JA]</font></font>
ã <font color="#488AC7"><font size="4">DJB Wide Contests</font> <font color="#FF0000"><font size="4">[[DJBWiki]] But wait, there's more!</font></font>
<font color="#FF0000"><font size="4">[Voice] Create an Order</font></font>
<font color="#FF0000"><font size="4">[Voice] Defining an Order</font></font>
<font color="#FF0000"><font size="4">[Voice] Load the Can(n)ons #2</font></font>
ã <font color="#488AC7"><font size="4">House Contests</font> <font color="#FF0000"><font size="4">Strike Fear Into The Enemy</font></font>
<font color="#FF0000"><font size="4">[Corps] Enter the Swarm</font></font>
<font color="#FF0000"><font size="4">Kill The Quaestor</font></font>
<font color="#FF0000"><font size="4">[Navy] Education of Admirals</font></font>
<font color="#FF0000"><font size="4">[Intel] Damage Report</font></font>
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<font color="#488AC7"><font size="4">Nothing new to report at this time with the ACC</font>
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<font color="#488AC7"><font size="4">Kaira: Emerald Star and 17 CoF Imichua: 10 CoF Navrez: 9 CoF Morgraine: Cluster of Ice</font>
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<font color="#488AC7"><font size="4">Alaris: Passed Combat Tactics 1 Habbib: GMRG passed Navrez: Hand to Hand Combat, GMRG and Lightsaber studies Passed Imichua: Leadership fundamentals Passed</font>
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<font color="#488AC7"><font size="4">Promotions: Unus congrats on making DJK Every one should say a congrats to him!
New members: We have two members that have transferred in Serynh and Sephira! Welcome to you both.
Leaving Members: We have no members that have gone. </font>
<font color="#488AC7"><font size="4">Need a master? Are you a master with out a student? Well look no father then right here. Your Rollmaster is looking to help you out. If you need help please email me and we will find you a match. Good luck to you all! Viv-Furios Kaira-Imichua Kal-Unus Cassie-Tiberius Ralph-Navrez</font>
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<font color="#488AC7"><font size="4"> Hey all we have been hard at work the last few months saying active racking up medals and such. I want to us to keep that strong showing up when it comes to Vendettas.
How ever I do have to tell you that this next week I will be around very little. I could use a little support from you all as I go into a major event for my Dog Foster group. I will be at the event from 11 am until 8 pm pst. What dose that mean? It means your lovely Rollmaster will be not around from Thursday until Sunday or I should say very little.
If you need any thing at all from me email me. That will be the easiest way to get in touch with me. I will try very hard to get on each morning to check email and answer emails.
So I want to see you all helping each other though and if you are an upper ranker take time and help some one that has just joined. Email some one you don't know well and ask them how they are doing or PM them. For us to really move forward as a house we need to work as a unit knowing each others straights and weaknesses.
I know you all will work hard and move forward. Good luck everyone.</font>
<font color="#571B7e">KAP Kaira Rohana (Krath)/RM/Plagueis [GMRG: I] [ACC: CL:1] SB / GC-PoDP / SC-SoA / AC / DC-CP / SN-BL / BN / Cr-1D-2R-12A-24S-35E-14T-10Q / PoB-BL / CF-PlF / CI / SI-BL / LS / SoL / S:-21U-12B
{SA: DMGH - DMW - DMP - DSWP} Prodigy of Plagueisâ House Rollmaster</font></font></p></font></font></p></font></p></font></p></font></p></font></font></p></font></p>
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