The Fist of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood Report
-> ** Final September 2010 Overall Stats** Amount of people: 41 total, Up 1 person more than August. Total amount of matches: 1393 total, Down 28 than Augusts total. September 2009 to September 2010 Comparision 2009 : 6 people, 28 total matches 2010: 41 people (+35), 1393 total matches (+1365) <-
-> Jedi Academy for September Total Matches Played: 27 people Total Amount of People: 366 total matches
Jedi Outcast for September Total Matches Played: 25 people Total Amount of People: 635 total matches
Republic Commando for September Total Matches Played: 9 people Total Amount of People: 88 total matches
Battle Front series (1 and 2) for September Total Matches Played: 7 people Total Amount of People: 161 total matches
Console Gaming for September Total Matches Played: 7 people Total Amount of People: 50 total matches
Empire at War for September Total Matches Played: 7 people Total Amount of People: 36 total matches
Special Gaming for September Total Matches Played: 7 people Total Amount of People: 51 total matches <-
-> House Statistics: Couldnt provide this due to the Orv coding for the Vendetta <-
Props to all the players that have made this another month of EPICNESS!!
September Competitions Results
-> Fist JO Guns Challenge Competition place: Ace 2.nd place Tie: Imichua and Archangel 3.rd place Tie: Unus and Koga Pendant of Blood: Ace <-
-> BattleFront 2 Competition place: Dante 2.nd place: Brujah 3.rd place: Kaira Pendant of Blood: Dante Total of 6 people played during the event <-
-> Halo Reach Console Competitio place: Araxis 2.nd place Tie: Dash and Zandro 3.rd place: Cethgus Pendant of Blood: Araxis Total of 7 people played during the event <-
-> Jedi Outcast Competition place: Archangel 2.nd place Tie: Taig and Sid 3.rd place: Anubis Pendant of Blood: Archangel Double Clusters of Fire: Fremoc Total of 17 people played during the event <-
-> Alien Swarm Co-op Competition place Tie: Kano and Navrez 2.nd place: Archangel 3.rd place: Ben Total of 7 people played during this event <-
-> Jedi Academy Live Competition place: Ruluk 2.nd place: Kael 3.rd place: Cethgus Pendant of Blood: Cethgus Total of 13 people played during this event <-
-> Gaming Night Trivia place: (Once again) Howlader 2.nd place: Navrez Total of 41 people qualified for this trivia, with only a handful of them showing up <-
-> Bryar Bowl Number 3 Oh yeah, good ol number three will be rolling in right after the Vendetta sometime. Sid and Anubis will be getting all the final details sorted and will post it as soon as they have it all finalized!!! Be on the look out here sometime very soon <-
-> Novemeber Competition Ideas Competitions will be posted at the ending of the Vendetta as well. All the competitions are now two weeks in length, and I have decided on a much better awarding system then previously discussed, thanks to Dante and Fremoc for the help with voting! <-
-> Lookup Feature in DBGaming While in DBGaming, try these codes and you get a lot of useful information during the Vendetta. !lookup RC server !lookup JO server !lookup JA server !lookup Patches !lookup JA mod !lookup Troubleshooting !lookup Servers !lookup Competitions !lookup Rules !lookup RC maps <-
-> Vendetta: Disorder Good luck to all the Orders, hope the best one prevails!(FYI: SITH PWN) Also good luck to the House that gets to be the first Clan again! See you all back in Novemeber for some fast paced gaming! <-
Finally a few interesting Images for you
-> Sleepy time anyone?
-> Darth Vader at her finest!
-> Nothing will ever stop a true computer gamer, Nothing!
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You spoil sport!
Alien Swarm was fun, but if we do it again could we get the limit per day upped to 7 (or whatever number is in that campaign)? Kinda sucked that we could only get credit for the first half of the story basically
Anubis: Sid told me I could :P