Report #8 - October 3, 2010 <-
Another month, another report! I'm sure everyone is diving into the Vendetta events, but I thought I would at least get an update out there as well as announce the winners for the September competitions. Now, onto the report!
We'll start off with a little ACC news. The updated ACC Basics course was finished last month, and a big thanks go to Vivackus for going through the current notes and getting everything to the current information. Just checked the course now and it still isn't updated on the SA site, but hopefully that will get done soon and we shouldn't have the same confusing questions that are there now.
The next step is to create an ACC Advanced Course. I've dusted off the original notes done by Erin and Dalthid, and while very good from a writing stand-point it's missing the realism/technical aspects of the ACC. I'll need to get that section done and then send it off for others to comment on. There will be a lot of information in this course, but it will really help anyone in the ACC.
Since it's October, that means all of the September competitions and now done and over with. As you can tell by now, I chose a bit of an "Order" theme to get people in the right frame of mind for this Vendetta. Of course it was generally the same group of people who participated, so thanks to them and all of the medals have been awarded. I will have more competition in November, as I'm sure no one will want to do anything non-Vendetta related.
As always, if anyone has any ideas for competitions, feel free to submit them. I'm only one person and would prefer to have a variety of competitions. I try to be as original as possible to see what people enjoy, but the more ideas the better. And if there are specific things you would like to see, feel free to poke me about those as well.
Load the Can(n)ons #2
Venator (Naga Sadow)
Eiko (Revan)
Rian Aslar (Taldryan)
Zin Zalabim (Scholae Palatinae)
Create an Order
Cassandra El'Sin (Plagueis)
Venator (Naga Sadow)
Xantros (Scholae Palatinae)
Zin Zalabim (Scholae Palatinae)
Eiko (Revan)
Defining an Order
Eiko (Revan)
Xantros (Scholae Palatinae)
Angelo Palpatine Dante (Scholae Palatinae)
Zin Zalabim (Scholae Palatinae)
While not a September-only competition, the DB-Wide Run-On has ended...more or less. While an actual conclusion has not been written, I am looking at creating a nice little wiki page detailing the events of the Run-On and will be putting in some form of conclusion on that page. The next Run-On that I do will be set-up a little differently, and will hopefully be more accessible to everyone who participates. However, I would like to thank everyone who did participate in this Run-On and hope you guys had fun. You can find the story here, for anyone wishing to see what was going on. And below are the top 3 posters!
1st Place - Ronovi Tavisaen Tarentae (Tarentum)
2nd Place - Aabsdu Dupar (Revan)
3rd Place - Vodo Biask Taldrya (Taldryan)
3rd Place - Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar (Arcona)
So ...probably the shortest report from me. October should be a good month to get a lot done around the Voice's office, so by next month I hope to have a larger update for everyone (as well as bask in the Sith victory of the Vendetta). And that brings me to my little rant ...doing something new. This Vendetta is something new, with a new concept being tried out. Is it better than the usual House vs. House thing? Probably not, but then I also wouldn't say it's worse...just different. Why not allow people to actually (horrors of horrors) interact with other Houses? People seem to forget that we're all in the same club. Sometimes the Houses seem more like little cults, turning people to their way of thinking, rather than allowing people to actually enjoy themselves. This is a chance for everyone to just drop their little cliques and join the greater DB. Sure, you won't get a long with everyone (and there are a ton of idiots out there), but you will meet some good people in other Houses and will probably make a couple more friends along the way. You can actually participate in everything without wondering if this will help or hurt your House. All activity helps, and winning/losing is not really the point of this whole thing. Try something new...get out of your comfort zone ...interact with others. I know many people like doing something new, but we will always get those who thinking that anything that doesn't revolve around them and theirs is wrong.
Report Lyrics:_ "And like the sea, I'm constantly changing from calm to ill"_
In Darkness,
Dark Jedi Master Halcyon Taldrya
Voice of the Brotherhood
Sith Lord
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Halc played CTF with us. Much <3
Lyrics: The Sleeping Sickness by Dallas Green
Lyrics: Sleeping Sickness by City and Colour. We'll see, Kano, we'll see. ;)
Rather, The Sleeping Sickness, by Cit and Colour. Forgot the "The".
Well you forgot the "y" in city. LoL
Which means if I say, "The Sleeping Sickness by City and Colour", I get it right?
No, it means you were lured into an elaborate trap.
"It's a trap!"
Actually, if you had said "The Sleeping Sicknes by City and Colour, featuring Gord Downie" I would probably have given it to you :P As it stands, Sid gets it...Dallas Green is the lead singer, but the band is called City and Colour. And there's your music lesson for the day...we now return you to your regularly scheduled Vendetta
Wow....Lots of Scholae winners. WTG Scholae.