Rollmaster Report


Rollmaster Report

Dark Greetings House Mates

This is my first report as Rollmaster and it will be a short one at that. This report is namely to go over what I wish to accomplish as Rollmaster. A new policy that I will be implementing immediately. As well as some useful tidbits of information.

Therefore, as many of you may know I am Teu Pepoi, the cookie lady of the house. I am a college freshman, who is halfway through my first semester. I am in band, I play clarinet. Jumping, hopping, and waving around on a football field is not an easy task but I like it. Recently thanks to our esteemed Quaester, I have been made Rollmaster. My goals are simple to ensure that every new member that walks through those doors are welcomed with open arms and are started down the path to Dark Jedi Knight as smoothly as possible. One of the things that are under my domain in the Master Student Program, this is something I will be working on improving so that no student is left in the dark. Right now, I am going through journeymen status on their promotions to see how they are doing, this mostly affects the journeymen up to Acolyte at this time. These are just some things I am working on now.

New Policy

The new members that come in are vital to the house. Many are eager to join the MSP program. Once they get into it though, sometimes things can go wrong. The master can fall out of touch, it does not happen often but it can. The student can move on and become inactive, so the master spends time trying to get the student to email them. I am enforcing a policy where every two week the master emails me detailing the status of the student. This is so I know that both Master and Student are still actively working towards the Students next promotion.

However if the master fails to email me three consecutive times, I know real life gets the best of us, I would email both the master and the student and see where the problem lies. If the problem lies in an inactive master, I will get the student under the guidance of a new master. If the problem lies in an inactive student, I will be forced to remove the student and give the master a new student. If both are inactive then the pairing is broken up and the master is removed from the program until such time as they are able to devote the time needed to assist a student.

So to make it simple and short. Masters email me every two weeks tell me how your student is doing. If I dont hear from you after three times (thats six weeks) I will be emailing you and finding out what the problem is and go from there. I understand that real life is a problem that is why I am giving you six weeks of not hearing from you before I start to email you.

Shout outs.

There are a few shout outs I would like to do for the moment. Glorin, Fenrir Sonne, Dirk Valentine, Vishuss and Ryloth Scrimus have been working really hard this last week. All of them have been promoted. Glorin is a Novice but close to Acolyte, Fenrir is an Acolyte, Dirk Valentine is a Novice but is really close to Acolyte, Vishuss is an Acolyte and Ryloth Scrimus is a Novice. So when you see them give them welcome them to the House and tell them congrats for their hard-earned promotions.

So just to recap. I am Rollmaster. New Policy will be enforced Congrats, to those who have been promoted?

Until next time Teu Pepoi Rollmaster

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