<div align="left"> Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome back at home in Phoenix. This will be a short but none the less important report.
<div align="left"> Well the War of the Orders is closed and all of the competitions have already been graded (Congrats to all who have placed). You can take a look at the results here: Results
Just one more important thing: Your beloved Aedile Anubis Annedu recently became the new Wiki Tribune, so congrats Anubis <3.
<div align="left"> Currently there aren't very much competitions up, but stay tuned because this will change soon: Competitions
<div align="left"> First off I would like to apologize myself for being a lesser leader than I wanted to be during the vendetta, but now with the vendetta closed I will do my best to invert my failures, again I am very sorry. Next I want to thank all of you who have participated in the Vendetta events, you are the reason why being here is such a pleasure to me, but there is also much room for moreââ¬Â¦ So the next thing I need to say is that I need to screw up being in Phoenix a little bit: Starting from November 1st all members of Phoenix who want to stay in Phoenix must perform in at least one (1) Activity per month (any kind of activity counts where you can get a crescent or Cluster of Fire etc.). If a member didn't show any kind of action in a month he or she will receive a notification and then after another month of inactivity the member will be removed from our roster. I know real life is stressful to anyone of us but one competition isn't that much I think and you don't need to place at all just participate and show some action.
<div align="left"> That's it for now. Remember to visit our House (#Taldryan) channel on mIRC, as this is the best and fastest way to get in contact with other members as well as the summit (if you got any problems). Have fun and seeya next time.
<div align="left"><dl> <dt>DJK RianAslar </dt> <dt>Tetrach of Phoenix of House Taldryan</dt> <dt>Dossier #10701</dt> </dl>
Website Taldryan.net
Quastor Prelate Shaz'air Taldyra Rathden ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Aedile Priest Anubis Annedu ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Tetrach Dark Jedi Knight Rian Aslar ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
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