<font size="4">Zeon walks through the big doors and in the dark tower halls, climbing the long stair cases he reached a familiar sight. His masters office. Kaira felt a ripple in the force of a person she had not seen or heard from for sometime. If it was who she felt it was the time had come to finish the training they had started. Zeon opened the door. There he stood with his new robot arm made out of his old astro droid and his chest as well as his torso with metal plates on them. His clothes were not even noticeable as the brotherhood robes. 'Hello Master' Kaira stood as Zeon walked in. Her face showed no emotion at all. "So you have returned. Are you ready to train or is this simply a stop on your journey?" Kairas voice was harsh with her old student. He had chosen to leave it was anything but a good time when he left and Kaira wouldn't spend time on a student now that wasn't ready to train. Zeon walked to her and forced pulled a chair to the front of Kaira's desk then he sat down. He looked at her as he spoke 'I'm ready to come back.' "That is good. How ever I did not tell you that you could sit down." She said very harshly as she used the focus just as he was about to sit on the chair to pull it back so he fell onto the cold hard floor. "Your lessons start today." Zeon knew his master would do something she liked. The young Protector felt stupid 'I am sorry master, I've forgotten my place. I have been away for so long. I needed to find myself. I feel that I have done just that. I had a really hard time, more then a mere protector could handle.' Kaira glared down at him. "Get up now. Your place here is where I tell you. Tell me what have you learned Zeon?" His comment about a hard time merely brought a smirk to her lips. "Yet you are still living that tells me something in of itself Zeon. You may not have been able to handle all yet you are here and alive. " Zeon felt a little rage with in the force as it came over him. His master was being harsh to harsh it seemed. He put that thought aside for now. ââ¬ÅI dealt with the hutts on tatooine years ago before I came to the brotherhood and now the bounty hunters are hunting me.ââ¬Â Zeon continued after he got up from the floor. 'Some have caught up to me and paid the price, but others have nearly taken my head. After I got off tatooine, I headed here but my ship was badly damaged. It blew up just after re-entry into the planets atmosphereââ¬Â Zeon stood in front of his master as he continued with his story; ââ¬ÅOnce I knew the ship was a loss I had to think how do I safe myself. I got to the point where I could jump with the help of the force and some luck I managed to fall to the ground. The fall destroyed my robes, broke my arm and my right leg as well as it left my ribs almost all shattered. If not for medical attention I would not be here now. Kaira shook her head. It seemed imposable that he was even here. "You seem lucky to be alive then Zeon. Yet you are unlucky that you have no time to recover as you would like to. Training starts now." Kaira said as she pushed past him to the door. the door opened before her as she headed out into the dark long hallway of the dark tower. "Come Zeon you have much to learn." Zeon followed after his master as he waited for her to tell him off some more. Was it right to come back now? He questioned in his mind. Zeon knew that he was unlucky, but knew his master was right. He was still alive, that was more by luck and he was lucky to have a master like master Kaira. Kaira used the force to push a door open to a dark room. The rollmaster stepped into the room as with the door the lights came on the moment she was in the room. Zeon would see that there were shelves of books with one table in the middle. "You are to set at this table and read the history of Plagueis and of the past of the dark Jedi. You are to learn from them. I want detailed notes taken there will be a test over all you are to have learned. In three days I will come to check up on you and at that time I want a report on what you have done on your trip." Kaira moved to the side as she waved her hand to the chair for Zeon to go sit down. "Three days and I want to know everything you have learned about yourself." Zeon went to sit down where he was told to sit. Then he spoke, ââ¬Åmaster I can tell you all about the Plagueis history now if you would like?ââ¬Â Zeon felt his the rage in his master so he did as he was told. He opened a book in front of him as to show her he was ready to learn. Kaira glared down at Zeon with a frown. "Did I tell you what I want now? NO.... you do not tell me what you know now. This is your time to learn even more. You are the student." Kaira had let this young protector get under her skin. Her anger was clear in her voice now as she tried to control it. Zeon did not look at his master he opened more books but with anger, books in the back started to shack with the anger that came from them both.. He just wanted to get on with what his master wanted from him. Zeon did not on plan on having this type of welcome, he thought at least his master would be please to see him back her old student ready to learn. Kaira could feel the rage that seemed to grip the room as both were loosing control. It took the archpriest but a moment to feel her body start to calm. "Calm your self Zeon. Get control of your anger. It should be part of you that you bend to your will not out of control like it is now. This is your first test master your anger now." Kaira said as she bottled up her own emotions once more so as to prove that this student of hers wouldn't bet the best of her. Then he shut his eyes, to help him calm. the moment that he could see the rage with in him the books started to drop. Then Zeon with the help of the force sent the books back to there places on the shelves "I am sorry my master" Kaira sighed as she watched her student. "Very nice Zeon. I will see you in three days. This is your new home for the next three days. A droid will come in soon with new robes and some food. Until then work." Kaira then turned to leave. 'Master what happens if I am to finish before the three days are up?ââ¬Â Kaira smiled as she looked over her shoulder. "You wont." Then she shut the door and was gone. Zeon sighed then very hard, his robot arm beeped and whistled again, 'I know r6, I need to get on with this I will talk to you later. With that he turned of his astro- droid and dimmed the lights so it was a low. </font>
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<font color="#488AC7"><font size="4"> Hello House,
It has been an interesting few weeks. The vendetta is over! Plagueis had a number of members compete in the contests. I am happy to say that there were were even a few that placed in the contests. Great job to you all. Pat your selves on your backs.
In gaming news there are two positions open on the gaming staff one is for trainers. If you love a game and are good at it sing up to be a trainer with the gaming staff. Email the Fist and Fremoc for that by the 9th of November.
The other job that is open on the staff is a M:FIST. Your apps for that are due by the 11th if you wish to know more check out the front page of the website.
Our Grandmaster Muz is on a short break until he has full internet at his new home. If for some reason you need to get in touch with our grandmaster email him but don't do that unless it is something only he can take care of. Remember your house leadership first!
Our house is moving to get things set up better and our own Qua. Is on a short brake as well. Kal is around so no parties guys. If there is a contest or something you wish to know contact your Rollmaster or Aedile or any one of the rank 0-11.
I think that is all the news I have at this time. </font>
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<font color="#800517">Gaming Contests</font> <font color="#800517"><font size="4">I would like to remind everyone that you MUST SET UP GAMES IN DBGAMING. If you don't do that games wont count. All games will be and must be talked over and asked for in #dbgaming channel. If I get one more report from gaming staff that a member has not done this I will personally ask that the game not count. </font>
May your Force be Unleashed too 10/28 - 11/15 Gaming Fun 10/28 - 11/12 Chess Month 11/1 - 11/30 EaW Weekend 11/6 - 11/7 JA Guns Only 11/8 - 11/16 RC Bag ââ¬Ëem and Tag ââ¬Ëem 11/16 - 11/30 Slice em with a saber 11/17 - 11/26 Console Gaming: MOH 11/17 - 11/23 BF2 Week 11/23 - 11/30 Console Gaming: Black Ops11/24 - 11/30 BF2 Week 11/27 ââ¬â 11/28
<font color="#800517">DJB wide Contests</font> <font color="#FF0000"><font size="4">[Voice] Hymn of Victory</font></font> <font color="#FF0000"><font size="4">[Voice] Jedi Tracker</font></font> <font color="#FF0000"><font size="4">[Voice] Load The Can(n)ons #3</font></font> <font color="#FF0000"><font size="4">DJB on the Loose! (This is over today. Get your pictures in)</font></font>
<font color="#800517">House Contest</font> <font color="#FF0000"><font size="4">Order Within House</font></font> <font color="#FF0000"><font size="4">[Army] Whispers in the Wind</font></font> <font color="#FF0000"><font size="4">[Corps] Burn The Skies</font></font> <font color="#FF0000"><font size="4">[Intel] Know Thy Enemy</font></font> <font color="#FF0000"><font size="4">ââ¬Â[Navy] First Encounter</font></font>
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<font color="#488AC7"><font size="4">Nothing new to report at this time. </font>
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<font color="#488AC7"><font size="4">Navrez- 15 CoF Maol- 7 CoF Jendan 2 CoF Furios- 43 CoF Kaira- 60 CoF Imichua- 9 CoF Sarak- 2 CoF Koga- 10 CoF Habib- 5 CoF</font>
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<font color="#488AC7"><font size="4">Habib passed Starfighter studies, Sith Core, Philosophy I and Combat Tactics. Zeon- Passed old Republic History and Sith Core, Navrez- Passed Sith Core Voden- Passed Wiki editing and Wiki Basics</font>
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<font color="#488AC7"><font size="4">Promotions: It is my great pleasure to congratulate Tiberius on becoming our newest Dark Jedi Knight. New members: We have some members that have come back to us, Zeon welcome back, Garik welcome back and Welcome back Laigerick. I hope you all feel welcome and are ready to work!!!! Leaving Members: It is sad to report that Silent has moved to rogue. </font>
<font color="#488AC7"><font size="4">Need a master? Are you a master without a student? Well look no father then right here. Your Rollmaster is looking to help you out. If you need help please email me and we will find you a match. Good luck to you all! Viv-Furios Kaira-Imichua and Zeon Unus-Navrez</font>
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<font color="#488AC7"><font size="4">Well Halloween has come and gone. I had a lot of fun this year because I got a poodle skirt to dress up in. Lets just say it is something I had always wanted and finely I got one. It was a great weekend.
So I have no foster dogs right now. All my dogs have been adopted Yea me. So What now? I will get a new foster soon. Also our foster cat Skye is joining our family. That means we now have 3 cats and a dog. Skye just couldn't leave us. She is so shy. Very sweet cat but very very shy.
Next week is my birthday on the 9th. My husband is taking me to the coast from the 8th until 11th. I will be back on the 11th but don't look for me until late in the day. I will be around to answer emails on my vacation but I will not be on irc unless I get really board. We always take our lab tops and have internet but that doesn't mean I want to spend my time off here with you guys. I know a break for the rollmaster doesn't happen much.
You all will be fine if you need me email me as always I will always answer emails. If you have not already email me if you are a Journeymen to up date me on what you have been up too. I want to know all brotherhood work. Start listing it to me you never know what might happen if I know everything you are doing.
Well have a great week and a great day. Remember comments are always wanted!</font> <font color="#571B7e">KAP Kaira Rohana (Krath)/RM/Plagueis [GMRG: I] [ACC: CL:1] SB / GC-PoDP / SC-SoA / AC / DC-CP / SN-BL / BN / Cr-1D-2R-12A-24S-35E-14T-10Q / PoB-BL / CF-PlF / CI / SI-BL / LS / SoL / S:-21U-12B
{SA: DMGH - DMW - DMP - DSWP} Prodigy of Plagueisââ¬Â House Rollmaster</font></font></p></font></font></p></font></p></font></p></font></p></font></p></font></p>
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