Report #9 - December 5, 2010 <-
Well, that took longer than expected. I had meant to do a report in November, but hey, what can you do? :P As such, there are a few things to go through in this report. Some of the highlights include results for last month's competitions as well as a few more competitions for this month; ACC updates and some news on general RPing in the DB. Let's get started, shall we?
Someone came up to me this week with some ideas regarding the more hardcore Roleplaying aspects of the club. It is an aspect of the club that has always been lacking due to the time and energy needed to run it compared to the amount of interest in it. However, I am far from against it and would like to see how much interest there is in this sort of thing. Generally, it would involve In-character based IRC sessions and adventures, as well as Forum-based competitions. If doing more roleplaying interests you, shoot me an e-mail at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
November is over, so that means results! Not a lot of participation this month. Don't know why, and it can be a combination of a number of things. I do my best to try and be original with topics, so any feedback I can get from you guys is very much appreciated. This is being done for you, so the more I know about what you like the better it is for everyone.
As always, if anyone has any ideas for competitions, feel free to submit them. I'm only one person and would prefer to have a variety of competitions. I try to be as original as possible to see what people enjoy, but the more ideas the better. And if there are specific things you would like to see, feel free to poke me about those as well.
Load the Can(n)ons #3
1.Xathia (Arcona)
Hymn of Victory
Angelo Palpatine Dante (Scholae Palatinae)
Maol Nor Lexu (Plagueis)
Maaks (Arcona)
Nichos Rhade (Tarentum)
Aabsdu Dupar (Revan)
Reman Khaar (Scholae Palatinae)
Diclonius (Taldryan)
Jedi Tracker
December competitions! Yay! A big thank you to Reman of Scholae Palatinae for having some ideas this month in terms of topics, so he will be co-grading two of the competitions this month. There will also be a competition for later in the month, but I'm sure if you have looked at the competitions page you will see it there. Now, onto the competitions!
Load the Can(n)ons #4 - Each month we will give you the opportunity of throwing it down with a character from the "real" Star Wars universe. Your job is to write the story of a battle between yourself and that character. The story would be considered "out of continuity" as the timelines just would not match. The idea if for your character as they currently are to face off against a canon character from a specific timeline. How that happens is completely up to you. This month, we have for you the team of Han Solo and Chewbacca! This duo is from around the time of ESB, or at their prime, more or less. Good luck!
DB Starfighters - Although the Dark Brotherhood utilizes common ships in the galaxy, it also has a handful of capital ships created specifically for their use. It is now time for you to design the next starfighters for the Dark Brotherhood. You are tasked with creating three types of starfighters; an Interceptor (think A-Wing), a bomber (think B-Wing) and a multi-purpose fighter (think X-Wing). There should be a common theme tying in all three together.
Flow-Walking - You have been given the powerful ability to "Flow Walk". With such power, you may now change the very face of the galaxy. Pick a moment of great importance in the Star Wars galaxy and explain how you would change it using this new power, as well as explaining just what would happen to the rest of galactic history with that change.
For further details on all of these competitions please visit the links. There are high-level Crescents being given out, and the due date for each one is December 31st. Good luck!
Now for some ACC-related news! Muz had released this sometime last month, but a little reminder that the ACC now has some unlockable features in terms of robes and fancy-lightsabers. They are all dependant on your ACC rank though, so check out our dossiers and see what's opened up for you. No other way to get these special lightsabers than through the ACC!
The (slow) process of updating the ACC Compendium has begun. Timeros pointed out a couple of issues that were than addressed. As such, the entire ACC Rules section has been updated to bring it in-line with how the ACC operates today. The section concerning Sacramental Awards has been updated with more ACC-related statistics used. That also means it helps to bring in those awards as your ACC weapon.
Wiki Update time! I've actually completed the first run-through of House articles and each House Summit has been e-mailed all of my comments. Next, I'll be going through the lists once more to see if things have been addressed or not. I've spoken with most House leaders, but a few have never gotten back to me on the comments, so I'll be a little more proactive on my next run-through. I will also be a lot more proactive in terms of updating content as I come across it. Most of my initial time was spent on just looking at the content itself, but now I'll be updating the various pages as needed.
As always, I am here if you have any questions about your wiki pages, and would like to know how it stands. This is especially true if you're looking at doing some major revisions, and are unsure if what you want to do actually makes sense in the DB.
Sometime this week I will be cleaning up the Fiction-section of the Messageboard so that it can once more be used by everyone. This is especially important as the "Reviews" section will be open for business. Every review that relates to a Star Wars book or comic can be posted here and will be eligible for Dark Side Scrolls. The very best reviews will also garner a Dark Cross. Specifics will be posted, and I will have a news post once everything is ready.
Nothing to rant about this time yay for that :P Lots of little things in the pipeline to get done, hopefully making all other activities better because of it. I love the rich history we've developed in this club over the years, and want to ensure that we manage to keep a certain level of quality in all of our documents. It's also great to see all of the other work being done in the club (hooray for Prestige!). In other news, I have spent way too much time playing Minecraft, but have had oh so much fun with it.
A new Fate of the Jedi book has been released, Vortex, that I will be reading as soon as I'm finished this final Dark Tower book. The Fate of the Jedi series has been ok, although I don't like these multi-part series' that they keep producing. They seem to water down the general concept and just prolong the narrative. I'm sure it's great money business-wise, but makes for some boring reads at times. I'll try and bring you more Star Wars news on the DB site, especially fiction-related. Perhaps a weekly round-up of news so we don't clutter the whole page.
Report Lyrics:_ "You just keep on trying till you run out of cake"_
In Darkness,
Dark Jedi Master Halcyon Taldrya
Voice of the Brotherhood
Sith Lord
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Still Alive - Portal
Well, GladOS
ummm, Portal was the
Song is Still Alive and its by Jonathan Coulton
Kael followed up enough to grab the Crescent...there were a couple of "correct" answers, and GladOS was the "singer", so that was one of the answers for Still Alive.
I don't know if you knew this Halc, but Del Rey said at C5 that Fate of the Jedi is their last multi-book series for a while. Once it ends with Apocalypse they will be returning to one-offs, with some duos thrown in. I agree, nine books is too long to keep up a story.
Also, with the reviews section of the message boards. Will examples be provided for some reviews, so people know what to aim for? Or, more specifically, will reviews that garner Dark Crosses be pointed out as doing such on the boards? I'm just wondering what sort of standards will be in place for what I think is a very cool idea. Thanks dude!
I'll be writing one about Vortex in a few minutes Aabs
Glad to hear they're not doing the multi-parters anymore. Should hopefully make for some better overall novels.
I will try and put some "guidelines" down, but I don't have any examples as of yet. It would be some sort of combination of a strong synopsis with an in-depth review/analysis. Those submitted for the original comp were just lacking in one area or another, but were close.
w00t! More competitions to work towards. :) With my classes nearing completion for the semester I'll have plenty of time to get back to my writing.