Rollmaster Report


Rollmaster Report

The Rollmaster slumped down in her office chair, her head banging and body drained of strength. Outside she could still hear the continuous re-runs of training exercises, after all those Journeymen weren’t going to get a break until they got it right. As she dropped her head into her hands, Cassandra let out a sigh, even the force couldn’t push back the eternal migraine.

That’s when she decided to look up, and blimey that just made her day even worse. Uncompleted paperwork everywhere, folders, and all that Plagueis related business. With a groan, she jumped to her feet, and turned to the window that had a open view of Kapsina.

“God, I need a Break…”


Well hey there gang! I had the time today to “steal” some internet usage from work as its only daytime and were dead…No one ordering pizza just yet, thank god ! But yer, so just to pass the time, I decided to empty my inbox and get a report out. And well since my last report, I am very impressed what’s gone on. Lots of medals, new people, new year, new stuff blah, blah…blah.


So firstly, there were great new robes and saber sets out over the Christmas period. And I must say, they were bloody sweet! So great work there to the designers and what not….

There is a awesome ACC event coming up soon, check out the main news page for details! Its pretty sweet, and as long as I get my internet soon I may just be signing up too.

And just as a side note, Tarentum are looking for a new Aedile, if you think your up to the challenge of leadership check it out!

I would like to welcome out new members, we have Traan’Reith who transferred over to us, its great to see an active Veteran, one who is having a good impact on the House. We also welcome APP Zaenton Zarrus, APP DarkFlame and APP DarkJediNightBlade

Next I would like to congratulate everyone in their recent promotions within the Military branches! Its great to see activity being honoured, so real good work there guys!

A New Master and Student Pairing, Voden and Eivil. May your time together come with great success!


For the very first big one, I would like to congratulate Viv on his promotion to Sith Battle Lord.

APP Kushz Nor Lexu was promoted to NOV, Great work!


Lots and lots of medals, just shows how active our little House really is, Great work everyone…prepare for a nice long list LOL

OT Koga Kage: Cluster’s of fire x 39 KAP Kaira Rohana: Anteian Cross x1 Dark Cross x1, Crescent of Topaz Star x1, Crescent of Emerald Star x, Crescent of Sapphire Star x1 DJK Maol Nor Lexu: Crescent of Sapphire Star x5, Dark Cross x1, Cluster’s of Fire x88, Crescent of Topaz Star x1, Crescent of Diamond Star x1 NOV Kaixa Nor Lexu: Cluster’s of fire x15 DJK Tiberius Di Cloud: Crescent of Emerald Star x2, Dark Cross x1, Crescent of Topaz Star x1 GRD Navrez: Cluster’s of fire x3 JH Furios: Crescent of Sapphire Star x1, Crescent of Topaz Star x1, Crescent of Quartz star x1, Dark Cross x1 NOV Kushz Nor Lexu: Cluster of Fire x14 SW Sarak Shai: Cluster of Fire x2 ACO Zuser Whuloc: Crescent of Quartz Star x1 DJK Unus: Dark Cross x, Crescent of Topaz Star x1 DJK Mograine: Dark Cross x1 GRD Zeon: Cluster’s of fire x2 SW Cassandra El’sin: Crescent of Emerald Star x2, Cluster of Ice x1, Crescent of Sapphire Star x, Crescent of Topaz Star x1

So Yer..… That is Great Work Everyone!


A good couple of these were done since my last report, that’s some great hard work there, so well done everyone!

Kaixa Nor Lexu: Dark Brotherhood Basics Maol Nor Lexu: Mandalorian Studies Navrez: Lightsaber studies, Advanced Lightsaber Studies, Combat Tactics II Eivil Grimstroke: Lightsaber Studies and Advanced Lightsaber Studies


So guys, just a pre warning at this, WATCH YOUR TIME LIMITS. Although fights in the ACC are fun and daring, we need to tackle down on watching out time limits, to many time outs makes it just boring I guess. But any who….

Viv had his new CS approved, along with Zuser and Navrez.

SBM Kal di Plagia Vorrac vs. SW Cassandra El'sin Victorious: SW Cassandra El’sin (Kal Timeout)

KP Guinevere Deschain vs. JH Furios Victorious: KP Guinevere Deschain (Furios Timeout)

And the Training fight between Tiberius Di Cloud vs. Kal Vorrac went to timeout on behalf of our Quaestor.

So hint hint Mr Vorrac LOL

Thought of the day

" The thought of a long journey should not be of the distance to get where you are going but to enjoy life along the way."


So great work, from my end ill be back in full activity hopefully within a week or two. Back to work with me for now, ill speak to you all soon. Keep up the great work.

In Darkness

SW Cassandra El’sin Rollmaster of Plagueis Grand Admiral of the Fleet 10269

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