Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

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Jusadih System Sigil 2

"I don't understand why we keep that thing." Unus said, looking through electrobinoculars at the border of the Vongformed jungle. "It's an abomination and a death trap." The Weequay had never been very amiable toward anything Vongformed. It was little surprise; as Kal understood it, Domus had seen his entire clan obliterated by the Yuuzhan Vong. The hatred was good, so long as he controlled it and not vice-versa. It made him strong. "We keep it because of its value, General." Looking through a similar pair of binoculars, he smiled. "Those plants and animals are virtually all Force-dead." "And you call that valuable, Master?" Unus asked, raising a spike-rimmed eyebrow. "A place without the Force, where we cannot sense or fully fight?" It's a place of weakness." "Hardly," Kal replied, setting his binoculars aside. "Such a place makes us use our troops, get used to interacting with our soldiers." "With due respect, Sir," The Weequay replied. He always seemed to intermix the two terms; Kal had ceased to care about that fact when the formal training between them had ended. "We already train our troops to be their best. We teach them to respect, trust, and rely on our Foxtrot Uniforms. What more is there?" "It's simple, Apprentice," Kal said, as was habit when he was teaching someone, "We must learn to respect, trust, and rely upon them too." The thought gave Unus pause as Kal turned and walked back toward the Training Center.

Shintera Natrix City

"You've got a lot of gall, coming here," The Houk said. He hefted a huge repeating rifle. "What do you want?" "Well, I'll be blunt," The man said, his eyes glinting as he looked upon the Houk. His dark hair was tied back, his attire a dull gray beneath a well-worn travelling cloak. He kept his hood up. "Your operation deals in the... acquisition and distribution of certain Regime property. Particularly of the militant variety." The thugs surrounding him looked dumbfounded, but at least the Houk seemed to understand. These types could be so dim-witted; it was almost pointless to attempt reason. "You think we can just make a deal with any idiot that stumbles in? Even if we did deal in those things," He said, eyes squinting with barely-restrained offense, "You might be their agent." "Look," The man said again, his face seeming to lose some of its humor, "Every day, they interdict more of you and your kind between runs. Every day, intelligence leaks that leads them to you." He looked the Houk in the eye. "Someone talks, credits get passed between hands, and your operation gets a little smaller." Grinning, the man spread his hands out wide. It exposed the edges of something silvery on his belt for a split second. "We can change all that." "Pah!" The Houk said. "Perhaps I'll mention you to my bosses. We might work something out. Until then," He said, getting a menacing cast and pointing the rifle at the stranger, "Get spaced." The man sprang forward, a blade of blue light flashing from his palm, cutting the weapon in half and slicing through the Houk's kneecaps. As he fell to the ground, the humanoid didn't have a moment to scream before the blade took his head off in one clean swipe. Deactivating his saber, the man clipped it back to his belt and turned to leave. "Negotiations have failed, and now you have our ultimatum. You'll be contacted soon." He'd tried the peaceful method, and now, he'd been forced to use aggression. That was fine; he had done things properly. All things in balance.

A new year, Plagueis! We've gone through some tough times in the past few months, but we're still here. Our faithful members have become strong and our activity base continues to grow! In even better news, we're literally within days of the Reboot's completion and launch! More on that in a few. I'd like to say that I'm proud to be the Quaestor of this fine House, and that I look forward to your future progress with eager eyes!

Lots of fun new items to kick off the New Year. Included in these are the rewards from the just-passed Herald Style Hannukah event, where Dark Jedi of various ranks were given new robe and lightsaber options. Also, we have an upcoming ACC competition for Equite and Elder members. Plagueians, if there's ever been a chance to practice with the pros and get your name out there, it's here. Next, be sure to check out the Fist of the Brotherhood's note about the Grand Master's Royal Guard, as it may prove informative.

The position of Aedile for House Tarentum is open to applicants. While I believe in Plagueis very strongly and am proud of everyone's loyalty, we are a Brotherhood. If one House suffers, we all suffer. If one flourishes, we all flourish. If anyone thinks they're up to the challenge, remember to check out Quaestor Tavisaen Tarentae's post concerning the subject. I look forward to seeing a few healthy attempts from some of our best and brightest.

As mentioned, the Reboot is just about ready to launch. Once we've got that finished, we'll be breaking into some big plans for the New Year. I'll touch more on the specifics in the next section, but expect word on our future as a House, our teaching methods, and the very planets and cities therein that we call home. In short, it is going to be an explosive, exciting, and ground-breaking year. The last months of 2010 were our rebirth as a House and a unit; 2011 will be our first true steps toward greatness. Let's all get ready to Adapt to the New Year's challenges, Ascend to greater heights of activity and skill, and Avail as we seek to be the best of the best!

The Taking of Si'Tilk: The Reboot Event, officially titled the Taking of Si'Tilk, will begin very, very soon. We're literally just checking over the final fiction, getting some events ironed out and approved, and sorting logistics. This month, we'll undergo House Plagueis' first true test as its own entity. We will face an enemy from our past, strike out into alien territory, and reclaim sites of great import on the planet Sigil 2. Best of all, as promised time and again, you'll all have that chance to fatten up your Officer Ranks with bonus point rewards for heavy activity.

Training Program: We will literally begin phasing this into things as soon as the Taking of Si'Tilk draws to a close. We'll be using a system previously designed for Clan Plagueis, but not yet implemented at the time of the Reform. It will be adjusted to suit our House. However, I will divulge a few specifics. Anyone who wishes to be Master to a Student in the House will join a body of Masters. These will be supplemented by the Rollmaster, who manages the group, and a new unofficial role known as the Taskmaster, who handles the members not yet at the rank of Protector. In short, this is our way of ensuring every Plagueian Journeyman is taught by a group that is properly managed, well-acquainted, united, and yet still free enough to oversee their own students. As an added option, anyone who does not wish formal training is welcome to take their own path. No one will be forced to do this; only those who seek help will recieve it.

House Enemy: With the closing of the Reboot Event, we'll be in a position to begin fleshing out our House's storyline and events, leading up to our new House Enemy. This is an exciting thought for me, as it will give us a constant, steady, and dangerous foe to contend with. No longer can Plagueis sit unopposed in Jusadih, no longer can we simply step on any movement that gathers steam. We are the Ascendant House, we are a Militant House, and we are about to be tested.

Dominion Restructure: This has to be the most monumental and game-changing event for the New Year. For our entire history as a unit, our Dominion has had some obvious flaws, some feelings of disunity and unnecessary content. It has never really been what it needs to be; a home for Plagueis and the Jusadih Military Regime. However, while the fact that many people in the Brotherhood do not know or have reason to learn about the Jusadih System, we Adapt to the problem and Ascend beyond it by remaking our planets to better serve ourselves, our House, and our Brotherhood.

Hosted by the Voice of the Brotherhood [VOICE] Dream Job: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competition.php?id=5419 [VOICE] In the Quest for Glory: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competition.php?id=5417 [VOICE] Load the Can(n)ons #5: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competition.php?id=5418 [VOICE] Prestigious Prestige: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competition.php?id=5416

Hosted by the Fist of the Brotherhood [FIST] JO CTF: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competition.php?id=5407 [FIST] Special Platform: Assassin's Creed Brotherhood: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competition.php?id=5408 [FIST]Double CF Days: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competition.php?id=5409 [FIST]EaW:Ground Only: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competition.php?id=5410 End of the Year Gaming: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competition.php?id=5415

Plagueian Competitions All Plagueian Competitions this month will be during the Reboot Event.

Brotherhood-Wide Competitions [Gaming] Old vs New: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competition.php?id=5414 Body Count: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competition.php?id=5406 #Tarentum Trivia: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/competition.php?id=4761

We've seen some active new additions to the roster for Army Branch. Kaixa and Kushz Nor Lexu join the Plagueian roster, brothers to our Navy's newest captain and active Journeymen both. Welcome aboard!

Task Force Malgus is finally in its first state of activity, with the appointment of Lt. Colonel Furios as its CO. Their Wiki page will soon be fully functional, and we can expect active and ready Foxtrot Uniforms to fill its roster and undertake the Army's deadliest, most-sensitive missions! When the troops and transports are just in the way, Task Force Malgus takes the lead!

The Reboot Event will finally see the organized form of our Ground Forces put into play! Active Foxtrot Uniforms can look forward to commanding the big guns in campaign after bloody campaign. Enjoy the new hardware, boys and girls.

Big news for the Navy this month. First and foremost, we see the ascension of Brigadier Admiral Kaira Rohana! Kaira has been one of our most-active members for her entire tenure, and her sheer Merit Point earnings stand as a testament to that fact. Well done, Kaira! You continue to be an example to us all.

Many other members from Navy Branch have also seen promotion, including Captain Maol Nor Lexu and Commander Tiberius di Cloud! These two continue to be stellar members, and join the slew of actives that Navy has brought to the forefront! You guys rock, keep at it! I look forward to even more Navy activity in the New Year!

Intel's biggest news lies in the promotion of a very influential member. Captain Vivackus Kavon di Plagia was my first Aedile in the position of PLA Quaestor, has been my friend for quite some time, and was and still is my most-successful student. He shows the benefits of stepping up, putting your name out there, and striving to change a long-standing organization like the ACC for the better. These benefits show themselves most in his promotion to the rank of Sith Battlelord! Well done, Viv! You show us each day why you wear the name di Plagia!

Next up, an Officer Rank promotion. For some time, Navrez has been an active face in House Plagueis. Transferring from Revan out of a need for a change of scenery, he has since shown himself to be a prolific Jedi Outcast player, an active Intel Operative, and now, a Lt. Colonel of the Directorate! Well done, Nav!

Finally, Intel's structure has been completed and the first of its Jusadih facilities has been fleshed out. It now awaits implementation. I'd like to personally thank every active Operative that stepped up, took the initiative, and pitched in. Through your efforts, we have seen the Foe Hammer installation on Shintera become the Directorate's newest base of operations! Great teamwork, guys!

First and foremost, we see the departure of a Plagueian titan from a Command post. Alaris Jinn di Plagia has stepped down from the position of CAG Marshal, and though we are sad to see his experience and skill leave the position, we congratulate him for his appointment as the Right Hand of Justice for the Chamber of Justice! Well done, Alaris! We know you'll do well.

Stepping in to fill this void is a veteran member of the Brotherhood. He came to us with an interest to increase his activity, and has done just that. By keeping in touch with us, working on projects, and getting his active members in gear, I have no doubt that CAG Marshal Tra'an Reith is exactly what the doctor ordered for Corps Branch. His skill, tenacity, and dedication to his new post will surely see this become one of Plagueis' greatest areas of skill, activity, and companionship.

I'd like to take a moment to acknowledge the past, elaborate on the present, and give my vision of the future. Years ago, an event known as the Dictum of Two Skies brought Clan Satal Keto and Clan Exar Kun together. Though both Houses were in rough shape, they came together under the banner of Clan Plagueis, which at the time was planned to be a "Superclan", a unit dedicated to producing active and ready Equites for the Brotherhood. Sadly, this dream did not come to fruition.

Through conflicts of identity and loyalty, through the shift between competent and incompetent leaders, constant drama, disunity, and a lack of identity, Clan Plagueis ground to a halt. It survived over the years, but barely. At times, members stepped up to the helm to bring the pieces back together, members like Darth Sarin, Aabsdu Dupar, Alaris Jinn, and Braecen Kaeth. Over time, seeds of what was needed to grow and thrive arose, but they were always held back by incomplete Summit activity and lasting setbacks from the merging of Satal Keto and Exar Kun. We had moments of greatness and times of success, but ultimately, we faced the same fate as every other Clan in the Brotherhood. Clan Plagueis ceased to exist, and House Plagueis was born.

Let's think about my wording there, particularly the word "born". As any active Plagueian will tell you, this House is not what it used to be. We are more united, more focused, and geared to repair, replace, or upgrade every facet of this unit. House Plagueis is the child of Clan Satal Keto and Clan Exar Kun, the child of their union in Clan Plagueis; we gained our Dominion, our Order of Battle, and much of our member base and lore from this union. We share its building blocks. Now, however, we are not going to sit in the same rut as our forefather Clans. We are going to stride forward, take our shot at greatness, and forge our own destiny! First as a House, and then as a Clan, a Clan Reborn! No longer are we disunited Ketoans or Kunians, no longer split between sides that are above the workings that we rely upon now. We are not the losers, we are not the last, and we will not be the House that sits back and lets fate take it.

We are Plagueians, and we are proud of it.

"If you're walking down the right path and you're willing to keep walking, eventually you'll make progress." - Barack Obama

For all those who don't bother to read the whole thing, I'll sum it up for you.

  • New Year, big plans.
  • Reboot this month.
  • TAR AED open for applications, check news page for details.
  • Lots of competitions, see above.
  • Military promotions, well done everyone!
  • Viv's a Sith Battlelord! :D
  • Our own destiny, see above.

So, until next month, everyone...

Adapt! Ascend! Avail!

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