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Arcona Quaestor Report #3
First and foremost, I'd like to just apologise for the lax report schedule that I've suffered. It's been too long since my last report and while you guys have generally been kept abreast of everything that's going on, I know that these reports need to be rolling on a more regular basis. So, prepare to be annoyed more often by my inane ramblings, as well as the slightly better written and far more arousing musings of our friendly neighbourhood Aedile as we get back into a more regular report schedule.
Now, the main thing that has happened recently was the AWOL check which was run by the MAAs office. I remember telling you all how important it was that we had as many people as possible reply to the check and I am delighted (that's right, delighted) to see our roster standing at 45 members. Sounds low compared to 109 that we had before the check, but I am honestly happier with the number we now have. It shows that we have 45 members who are willing to fight for Arcona's survival and advancement, and that number is second only to Naga Sadow. The dead weight has been taken away and we now know where we stand, and we stand in a very good position indeed. You've all done yourselves and the Summit proud and I intend to make sure that you all have fun things to take part in and ways to involve yourselves in the Brotherhood and advance. So yeah, I just wanted to say that you've all done brilliantly and it's a fantastic team effort that now sees us sitting pretty with a highly active and diverse membership.
On to something slightly different, as you will have seen over the e-group we currently have a set of competitions running as part of Operation Haystack. The idea behind the Operation is to start trying to explain what Arcona does in the time between the huge Wars that roll around every few IC years. Obviously, we don't just sit around all the time twiddling our thumbs and playing cards, so we will be running a series of 'Operations' to try and explain some of the more normal activities that Arcona undertakes, the first of these being Haystack. The competition links will appear later in the report for any who might have missed them, but they offer a good chance to earn some rewards and get your name written in to Arcona's fictional history should you win one of the events, so I'd highly recommend throwing a submission or two in if you can.
-AWOL check is done, we kept 45 members, excellent work all!
-Operation Haystack is currently running, be sure to check the links later in the report.
-Talos takes over as Commisioner of the Arcona Contract Bureau, go him.
-The Voice is looking for a Praetor and a Magistrate, his news post can be found here:
-We have a Runon going with Tarentum at the moment, if you haven't got involved yet there is still time, be sure to check it out here: and the discussion page is here:
-Be sure to check the DB main site on a regular basis, it has a lot of things there so make sure you don't miss anything.
-Voden Arjin received an AC and a promotion to OT!
-Amber Amnell was promoted to NOV!
-Sayar Fey'lya was promoted to PRT!
-Wuntila Zratian Entar was promoted to OP!
-Marick Del'Abbot was promoted to OP!
-Celevon Edraven was promoted to GRD!
-Archer Merchant was promoted to DJK!
-Sashar Erinos Arconae got 2 DCs!
-Celahir Erinos got a DC and an SC!
-Timeros Caesus Entar Arconae got an SC!
-Well done to everyone, including the numerous people who earned Cfs, PoBs and Crescents in the past month or so, you've flooded my inbox with your accomplishments admirably, so keep up the good work!
-Welcome to Ranem Kota, Jed Death, tyrannous and Bluntus, as well as a couple of older members who have rejoined during the recent AWOL check, good to have you all with us!
-After the AWOL check we lost around 60 members who were no longer active, good luck to them in the future.
Arcona Comps - [Operation Haystack] Codebreaker #1: - [Operation Haystack] Trivia #1: - [Operation Haystack] Fiction #1: - [Operation Haystack] Graphics #1: - [Operation Haystack] Poetry #1:
DB-Wide Comps - [HM] 2011 Brotherhood "Draft": - 2v1 ACC Competition: - Valentine's Day: - [FIST]Halo Reach Tournament: - [FIST] BF2 Space Only: - [FIST]RC Team Up: - [FIST]Special Gaming Event: Sins of a Solar Empire: - [FIST]StarCraft 2: - End of the Year Gaming: - [VOICE] Load the Can(n)ons #6: - [Voice] Bi-Weekly Mission #1 - Clue: - [Voice] Bows & Arrows: - [Voice] Will you be a Valentine?:
Well, we have the AWOL check out of the way and we're going very strong at the moment, and that is all down to you the members. I'm exceptionally proud of each and every one of you and I look forward to seeing everyone keep going as we have been. You've been awesome, and hopefully we'll go from strength to strength as we get ready for what comes next. There is a War on the horizon people, and we will be ready for it when it comes around.
Arcona Invicta!
Zandro Savric Erinos Arconae Arcona QUA [medals] [degrees]
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