Greetings Jeth's Legacy!
As I'm sure you all have noticed, things have been rather quiet lately. I have been....rather preoccupied in my RL and Ryujin has recently been busy as well. However, I am back and I am taking over as head of this great Battleteam.
Well, aside from leader changing there is not much to talk about in this report. However, I would like everyone to congratulate Murtallica on his promotion to Jedi Hunter. He has been working extremely hard and has definitely earned the boost to his status. Congrats Murt.
As for everything else...I plan to run a few competitions soon (easy ones to keep the activity in check). As far as other work, there are always the competitions run by the Voice and the Fist. Also, I hope to see everyone in the BT post in the House Run-On. That has been quiet as well, but it is my hope that it will swing back into action. Those of you who haven't posted or just haven't posted in a while, check out the story and add some more to it. If you would like someone to critique your post (which I highly encourage) feel free to send an advance copy to Ji, Akhera, and me (or anyone of the above if you don't want to use all three) and we'll be happy to point out things that can improve your post.
I'm thinking of trying another idea. At the beginning of each report, I generally like to include some fiction that ties into what is going on with the Battleteam. Sometimes, it's an excerpt from an RO (such as the house RO) or simply something I came up with as I sat down to write the report. I am opening this section up to you, the members. If you want to write a piece of fiction to head up my report, feel free to do so. Who knows, you might earn something for your efforts and you for sure get to see your name mentioned in an official report :)
I'm going to come to a close with this summary:
Murt gets JH, congratulate him! Post in House RO and be on lookout for JL competitions! Send fiction to BTL to be used in Reports!
Thanks all, hope to see great things from you!
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