Obelisk Sergeant Report


Obelisk Sergeant Report

The Temple of Fire was silent that night. A storm was blowing in, but it would be a few hours before it brought it’s wrath upon this section of Sepros. There were no lights on as well. To the casual observer, it was as though the place was completely empty.

Nothing could be further from the truth. There was one soul, who moved in the dark because he needed no light to see, and made no sound because his life hinged on creating no disturbance as he moved. Even to an observer who felt and controlled the power of the Force, this being had no echo, no presence within it. He wasn’t dead to the Force, but his own power was subdued and withdrawn, tightly contained.

This being was Mirado, the sergeant in charge of the Regulators. He stepped into the main briefing room, hung his coat on the wall hook (and cursed that his good nexu hide coat had been destroyed, forcing him to actually PAY for a nerf hide coat, the inconvenience of it all!) and took his usual seat. He tapped the holoplate projector’s power switch, and listened to it hum to life.

Though his eyes were blind, the energy coursing through the device was perfectly visible, and the opening screen hung in the air in front of his empty eye sockets. Mirado reached into his pocket, and pulled out the small data disc he’d grabbed before he’d left Gamuslag.

Inserting it, he waited for the information to load, and then watched as several dossiers sprung up in front of him. Zeak Yurashima, Sephrah, and Masika Oshairana. They had some decent references. Two of them were apprenticed to his family, his cousin and his brother, and the other was being taken to raise by Ekia, a woman that Mirado himself had enjoyed working for, and with.

He studied the information for a while, the holoplate humming quietly as he read. Several hours later, he pulled the data disc out, and pulled up the comm system. He placed a quick call, and got the affirmative he was looking for.

Tomorrow, their lives were getting flipped upside down.

-= Battleteam Leader report begins =-

Regulators! It’s been a while, so I thought I’d toss a report up. Finally decided to do some fiction too. We’ve got some stuff to cover, but I’ll be brief.

First off, if you haven’t noticed, we’ve got some new additions to the team. Zeak, Masika, and Sephrah, take a short bow. These folk have shown enough activity to warrant getting stuck in here with the rest of us awesome folk.

I’ve gotten myself more organized as well, and have your activity tracked now, having finally learned how to use a database correctly. Needless to say, the end of February, beginning of March, I should have your point totals updated as well.

Speaking of points, awards, all that fine stuff, there’s a competition up right now, which I’ve sent information on via the Regulators group. I can’t urge you all enough to participate in this competition. Why, you might ask? Well, I suppose it’s time to spill a bean or two. If you haven’t noticed, you’re here because you’re showing the right kind of activity and participation, the kind that gets people noticed. (Mac, back me up here) These people that get noticed get opportunities, if they want them, the kinds of opportunities that net them leadership positions.

Is this a big deal? It sure is. Why? I’ll show you.


Look there, under the Equite 2 heading. Go ahead, I’ll wait.

Ok, done? Notice that to make the rank of Equite 2, you need time as an AED or higher. Right now, there’s only one AED position, but with constant effort, and participation, the chance to become a clan again is possible. If that happens, there’s several slots that can open up, thus allowing you to step up for the good of Sadow.

This competition I’ve mentioned, helps you learn the skills you’ll need in order to assume that position. I’m going to add some competitions later in a similar vein as well.

Also, speaking of competitions, this is a big deal, so keep listening. Roxas is planning what I can only call a Speed Feud (my name for it, not his). Three day competitions which will net you some quick shinies. It’ll be 9 competitions in total, over 9 days. I’ll keep you all appraised of that particular situation. In addition, the Grand Master’s report tells us of some DB wide awesomeness coming up, and there’s another shindig going on in Sadow called Fractured Mirror II, which I believe I’ve mentioned before. Plenty of stuff to keep us busy.

In addition, there’s a Run On competition coming in March. Teams of 3 to 5 people, and signups are happening now. Start looking to build a team everybody, it’d be a good opportunity to hop on IRC as well.

So, there’s that. Keep rockin’ it Regulators. We’re showing pretty good right now, I want us to show better, always

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